Chapter 42 Charlotte I was in Newark , at least thats what the brochure in my hands indicated .
It felt great to be somewhere new .
The uneasy feeling that enveloped me earlier in the day and throughout the ride had dissipated , and I felt a little more like myself again .
I looked around the airport , watching as people rushed to their destinations .
Others , not in a hurry , huddled in small groups , discussing in hushed tones , or passed the time reading a book or sipping coffee .
In the corner , a child was throwing a tantrum , and I felt a twinge of sympathy for their visibly distressed parent .
Only a little , because well , I dont know much about parenting , but Im sure having to deal with different emotions from your ward comes with the job description .
I moved my gaze from the scene and scanned the room with my eyes .
A few moments later , I found my target : an empty seat .
After the uncomfortable flight I just had , I was in no mood to put myself in a position that required a conversation with another person .
I needed to catch myself for a bit and live in the moment .
Slowly , I made my way to the unoccupied chair and sat down .
The realization that I was no longer in Milan filled me with excitement and trepidation .
I did it , I whispered , letting out a low chuckle .
I looked around and smiled wistfully .
Taking this trip was a way to settle into living on my own again .
I reached for my phone , tempted to call Maria , but decided against it .
We had agreed I would call when I was in Los Angeles , but I wasnt there yet .
I felt a need to hold on to this memory for myself ; taking this trip was a way to settle into living on my own again .
I would always appreciate her effort , but right now , this was for me .
I closed my eyes , inhaling and exhaling slowly .
The air felt different warmer and more welcoming .
The cold I had felt earlier was gone , which was a relief .
Traveling while sick wasnt something I looked forward to .
Despite the noisy airport and the humid enclosure , I loved it .
It felt like the welcoming embrace I didnt get from a loved one .
I opened my eyes and looked around once more .
Perhaps I needed to stay longer in this city .
What difference would it make ? I wasnt in a hurry , and whats life without a little adventure ? I was starting over ; it might bode well for this new life I intend to build for myself to do things a little differently .
I recognized the importance of sticking with the routine I had made before leaving Milan , but as I observed my environment , I reminded myself that it wouldnt hurt to do things a little differently for a change .
I glanced at the brochure one last time and decided to go along with this new decision .
It wouldnt hurt to stay one more day , I said to myself and stood up .
I looked around one more time and reached for my phone to cancel the trip that had already been scheduled .
I had just started feeling better .
I have no desire to put myself through anything thatll make me feel worse .
21:23 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
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Ca 27.2 % Chapter 42 A nice bath and some food would be great at this point .
Afterward , I could see the city .
Newark , I said as I walked towards the exit .
I stood at the door for a bit , trying to find an empty taxi .
When I saw one , I grabbed my suitcase and made a beeline for it in quick strides .
After exchanging pleasantries with the driver , I asked him to take me to a hotel close by .
I wasnt particular about wanting a fancy one , just somewhere comfortable to spend the night .
Weve got a couple of those around here , he replied with a smile , and he turned on the ignition .
I was pleased with his response because I wanted to be just a few minutes away from the airport .
This wasnt Milan or the Thuthai estate , so I wasnt expecting Maria to fawn over me or a driver to take me to the airport .
I had no desire to be late because that would mean having to hurry to get on the flight in the morning .
I asked him for places I could visit in the city , and he was kind enough to list some great spots along with his favorite locations .
I scribbled the names of the places in my notepad and thanked him for his help .
The rest of the ride went on in comfortable silence as I looked out the window and watched people go about their lives .
Soon , the cab slowed to a halt in front of a hotel .
I paid my fare , thanked the driver for his help , and checked into a room .
As I made a small itinerary for the rest of the day , I realized that the cultural differences between the cities I had spent most of my life in and the one I was planning activities for stood out in many ways .
I settled in , excited at the prospect of trying new cuisine and experiencing the lifestyle here .
I took a quick bath and set out to explore .
The vibrant city , with its rich history , cultural attractions , and diverse community , intrigued me .
I decided to take a walk around but soon found out it was easier to explore Milan on foot than it was to move around this beautiful city in New Jersey .
But that didnt deter me from my mission .
As I waltzed through the city , I noticed a mix of old and new architecture in the historic buildings and modern skyscrapers that occupied the area .
Given that it is a major hub for travelers , the atmosphere was lively , and had a thriving art scene .
I could see the fusion of many distinct art forms , which gave it some peculiarity .
As I walked through , I realized with a tinge of sadness that I wouldnt have the time to explore the city extensively , but I was also glad to get a taste of the American East Coast energy .
Life here was fast paced ; the sound of horns honking in the distance , the chatter of people , and the overall hum of the city seemed to add a distinct flair as I watched people from all walks of life move to and fro .
Each person walking past me had a unique quality , and I knew that it could only come from living in this melting pot of exciting experiences .
Time rolled by as I walked through the vibrant neighborhoods , and my stomach growled loudly .
I walked into a coffee shop down the street to grab a coffee and some pastries .
I made a mental note to get something else to eat before returning to the hotel but soon forgot about that as day turned into night and the city came alive under the stars .
The twinkling lights , street performances , and crowded sidewalks made me feel like there were endless possibilities here .
Lwas tempted to stay a little longer but decided against it .
A few moments later , I walked into a park to reminisce about the tour I just had .
I took out my notepad and scribbled on it as I made a mental note to get a camera so I could capture the memories of the places I would explore .
Sarben Chapter 42 As I sat , I thought about the contrast of this environment with Milan .
It wasnt fair to compare , as they were two distinct environments , but a few things struck me about being here .
While Milan is home to breathtaking landmarks such as the Duomo , Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II , and the Teatro Alla Scala , Newark is basked in a rich blend of modern and historic structures .
I was used to the designer boutiques , renowned fashion weeks , and sleek designs in Milan , but being here made me recognize that this was a hub for African American , Portuguese , and Latin American cultures .
This beautiful blend is reflected in its cuisine , music , and art , which gives it a more rugged , industrial feel that made the rich history of manufacturing and transportation stand out .
There were more family owned businesses here that promoted a strong sense of community , which I adored .
The laid back and diverse atmosphere intrigued me , but I knew I couldnt stay longer to find out more about the city .
I loved the experience that being here had given me so far .
I knew I would enjoy a few more days here , but I couldnt afford to stay longer than I had originally planned .
The sun kissed beaches of Los Angeles called me , and I longed to be there soon .