Chapter 39 CHARLOTTE The following weeks were a whirlwind of activities , mainly focused on renovating the house and interviewing new staff .
Initially , I had decided not to be involved in the selection process , but Maria insisted on consulting me about everything .
So , this morning , we found ourselves sitting in the study with a group of applicants waiting in the hallway .
Setting up seating arrangements for the fifteen candidates who had applied for the position was a challenge , but we managed to get it done .
Amidst the chaos , the handymen Maria had hired to fix the wall called to reschedule , and she was visibly miffed about it .
Think about it like this , I whispered as I rocked our chairs gently .
It wouldve been terrible to interview in such a noisy environment .
But still , we needed to get it done today .
Her face morphed into a frown .
I could find a different firm to handle it .
Didnt you say they were the best you knew ? Yes , but Im sure there are others equally capable , she answered back .
If they dont show up tomorrow , you can cancel and get someone else to do it .
Very well , she responded and sighed .
She looked at the door and called out a number .
A few minutes later , a man in a blue shirt and black trousers stepped in .
He had a sunny disposition about him , but I couldnt shake the feeling that I had seen him somewhere before .
He answered Marias questions with a precision and clarity that clearly impressed her , and I could tell shed want him on her team .
Have you worked as a security guard before this ? she asked .
The room fell silent , and I immediately understood why .
I had remained quiet throughout the session , and now it seemed as though I had disrupted the rapport he had built with Maria .
I arched my eyebrows , and a look of recognition flashed in his eyes as he glanced at me .
He quickly masked his emotions and smiled , but this time , I felt unnerved .
Yes , I have worked as a private security officer for several firms and families that required my services .
I cannot divulge names for confidentiality reasons , but … He paused , his gaze flickering towards me before he continued smoothly , I assure you , my experience and skills are extensive .
You want us to trust your word , I chirped and he nodded in response .
Yes , and the qualifications I have turned in .
Forgive my curiosity .
2122 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Co 25.2 % Chapter 39 I understand , maam .
I raised a question , Why are you currently unemployed if you have all these wonderful qualities ? I had to take a break for a while … I needed to go to therapy , he replied .
Therapy ? Maria echoed in a surprised tone .
What for ? Maria , you cant .
I started to say but he interrupted me .
Im willing to share .
I served in the army for a while , came back home and I was struggling to get .
Get back into society ? Yeah , something like that .
I thought it was better to get help than let it become a problem , he replied , his tone even and professional .
He maintained eye contact with Maria .
So you can shoot a gun if the need arises or you cant because ….
Oh no , it didnt affect that , he uttered .
I can shoot if the need arises .
I turned to look at Maria ; her eyes sparkled with curiosity , and I could almost hear the wheels of her mind turning , contemplating something I couldnt quite place .
I turned back and locked eyes with him once more .
Well get back to you .
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Thank you , I said , my voice steady but tinged with an underlying unease .
Thank you .
He nodded politely , a flicker of something unreadable passing through his eyes before he left the room .
The door closed behind him .
Whatever youre thinking , were not doing that .
Dont say that ; hell come in handy if Ms.
La Guerta turns up with some more cronies , she advised .
Didnt you say she wasnt coming back ? Did I ? I cant remember .
How convenient , I stated and chuckled .
She shrugged in response and glanced at the documents in her hand .
I think hes a great fit .
Well , its your call anyway , but were not giving him a gun .
Fair enough , she replied , nodding .
Knowing someone who can handle himself .
His presence would boost the environment .
Whats his name ? I demanded .
Wells .
Foley Wells .
Thats odd .
The name doesnt ring a bell .
Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Cad 25.3 Chapter 39 You think you know him ? she questioned .
I can swear Ive seen him somewhere .
I dont .
Never mind , Im probably just paranoid .
She studied my expression and smiled wistfully before calling in the next candidate .
A few hours later , we were done , and I was ready to leave .
My next stop was the mall ; I needed to shop for my journey .
I was going to Los Angeles , and it seemed like something I had to do at this point .
The thought of picking out new items excited me because it meant I wouldnt be taking anything from the Thuthai mansion , except for my wedding ring .
That was going to stay in my possession until I had a good reason to let it go .
A blank slate , I said to myself as I drove through the gates .
I considered asking Maria to come along but I knew that she would turn down the offer once more .
I couldnt convince her to see how a new environment might be something to explore .
I wanted to start this new phase with her by my side , but I knew better than to push it .
This estate was her home , and if she didnt want to leave , I couldnt force her .
She was devoted to her job here , and I knew she would never abandon the new staff .
While she might be happy to have new people to work and interact with , it didnt make much sense to leave them without her supervision .
The car came to a halt in front of the building ; I resisted the urge to drive to the garage , knowing I lacked the energy to haul the bags from that distance .
This was my best shot at making things easier for myself .
I stepped out of the car and walked slowly through the front door .
Once inside , I dropped the bags on the floor and made my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water .
When I entered the kitchen , I found Maria at the counter , poring over some papers .
She looked lost in thought .
I watched her for a moment , contemplating whether breaking her concentration was worth it .
A few seconds later , she raised her head and met my gaze .
Welcome Signora .
You seem busy , Maria .
Yes , Im trying to decide on the final list of employees .
They resume tomorrow , so I have to finalize it today , she explained , her tone carrying a sense of urgency .
Are those the applications ? I requested and gestured to the papers strewn on the counter .
She nodded in response and sighed .
Is there anything I can do to help ? She glanced at the documents and shook her head .
I think I can handle this on my own .
I didnt hear you come in .
Yeah , I didnt use the garage .
It seemed like too much work to drive to the garage so I stopped in front ..
Fair enough .
Is everything ready for the trip ? When are you leaving ? Wednesday , Ill be on my way to the airport first thing in the morning , I replied , opening the fridge .
I hope it works out , she said quietly .
Youll call every day , right ? Definitely , I answered and she smiled .
I did some research about school and getting a job .
Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
25.5 Chapter 39 Getting a job ? I thought you said … Yes , I have enough money but thats just enough to sustain me for a while .
Id need to multiply it .
You still have the proceeds from the estate .
No , you do .
How else would we run this gigantic place ? I countered gently .
I have enough , but Ill need to make more .
My father used to say that theres nothing like too much money , and I need a handful .
My plan was simple : I intended to thrive regardless of the situation .
I didnt have the luxury of being the trophy wife anymore .
This was an entirely different terrain , and I needed to step up now that my life had taken a different turn .
I yearned to become a better version of myself , ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead .
Have you considered staying back in Milan ? Maria questioned , her words catching me off guard .
I looked at her with a surprised expression .
She had always seemed supportive of my decisions ; I hadnt expected her to suggest that I stay .
1 … No , I havent .
I mean , it would be great to have the possibilities living here present but I think I really need to leave for a while .
Okay , She answered , her voice barely above a whisper .
Youll call every day ? I promise .
Be safe , she said , her voice tinged with sadness .
You dont have to worry about me , I can handle myself .
I know .
You know something we could do ? I asked and fiddled with the bottle top as I walked towards her .
Go shopping together .
Werent we just talking about managing resources ? No , we were talking about utilizing what we have and spending it as well .
Shopping sounds like a good idea .
Weve not worn the clothes from our last rendezvous , Signora , she scoffed and I chuckled .
Alright , dinner then .
I shook my head slowly as she started to object , You cant say no .
Think of it as one last thing wed do together .
She nodded in response and reached for the papers .
Ill go get dressed then .
I watched as she exited the room and followed shortly after .
We spent the evening trying new dishes and engaging in other activities , which made saying goodbye a little harder .