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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 9 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits No choice? Was betraying me also no choice? Fine.
Audrey, werent you supposed to be dying? Do you want to explain? Alright! Ill grant your wish.
My engagement to Heather is canceled.
Instead, were getting married next month.

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Youll prepare the wedding, and then Ill listen to your explanation once.
Audrey stared at Duncan in disbelief.
He knew she loved him, yet he wanted her to prepare his wedding, to hand over the man she loved to another woman with her own hands.
His cruelty and coldness far exceeded her imagination.
But she had no choice.
She didnt want to leave with his hatred.
He could marry another woman, but he couldnt hate her.
To be hated by the man she loved with all her heartthat was crueler than anything else.
Audrey couldnt accept such an outcome.
She wouldnt.
Not even in death.
Alright, I promise you.
Ill help prepare your wedding, and youll give me a chance to explain.
These were probably the most difficult words Audrey had ever spoken in her life.
Her already wounded heart bled at the thought.
Duncan, unwilling to look at Audrey any longer, turned to leave.
Tomorrow, well choose the wedding dress.
Show me your sincerity.
With that, the door slammed shut.
Audrey couldnt hold back and coughed up blood onto the floor.
No amount of makeup could hide her weakness and pallor.
She collapsed on the ground, too weak even to lift a finger.
It was a nurse doing rounds who found her and called for a doctor to rush her to the emergency room.
Regarding Audreys condition, the hospital could only express helplessness.
They couldnt diagnose her illness; it was a rare condition, perhaps even the first of its kind.
They could only use medications to alleviate her organ failure, but this merely treated the symptoms, not the cause.
The patient wouldnt live much longer.
Yet despite the severity of her condition, when Duncan called, she still agreed to go out.
At the entrance of Beloved Wedding Boutique, Duncan and Heather stood before her like a perfect couple.
Heather, arm linked with Duncans, smiled dazzlingly yet piercingly.
Audrey, Im surprised youre so punctual.
Audrey nodded, her gaze falling on Duncans ice-cold face.
However, Duncan, as if touched by something filthy, immediately averted his eyes and walked towards the boutique.
The boutique staff recognized Duncan, Heather, and Audrey.
But they had three distinctly different attitudes towards them.
Admiration for Duncan, envy for Heather.
Only for Audrey did they show disdain and contempt.
She could only steel herself and walk in, hearing the staffs gossip around her.
This woman is so shameless.
She ran off with another man using Mr.
Millingtons money, and now she has the nerve to come back.
Yeah! If I were her, Id drown myself in a puddle of spit.
Keep your voices down.
This woman is cunning.
Look, even though Miss Leverton is about to marry Mr.
Millington, he still keeps her around.
Heathers gaze fell on Audrey, a flash of malice crossing her face before she turned to Duncan with a radiant smile.
Duncan, why dont you sit over there? Audrey and I will go to the fitting room to try on wedding dresses.
Duncan nodded, never once looking at Audrey.
Outside the fitting room, Heather said, Audrey, could you try on the wedding dress a French designer custom-made for me? We have similar figures, so its most suitable for you to try it.
Audrey was stunned.
Try on a wedding dress? She had never worn a wedding dress in her life.
Who would have thought that her first time would be trying one on for the fiancée of the man she loved? How laughable! How ironic!

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