CHARLOTTE You have two options , Signora Thuthal , the lawyer started , but I interrupted him by shaking my head slowly .
While I understood the mistake , hearing myself referred to as Rogerios wife felt like a blade cutting through the open wound in my heart .
1 swallowed and stopped myself from wrapping my arms around my body as a chill ran down my spine .
He stopped to listen to me with rapt attention , his eyes holding an interesting mix of empathy and curiosity .
I stared at him with a blank expression , slightly impressed that he remained unfazed by the silence or the stare .
It was impressive , really ; he reminded me of Maria .
They had a certain protective aura about them .
Being in the room with him , I could tell that he was willing to help me in whatever way he could .
I wondered how many court hearings and private sessions with clients it would take to pull it off , silently contemplating if being a lawyer was something Id want to do .
I started to consider the possibilities , but my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door .
I resisted the urge to turn as his eyes shifted in the direction of the noise .
Come in , he called out , and a few seconds later , I heard heels clicking against the floor rhythmically .
The sweet smell of apples and chocolate filled the room as she walked past me and headed for the table .
She started to brief him about an appointment that had been canceled .
Thankful for the distraction , I lowered my gaze , focusing my eyes on the red Jimmy Choos I was wearing .
They were a gift from Rogerio .
I couldnt remember what the occasion was at the time probably one of the few dates we went on but I remember how excited I was when I got them .
I smiled as I realized that my brain was forcing me to forget memories of things that could potentially stall my recovery .
I chose to encourage it by trying not to dwell on the memory .
If I wanted to be in a better place , I needed to heal .
Inside and out , I needed to learn to move past the pain I felt in my gut and my head .
I was slowly deciding to let go of whatever I was holding onto with Rogerio .
There was no reason to wish for something that would never be .
It might just be time , I muttered , lost in thought .
I stared at the shoes and started to wonder if this meant I had to let go of everything that reminded me of the Thuthais .
It was an angle I was willing to explore .
I could move to somewhere new , a smaller apartment , and work out the kinks from there .
If anything , I needed physical and mental recovery .
I sighed in resignation .
These were my favorite pairs of shoes to wear , but I slowly realized that I might have to give them up .
Signora ? he stated , pulling me out of my reverie .
I looked up to see that the secretary had exited the room , and the smell of her perfume had been replaced with the lingering smell of coffee , which sat in a transparent jar along with pastries to go with them .
Would you like some ? He gestured towards the tray , and I shook my head in response .
As soon as I answered , I regretted it .
My thoughts shifted back to the pastries I had earlier in the day , and I started craving them once more .
I pushed the thought out of my mind and turned to see him staring at me .
His eyes were fixed on me intently , and I felt like he was just as curious as I was about my next course of action .
Somewhere in the back of my mind , a 21:22 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
Col 23.8 % Chapter 37 particular thought kept surfacing above the rest , demanding my attention .
Um , Edwards .
Im Charlotte Edwards now .
Signora Thuthai is someone else , I whispered as I forced myself back to the present .
This conversation had to be over soon ; I had to go home and lie in bed .
I considered returning to the restaurant , but I wasnt entirely sure since it was in the opposite direction .
I would make a decision later .
This meeting would determine how I would address Elenas intrusion , which was a bigger problem that needed to be resolved .
I apologize .
Edwards , I nodded in response , and he continued talking .
Regarding the ring , here are a few things .
You can keep the ring .
It is unlikely that Signor Rogerio would pursue legal action to retrieve it .
Im certain he doesnt even remember it , I replied with a shrug , and a smile played at the corner of his lips .
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Exactly .
And in a way , thats good because it originally belonged to you .
If it were an heirloom , there might be a bit of a problem doing anything with it .
So Elena cant touch it ? What ? he asked with a confused expression .
Elena La Guerta ? What does she have to do with this ? Everything , I mumbled with a chuckle .
She stopped by the estate earlier , claiming it was hers .
She cant do that .
It belongs to you now , he responded , reaching for a bun .
Thats what I told her , I said quietly .
Do you think shes going to be a problem ? You can file a restraining order against her .
Then Ill be the crazy ex wife .
Thats the game she wants to play ; Im not doing that .
Its for your safety , he insisted , and I shook my head .
Thats like telling me to sue Rogerio for bigamy , I added , hesitating to ponder my words .
Is that even possible ? He started to respond , but I held up my finger and said , Dont tell me .
Id rather move past this whole divorce than get into a catfight with Rogerio and his family .
He sighed and watched me in silence .
The point is , Im not doing that .
I just want to know if I have enough money to carry on with my life and if I can find legal means to get more money if the need arises .
I understand .
Thank you .
So , whats the second option ? You can sell the ring .
Depending on some factors , you might need to split the proceeds with your ex husband .
Lastly , you could donate it to charity or repurpose it .
2122 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
24.0 % Chapter 37 That would be a symbolic way of moving on from the past , I retorted , and he nodded in response .
I considered the options he presented .
I wasnt going to donate it ; it cost way too much , and I might need the money later .
When Im financially stable , I could consider philanthropy , but for now , I need to hold on to it .
Very well , thank you for your time , I announced and I started to stand up , but he stopped me .
Give me a minute , Signora .
I might save you a trip to the accountants office , he suggested , and I sat down .
I arched my eyebrows as a confused look crossed my face .
What are you talking about ? Your assets are the estate and the ring .
I presume your next stop is to the accountant .
Yes ? I might have some information for you , and you might not need to go there .
Im listening , I responded , watching as he reached for a file from the shelf behind him .
This is going to be a long minute ; sure you dont want some pastries ? Coffee ? I accepted his offer and waited as he poured me a cup and handed me the basket to pick up a bun .
As I ate , he mentioned the cost of the estate , the annual revenue it generated , and the cost of the wedding ring .
The total amount was approximately $ 100 million , which would be enough to run the estate and facilitate anything I decide to do for a while .
He noted that I had never had that sort of money before , which I affirmed .
He apologized for his intrusion and asked if he could offer some advice on how to keep the revenue flowing in .
Absentmindedly , I agreed and let myself enjoy the last bit of pastry in my mouth as I sipped from the cup .
Everything suddenly felt a lot better .
I still had a throbbing head and a wounded heart , but this information made me believe in the possibility of better chances in life .
As he spoke about investments to ensure the revenue keeps flowing in , I was simply happy to focus on the crux of everything .
I could take care of the estates security and still take a breather elsewhere .
Once the recruitment process for the new staff was over , I would look up cities I could travel to .
The prospect of a new environment filled me with renewed strength .
Thank you for your time and your kind words , Signor , I said , pausing as a thought crossed my mind .
Can I request a client ? You already have that , he interrupted with a knowing smile .
For added measure , Ill be keeping this information locked up in a safe .
Your accountant has signed a non disclosure agreement as well .
I smiled as a relieved look crossed my face .
Thats excellent .
Ill be in touch , I murmured , standing up .
I leaned forward , put down the empty cup onto the tray , and grabbed a second bun .
Thank you , I said , and he nodded .
I exited the establishment feeling better than I had when I arrived .
I still had to see the accountant ; I needed to know Heart of Mr C Chapter 37 how much personal money I had saved up , but that could wait till another day .