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Dancing into the heart of Mr.Cold Novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-02-28 22:22:33 | 1 View
Chapter 9 Charles was stunned .
He looked at Olivia , who was now curled up on the ground like a beaten dog , Olivia did you really say that ? Tears streamed down her face as she shook her head desperately , Rogerio clenched his fists , veins bulging on the back of his hand , Just as the storm inside him was about to explode , a weak murmur came from his arms .
He immediately tensed , his brows furrowing How do you feel ? Dont be afraid .

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Were going to the hospital right now .
Before leaving , Rogerio glanced at the untouched bottles on the table .
Since you all cant tell the difference between alcohol and water , allow me to help you remember .
One bottle per person .
Finish them all .
Elder Adams , Ill leave it to you .
The elderly man respectfully watched Rogerio leave , then turned to the still stunned guests , his smile vanishing Drink up .
More than a dozen bottles lined the table .
No one could escape drinking at least one .
Olivia , already forced to drink half a bottle , was visibly pale with fear .
The others turned on her in anger .
This is your fault ! Why did you say it was water ? How could you force Charlotte Edwards to drink when shes allergic ? She was about to leave why did you have to force her to dance ? What was the point ? Tears welled up in Olivias eyes as she clutched Charless sleeve .
Charles , you believe me , right ? I really saw her switch glasses … Shes too smart to do something that would put herself in danger .
Charles hesitated but nodded .
Thats right .
She mustve done this to make me feel guilty … Elder Adams , growing impatient with the theatrics , slammed his cane against the floor .
Young man , whatever issues you have with her , settle them later .
Right now , we have business to take care of .
08:51 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Ca 5.3 % Chapter 9 Charles hesitated .
But Elder Adams the banquet is about to start .
If we drink ourselves stupid now wouldnt that be disrespectful to the host ? Oh Charles Elder Adams chudded darkly .
Do you think you can offend President White and all sit here like nothing happene Everyones expressions changed Charles licked his dry lips .
Elder Adams does President White know Charlotte Edwards ? Hes never been to London before .
Just as I thought .
Charles breathed a sigh of relief .
Theres no way she knows someone that powerful .
Olivia wiped her tears .
This is bad … Now President White has misunderstood us all because of her .
Shes really too reckless .
She didnt even think about you .
Charless face darkened .
Ridiculous .
Knock knock .
Elder Adams rapped his cane against the floor .
One last time will you drink willingly , or shall I force you ? When I regained consciousness , I found myself lying in a hospital bed .
Bzzz- My phone vibrated on the nightstand .
I instinctively reached for it and saw a string of missed calls from Charles .
The unread messages at the top were all from him .
Charlotte Edwards , youve disappointed me .
I never expected you to care about me like Olivia does , but at least dont stab me in the back .
Choosing to keep our marriage secret was the best decision I ever made .
Are you trying to seduce Rogerio just to provoke me ? Forget it someone like him would never look at damaged goods like you .
Explain everything to Rogerio , or dont bother coming back .
Memories of the banquets humiliation surged through me .
My chest tightened , a violent cough shaking my frame .
A warm hand landed gently on my back , soothing me .
Rebecca , how do you feel ? 08:51 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
5.5 % I froze , eyes widening in shock .
What … What did you just call me ? It had been so long since anyone called me Rebecca that I almost forgot that before becoming Charlotte name was Rebecca .
Once the young lady of River Biotechnology , the model student and top scholar everyone spoke highly of .
The name from the past brought back painful memories , and I instinctively pulled my hand back , curling into a ball .
Im sorry , I scared you , the mans voice trembled , suppressing his emotions .
Dont be afraid , Rebecca .
Take a good look and see who I am .
Perhaps his gentle reassurance calmed me , and my turbulent emotions slowly subsided .
I rubbed my eyes hard , and the mans handsome features slowly began to merge with the young boy in my memories .
Are you Rogerio ? When I was five , my parents took me to a remote mountain village for a charity event .
A group of children , their clothes ragged , stood in front of us , each telling their sad stories .
But I immediately noticed the silent boy standing at the back of the group .
Compared to the other kids , he looked so frail and inconspicuous .
Yet , in that fleeting moment when our eyes met , I somehow grabbed my fathers sleeve .
Dad.I want that little brother ! My father , a well known doting father , naturally listened to me .
So , Rogerio came with us back to London .
I didnt know his full name ; I just followed behind him , calling him Rogerio .
5.7 %

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