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Dancing into the heart of Mr.Cold Novel

Chapter 34

Update: 2025-02-28 22:22:33 | 1 View
Chapter 34 CHARLOTTE In the middle of the hallway stood men hammering the walls .
I looked on in terror as my head throbbed from the noise .
A draft blew into the room , and my eyes watered as I sneezed .
When my vision cleared , I saw a woman standing in the middle of the room .
I broke into a grin as we locked gazes .
Elena La Guerta … I muttered .
Youve heard of me , she sneered and she walked towards me through the rubble that had been created .
Who hasnt ? Why are you here ? And who are these people breaking my walls ? I asked , folding my arms across my chest .
If this was her idea of a first impression , she was doing a wonderful job of pissing me off .
With a mocking face , she uttered .
You call it yours , but it belongs to the Thuthais .
Its Rogerios house .
I swallowed at the mention of his name , and my resolve crumbled a little .
She chuckled and turned around .
This triggered a memory from the engagement party .
I smiled wistfully as Maria walked into the hallway .
She had been cleaning the study when she heard the commotion .
How did you get past the gate ?! she yelled , and the men froze .
They all turned to Elena , who stood between me and a visibly annoyed María .
She raised her hand in feigned surrender and turned around to look at me .
We knocked ; no one was there , so we … Broke through ? I interrupted .
She rolled her eyes and turned to Maria .
We let ourselves in , she said with a shrug and lowered her hands .
Fancy way to say it , I retorted , and Maria sneered at her .
My eyes widened in fear for a moment , then turned into amusement .
I had never seen her so angry , and as she yelled at the men to get out of the house , I realized that I had never seen her angry at all .
Maria .
Im sorry about the noise , Signora , she said to me , turning her attention to Elena .
Get out .
You cant say that to me , she responded calmly , taking off her gloves .
Youre just a maid here .
I frowned at her condescending look and started walking towards them .
You cant say that to her .
You dont have a say here ; you are a nobody , she announced without looking at me and raised her right hand to look at something .
I followed her gaze and chuckled as my eyes landed on her engagement ring .
Is that why youre here ? To assert dominance over an engagement you ran away from the first time ? I demanded , and she flinched at my sarcastic tone .
I like to call it taking back whats mine .
Youve been here long enough ; nobody wants the placeholder anymore .
21:21 Dancing into the Heart of Mr C 21.9 % Chapter 34 Fair , but this is my house now .

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My estate , This estate belongs to the wife of Rogerio , and thats going to be me soon .
This was always the original plan .
I dont care about you enough to give attention to this nonsense , I stated as a wave of annoyance coursed through my body .
I held my palm to stifle a cough as I walked closer to her .
She lowered her hand and looked at me suspiciously .
I stood next to her and whispered in her ear .
You came in here ; I have never sought you out or started a scene with you for being the reason my marriage is broken .
What you will not do is break my walls or come in here uninvited , She opened her mouth to say something , but I cut her off .
Take your grievances up with the law , Go to court and talk to Rogerio , but the next time you break into this house , it wont be a friendly conversation .
Get out before I call the cops .
Her eyes flashed with disdain and resistance for a moment , then she smiled .
Ill be back , she vowed and exited the room .
Maria followed hotly on her heels and didnt return till I could hear the revving of her car as she drove off .
She walked into the hallway , looking scared and annoyed .
Theyre gone , Signora .
I sighed in relief and looked around at the mess she had caused .
Maria , call the lawyer and the accountant .
We need to hire security and some other people ; we cant have strangers walking into the estate .
She broke in ; you could press charges , Signora , she advised , and she started to pick up the frames that had fallen on the floor .
That would be playing right into her hands .
Im not interested in this game ; she can play on her own .
I need to know if this estate generates any substantial amount of money , and I have some saved that could help us .
We cant live like this .
Alright , Signora .
Do you want lunch? she inquired , and I shook my head in response .
You are not getting me lunch ; neither are you picking up after those people .
Well get other people to do it ; just arrange the appointments , please .
She nodded in response and walked into the study to use the phone there .
I turned around and walked towards the bedroom .
My thoughts were scrambled all over the place .
I knew that the first line of action included protecting myself , but Maria was right .
I could report to the police , but she also threatened to return .
I tried to put the exchange out of my mind as I got dressed , but that was futile .
I felt like she had put a target on my back .
Walking in here , telling me to leave .
Who does she think she is ? I muttered and heard a knock on the door .
A few seconds later , Marias head popped through , and her eyes scanned the room , then rested on me .
Signora , you should be in bed .
21:21 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Co 22.0% Chapter 34 When I return , I answered and picked up my purse .
Im going to get lunch , then run a few errands .
Are the appointments booked ? Yes , 4 pm and 6 pm at their offices , she answered , and she gave me two business cards with the addresses of the establishments .
I stared at them for a moment , then put them in my purse .
Thank you , I said and walked towards the door .
Ill send some food along for you too ; what would you like ? Oh , Ill just cook something , she questioned , and I shook my head in response as I walked out of the room .
She moved out of the way and followed closely as I made my way to the garage .
I opened my car and got in.
She took one look at me and sighed in resignation .
She turned around and started walking towards the gate .
Theres no need to open it ; the new bride already broke through , I mumbled , and she stopped in her tracks .
She turned around to look at me and chuckled .
Stay safe , Signora ; call if you need anything .
I nodded in response and drove out of the garage .
I glanced at the rearview mirror and caught a glimpse of her watching in the distance as I sped away .
I shifted my gaze to the road as I sped through the gates , which currently stood ajar .
I frowned at the sight and kept driving towards the road .
*** I had spent an hour driving through town to steady my nerves .
By noon , I was a lot calmer .
When I walked into the restaurant a few minutes later , the smell of fresh pastries filled the air as I walked to a table .
When I had settled down , a waitress came around to take my order .
As we exchanged pleasantries and spoke , her eyes shifted to my hand .
I looked at it too , and dread washed over me , followed by confusion .
I was still wearing my wedding ring .
I smiled sadly and resisted the urge to fiddle with it in front of her .
Then I started to wonder if she recognized me but quickly dismissed the thought .
I barely went anywhere the entire time I was married to Rogerio .
Everything I desired was brought to the house , and I practically dedicated my time to seeing him happy .
Clearly , that didnt turn out well .
I apologized for the silence and repeated my order .
She nodded in response and scribbled in her notebook , then walked away .
I returned my gaze to my finger and took off the ring .
It was a pink star diamond ring but with a little extra detailing .
I stared at it as I remembered the day he gave it to me .
We had been going to see his family , and he said he made a ring like his moms , but specifically for me .
I thought it would be something simple and beautiful , but he produced the most colorful ring I had ever seen ; the pink star was surrounded by blue Oppenheimer diamonds and some vivid yellow ones as well .
He described it as a burst of flavors , which was what he thought about me .
In that instant , I realized something else that I hadnt paid attention to in a while ; these were real diamonds .
I had been worrying about my survival the entire time , not realizing that I was walking around with a solution .
I decided not to pawn it until I had seen the accountant and my lawyer .
21 21 C Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Cad 22.2 % Chapter 34 If we could survive on whatever money I currently have , then this would be a last resort .
I looked around to make sure no one was watching me and slipped it into my purse .

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