Chapter 45 CHARLOTTE Im sorry , you were crying in your sleep , he uttered as I shifted uncomfortably in my seat .
Are you alright ? My eyes darted to and fro as I tried to remember where I was .
The sound of the planes engine hummed in the distance as I realized what had happened .
While I was having what seemed to be one of the worst times of my life , he was watching it happen in real time .
I looked around , wondering if anyone else was watching this , but thankfully , they were lost in their worlds .
I turned my attention back to the man on his knees .
Please stand up , I said , but he ignored me and watched me curiously , Do I need to get the medic ? he asked Oh , no .
Im fine , I just need to catch a minute , I replied , closing my eyes for a moment .
Youre sure ? he asked , and I opened them and turned to look at him .
I nodded in response and wiped the tears off my face .
I looked around for the tote bag I had carried with me and found it on the floor .
Some of the contents had spilled out in front of me , and I sighed as he started to pick them up .
Thank you , I said , secretly wishing hed stop .
Not to be ungrateful or anything , but it was starting to feel weird ; I felt embarrassed .
First , he woke me up from what started as a good memory and quickly turned into a nightmare , which I was grateful for , but the thought of it was silently killing me .
He was still on his knees , reaching for my notepad , and I joined him .
I picked up the rest of the items and tossed them in the bag .
Thank you so much .
Im fine .
Just a bad dream and some headaches .
Alright .
I could get you some painkillers , he stated as he stood up , and I returned to my seat .
I shook my head in response and forced a smile onto my face .
No , thank you .
I think I can handle it .
Ill just rest my eyes for a bit , and Ill be fine , I muttered , and he nodded in understanding .
He turned around and started to walk towards his seat , but turned around .
I started to heave a sigh , but as I stared at his hair , I remembered where I had seen him , and he turned around .
I swallowed as he walked towards my seat .
Weve met before .
I think so .
Why ? I blurted before I could stop myself .
I wasnt angry about the incident ; if anything , I didnt want to be reminded of yet another embarrassing moment in my life .
You bumped into me , and I think your bag fell .
I just walked away , he said , running his hand through his hair .
His tone was laced with apprehension , and his face crumpled into a frown .
It was nothing like the person I had seen laughing earlier .
It made me curious yet indifferent .
Yeah , I wasnt watching where I was going either .
Im sorry about that .
Im sorry for being rude ; I couldve stopped to help .
2123 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Ca 29.1 % Chapter 45 You were probably having a bad day ; I was too , I said , trying to make light of the situation .
He laughed at the joke and admitted that he was annoyed at something at the time .
Now that weve gotten that out of the way , thank you for helping me now , I added , and he nodded .
His expression had gone from being concerned to a relieved one .
Im Thiago , he announced stretching out his hand for a handshake .
I quietened the thought in my head that reminded me of my vow not to entertain everybody .
The man just helped me pick up my items and apologized for my bad behavior .
I had already admitted my fault in the matter ; the least I could do was acknowledge his attempt to start over .
Charlotte .
Charlotte Edwards .
I took his hand in mine and let go shortly after .
He nodded in response as a smile crept onto his face .
I started to count the seconds till he would say something else or take the hint to leave me alone at this point .
So , youre going to L.A ? For the holidays ? he asked , and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes .
Now I have to make small talk , I wasnt prepared to meet anybody on the plane and start talking to them .
No , Im moving there , I responded with a thin smile , and he arched his head as his eyes twinkled with surprise .
Thats nice .
What do you love about being there ? Oh , I havent been there in a long time .
I lived in Milan ; I bet a lot of things have changed .
Im just looking to experience what its like there , I replied , and he nodded in response , then grinned .
Youll have a great time there , thats for sure , he replied , and I smiled .
A real one this time .
I sincerely hoped I was going to have a good time now .
Given what I was trying to run away and build a different life from , it would be great to catch a break .
I hope so .
He shared with me the vibrant culture of our destination , his role as a club owner , and the exciting nightlife .
His lively anecdotes sparked a sense of adventure in me .
Despite feeling both terrified and comforted by his presence , I realized it was time to end the conversation .
Just as I was contemplating how to do so , he pulled out a card from his pocket .
Here , if you ever need any help navigating the city , dont hesitate to call me .
I took the card from his outstretched hand and glanced at it for a bit .
Thank you , I murmured , and he proceeded to suggest we take a tour around the plane .
I started wondering how he jumped to that point and why he thought Id want to do that .
I was grateful for the help , but I simply wanted to remain in my seat .
I shook my head slowly .
No , Id like to remain in my seat .
The headaches , I added , and he nodded as an understanding look crossed his face .
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Alright then , Ill come to check up on you if thats okay .
Maybe a few minutes before the plane lands ? he asked , and I nodded in response .
Id take that ; we were barely acquaintances , but I was willing to shelve it under a stranger who did a nice thing trying to see it through .
That would be nice , thank you .
Chapter 45 He walked away , and I turned my attention back to the bag .
I secretly hoped he would forget to come , but he seemed like the type to keep his promises .
I tried to focus on the flight and what it would seem like to be in a different place , but my thoughts kept going back to the dream .
Then they would slowly shift to Thiago .
I looked at the card and sighed .
Maybe he was right , a walk might be better than just sitting here , unable to think of anything else .
But I wasnt really up for walking with him .
So , I decided to head to the restroom instead .
I waited a few minutes more , then grabbed my bag and headed straight there .
Once inside , I let out a relieved sigh and turned on the tap , washing my hands and face .
The cold water splashing onto my skin was a welcome shock , waking me up .
After I finished , I pulled my hair back into a bun and gazed at my reflection in the mirror .
I felt energized and decided Id go for a small walk , maybe grab some snacks from the economy or business section .
I just wanted to move my legs around for a bit and munch on something .
I slipped out of the toilet and started my journey ; I found the air hostess with a trolley and she handed me three bags of chips .
I thanked her and started walking when I heard a voice behind me .
Hi Charlotte , we meet again , a familiar voice said , and I turned around to lock gazes with Thiago .
Wow , what are the odds ? I said sarcastically , and he chuckled at the joke .
You look better , thats good , he added , and I nodded in response .
I feel better .
I came here to grab these too , I retorted , lifting the bag of chips .
Oh , I love those , he said , and I threw one of them in his direction .
Have fun , I grumbled before walking away .
You too , he responded , and I gave a little wave without turning around to look at him .
A few minutes later , I had finished my tour , and the plane was ready to land .
We were finally in Los Angeles .
The life I wanted was only a few minutes away from me , and I felt waves of excitement and trepidation course through my body as I returned to my seat .
Soon , Id be an entirely different person , stepping into a new chapter of my life in a new city .