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Dancing into the heart of Mr.Cold Novel

Chapter 35

Update: 2025-02-28 22:22:33 | 1 View
Chapter 35 ROGERIO Signor Rogerio , youve got to do something about this , a familiar voice said into the phone in a hushed tone .
I blinked in confusion and looked around me .
I was in my bedroom , and slowly , the events of the previous day started to come back to me .
I had spent the day at the office handling the appointments that had been rescheduled to fit the court proceedings and moving out of the estate .
I also spent hours in meetings with the accountants , investors , and other shareholders .
The company had experienced a loss , and someone was trying to undermine our activities on the island .
I wasnt prepared to hear that gold was being stolen by the miners as well .
I needed to schedule a trip to the island , but had decided to take a day off .
I needed some time alone to rest and clear my head .
The sound of the voice speaking through the phone speakers pulled me out of my reverie .

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I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock on the bedside table , then shifted my gaze to the phones screen .
The call was coming from the estate .
I knew who would have the audacity to wake me up without prior notice and to be fair , I was happier to hear her voice than I was annoyed about waking up early .
We hadnt spoken to each other since I left the hotel , and as much as I missed having her around , I knew that she was too annoyed about the order of events to speak to me .
Maria , I dont have to do anything .
Especially if I have no idea what is happening or the reason why youre calling me at 4 am , I replied in an annoyed tone .
Regardless of being excited to have a conversation with her , I could still acknowledge that my day at the office had put me in a foul mood , and waking up to a call demanding I provide a solution to another problem was the last thing I needed to hear .
I had prepared myself to go to sleep today .
Having a conversation about something I presumed was related to Charlotte was the last thing I wanted to do .
Apologies for interrupting your beauty sleep , Signor , came the reply , and I could almost taste the sarcasm in her tone .
But I couldnt wait till dawn .
Signora Charlotte is sick , and your new wife came here to make things worse .
If Charlotte is ill , why are you calling me instead of a doctor , and what do you mean Elena was at the estate ? I asked and massaged my forehead .
I felt a headache coming on , and at this point , I really wanted to get some painkillers and go back to sleep .
She doesnt want a doctor , she started to say , and I chuckled .
Are you laughing at a sick woman , Rogerio ? I sat up instantly as her annoyed tone sent an uneasy feeling throughout my body .
As a boy , I knew the last thing anyone wanted to do was get Maria pissed .
She was kind ; she loved everyone who lived with us and expressed this in different ways to everyone around her .
Heck , she treated me even better than my own mother did , but like everyone else , she had a limit .
I crossed it a few 21:21 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Cold 22.5 % Chapter 35 times as a child and had some sense talk into my head .
If there was anything I dreaded , even as an adult , it was getting on her bad side .
She only used my first name on rare occasions .
Her reference to it at this point indicated I may have struck a nerve , and as much as I never wanted anything to do with Charlotte , I didnt want to lose whatever was left of my relationship with Maria .
This divorce had strained our relationship in a few ways : she was upset that I had abandoned Charlotte , annoyed that I didnt address how they treated her , and her final act of defiance was staying back at the estate rather than following me here as the other staff did .
I had a different thought process , I lied and sighed .
I had actually been laughing at her refusal to get a doctor , mainly because I thought she couldnt afford it without me being around to foot the bill .
It had nothing to do with her physical state , but I had no intention of telling Maria that .
Can we get this conversation over with ? This is not how I planned to start my morning .
Your wife … Shes not my wife , Maria , at least not yet , I interrupted and closed my eyes .
Well , she waltzed down here , claiming she was the new Signora Thuthai and the estate now belonged to her .
The estate belongs to Charlotte ; it is part of the divorce agreement .
Does your wife know this ? she asked , clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth .
Because coming here to harass an indisposed woman is rather distasteful .
I ignored her , repeating that Elena was my wife , a few seconds after I had addressed the topic .
Knowing Maria , she was mentioning it to make me as annoyed as she was about the exchange .
I havent spoken to her about it , but Im certain she understands that the estate belonged to Elena .
How is she supposed to understand something neither of you have had a conversation about ? You have a thing for avoiding conversations that should be had , she replied and sighed .
Elena and I have been engaged before ; she knows that estate belongs to any woman I marry , hence the reason for her claim to the place .
What she doesnt know is that the property now belongs to Charlotte .
Ill talk to her about it .
I hope you do .
She threatened to return ; I wouldnt want her causing a scene for the Signora who was expecting you to come over .
Why would Charlotte be expecting that ? Does she not understand how a divorce works ? You have personal items left in this house , Rogerio , I flinched at the mention of my name and opened my eyes as she continued talking .
Anyone would expect you to drop by and pick them up .
The same way you did when you left the first time .
Instead , you sent a nasty woman to do the job for you .
I didnt ask Elena to do anything , Maria .
Whatever actions she took were solely of her own volition .
I also dont want anything to do with all of this .
Its exhausting and inconsequential .
It isnt inconsequential if the woman you betrayed with your actions is walking around the house still staring at Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
22.79 % Chapter 35 your personal effects .
It is important to .
Exactly , Maria , it isnt that important to me .
I really dont care what she does with the property I left behind or with the estate itself .
Sell it , burn it to the ground , turn it into a tourist center ; I couldnt afford to be bothered about that .
Alright , make sure you have the balls to come over and say this yourself .
You are Rogerio Thuthai , not a coward who cant vocalize his thoughts .
Maria , L Im not finished , Signor .
You have to handle this situation , properly .
I wouldnt like a repeat of this ; youve hurt the poor woman enough .
Dont send your cronies to do your dirty work for you or give the impression that they have your approval .
I really dont want to have anything to do with this , I uttered , shaking my head slowly .
I was happy to leave any baggage that came with this at the court .
I want no part in whatever is going on .
Well , you cant walk away from it .
Especially if youre the catalyst for everything .
You cant start a war and drop your weapons when it suits you .
How is this starting a war ? I simply had a divorce like everyone else who gets tired of a relationship or marriage thats not working for them .
When you took this decision , did you factor in the different people it would affect or did you simply think about yourself as usual ? Cause if you had any consideration for anyone or thought about anything other than your selfish interests , youd see why this has turned out this way .
I opened my mouth to reply but stopped as the dial tone echoed in my ears .
She hung up without giving me a chance to speak .
I was grateful for the silence , but a part of me felt slighted .
She has no right to speak to me in that manner .
I muttered and got out of bed .
As I walked around the apartment , I thought about her words .
She was right ; I needed to talk to Elena about the estate , but that was all I intended to do .
I wasnt going back to the estate for any reason .
I didnt want to give Charlotte another chance to try to change my mind about anything .
We were done ; our marriage was over , and I needed it to stay that way .

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