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Dancing into the heart of Mr.Cold Novel

Chapter 41

Update: 2025-02-28 22:22:33 | 1 View
Chapter 41 Chapter 41 ROGERIO It had been a few weeks since I had seen Charlotte .
I wasnt necessarily keeping count , but the conversation with Maria replayed in my mind occasionally .
This morning , it was louder than ever , making me feel uneasy .
Elena hadnt mentioned anything about going to the estate .
I couldnt decide if it was because of the wedding preparations , but we have had conversations about a lot of things since she returned .
She spent most of the time at her familys estate and came over when she needed to .
I had no problems with the arrangement ; it meant I had my space to myself .
I needed time alone these days ; everything left me feeling irked or annoyed , like something was missing .
I tried to shake off the feeling and considered the possibility of Maria lying , but shook my head slowly .
What would she stand to gain from that ? I muttered and stared at the clock on the wall .
I had come to the office to complete some work for a potential investor , but they had rescheduled , thankfully .
I was in no mood to try to convince anybody to do anything .
As much as their resources would be a great addition to ours , I could carry on without them .
I had plans to change the dynamics of the family business , and I preferred to do it with just my money .
I hoped they would cancel , but I only accepted the offer because of my grandfather .
He can be an annoying person when you refuse to do his bidding , and I just accept , and then do what I want afterward .
I remembered Marias words about my refusal to have important conversations at the appropriate time , but I shrugged them off .
I turned to the door as a faint knocking echoed in the room .
Esme , if you want to be heard , youre going to have to be a little bit louder .
The door creaked open and my secretarys head popped through , her body following suit , and a few seconds later , she was standing in the middle of the room .
I didnt want to intrude on- I have no meetings today .
You said so yourself ? I questioned .
Right , Esme ? She nodded in response and lowered her gaze .
I sighed as she produced a file and placed it on the table .
Ive prepared your schedule for tomorrow , but theres something you missed a few days ago .
My fault or yours ? I demanded .
Yours , you left the office early .
I tried to tell- Alright , I cut her off .
What about it ? Its a meeting with your ex wife , she responded .
Then Im glad I missed it , I replied with a scoff .
I wasnt interested in anything that had to do with her .
I wondered why she mentioned her .
Is that why youre so ….
jittery ? Is that even a word ? She blurted before she could stop herself .
Realization hit her and her eyes widened as her face morphed into a panicked expression .
21 23 Dancing into the Heart of Mr.
26.5 Chapter 41 I chuckled and shifted my gaze back to the clock .
Id like to think so .
She chuckled and looked around the room for a moment , then turned her attention back to me .
You have an appointment with Signora La Guerta today .
Youre to meet her at a restaurant downtown .
From there , youll stop at the docks to pick out a yacht that will take her friends and guests to the island for the … Are you listening ? Not really , you lost me somewhere .
Something about a meeting downtown ? Yes , with Signora La Guerta , she uttered firmly .
Summarize everything else .
I have time to spare today but I dont want to spend it listening to you list things I know Im not going to enjoy .
Its part of the plan for your wedding , sir .
You should be- Excited ? Why ? What if she leaves again ? I blurted and the atmosphere in the room became tense .
Im sorry .
I shouldnt be asking you that .
No , its alright , sir .
Its okay to have- With a sigh , I answered back .
Dont do that .
What ? she asked .
The talk about cold feet , or whatever youre going to say about it , I said .
Nobody wants to hear that .
Tell me about this meeting .
Give me the short version .
Restaurant .
Docks .
She leaves for the island on Friday .
Thats it ? I inquired .
Not really .
She was supposed to go to the shop to pick up the dress last week but she was somewhere else .
I sighed .
Why am I supposed to know this ? She was harassing your ex wife , Signor , she muttered .
Harassing ? She broke through the gates with some handymen , walked into the estate , and started doing renovations to the hallway , she replied .
How do you know about this ? My thoughts drifted to Marias call as she responded .
A staff member reported it to the police .
She stated that the gates were broken and Signora Elena claimed that there was no one at the gate when they entered , so they started working on the house .
Thats ridiculous .
Charlotte and Maria live there .
I slammed my hand on the desk .
And she knows it .
Yes , she stated .
But she claims its her house now .
26.7 % Chapter 41 Ill handle that , but why is it important for me to know ? She handed me a sheet of paper .
This is gossip for the blogs .
If this report goes out a few weeks before your wedding , you might not like the buzz thatll come with it .
Why is she doing this ? I yelled , frustrated .
Why ? Signora Elena ? Youd have to ask her , sir .
Whats going to happen to the report ? Thats the last sheet , Signor , she whispered .
The others have been shredded .
I thought you had to see it at least .
Wow , you like your job that much ? I groaned .
Not really , but it keeps me surviving so Id like to keep it .
And here I thought you were doing it to protect my reputation , I said with a chuckle .
A smile played at the corners of her lips and she looked away .
Its a situation that benefits everyone if it stays tucked away .
I agree .
I want you to keep an eye on Elena .
I dont know what she has up her sleeves but my family and I didnt come this far by trusting everybody , I ordered .
Especially if theyve betrayed you once .
I understand , she mumbled .
Ill keep a watch .
Is there anything else I need to know , Esme ? Thats all for now , she stated .
I need to get some food , I said as I stood up .
Oh , you could- Im not waiting till the meeting with Elena .

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I plan on getting some food and then finding something else to occupy my mind with , I scoffed .
If Im going to be stuck doing boring wedding activities , I might as well give myself a treat .
Take the rest of the day off .
She nodded in response as I picked up my suitcase , tucked my phone in my pocket , and reached for the coat sprawled on the couch a few steps away .
She followed closely as I exited the room , and soon after , the sound of heels clicking against the floor ceased .
I assumed she had returned to her cubicle and made no move to say anything else .
I hadnt decided on the restaurant to eat at yet , and for a good reason ; I had no prior plans to go anywhere .
I downplayed my emotions while speaking to Esme but in reality , I was trying to process what had happened .
As I drove out of the lot , I replayed her words in my mind .
Elena had broken through the gates and started a ruckus over an estate .
Whose bright idea was that ? I muttered as I sped through the streets .
I decided to visit my favorite restaurant in the city : Ghenerios .
I needed to distract my mind from their delicious cuisine and maybe stopover at an art gallery into the Heart of Mr Cab 26.8 % Chapter 41 to buy a few pieces for my apartment .
I hadnt been out alone in a while and I decided that it might be a good time to try .
I took a bend in the street as the sun shone brightly ; its radiance reminded me of the ring I had given Charlotte and I wondered if Elena had seen it .
If she was being territorial right now , the sight of it would enrage her further .
I had designed it especially for Charlotte .
It was our way of trying to convince my grandfather and mother that she meant everything we had told them .
They didnt fall for the scheme but they didnt interrupt the wedding either .
Marriage was a prerequisite to being at the helm of affairs and it served its purpose .
I tried to steer my thoughts away from the time I spent with her but as the sound of people blurred into the distance , the farther I got , I thought about how Charlotte must have felt by Elenas intrusion .
It felt odd that she hadnt reached out to me about it but as the car slowed down to a halt in front of the restaurant , I understood it .
If someone had told me to stay away from them , especially if they had the power to make my life harder , Id stay away too .
I wasnt sure what to do about the impression that Elena had my approval .
Regardless of how disturbing this was , I didnt want to break the no contact rule .
But then , if Maria had been angry enough to write a report , perhaps this wasnt something to toss aside .
I thought about Elena ; when we were together , everything seemed great , but I still held on to my doubts , and now she was pulling stunts like this .
It made me start considering the possibility of her return being a ploy for something else .
The idea seemed far fetched , but then I couldnt wrap my head around the entire scenario .
I intended to mention it to her later , but for the time being , I was thankful that it would never be mentioned again .

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