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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 43

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 43 Though Duncan never directly asked about what happened st time , he knew Peter would return sooner or later .
He had been waiting waiting for Peter to show himself again .
This time , when Peter called , he demanded a hefty sum : ten million .
Lucy made up her mind : this time , she would fight Peter to the bitter end .
She wouldnt let him continue to take advantage of her .
Peter arranged for them to meet at the nightclub where Lucy used to work .
Lucy agreed .
At eight in the evening , Lucy quietly slipped out of the house while Duncan was fast asleep and went to meet Peter .
When she arrived , Peter had already summoned a few women to join him some of whom Lucy even recognized .
What do you want this time ? Lucy barely held back the urge to tear Peter apart .
Peter , grinning , grabbed one of the women next to him and shamelessly squeezed her chest .
What else could I want ? Money , of course .
Youve got it easy now , Lucy .
Dont think you can just leave me behind .
Lucy knew all too well that Peter was like a leech , a parasite that wouldnt stop until he had sucked her dry .
But she couldnt let Duncan be dragged into this any longer .
He was too good to her .
Standing up , Lucy turned to leave .
I wont give you any more money , Peter .
Dont contact me again .
Peter , of course , wasnt about to let Lucy go so easily .
He had already arranged for some people to help him .
Seeing Lucy about to leave , Peter signaled to one of the men who had just walked in .
The man immediately grabbed Lucy , his grip unyielding .
No matter how hard she struggled , it was useless .
Let me go ! Let me go ! Lucy shouted , but her cries fell on deaf ears .
With a sharp smack , the man slapped Lucy across the face , sending stars dancing in front of her eyes .
It took her a moment to regain her senses .
Peter , now completely smug , planted a kiss on the cheek of one of the women beside him .
Lucy , if you dont hand over that ten million tonight , dont think youll walk out of here alive .
You monster , Peter .
Ive already called the police before I game .
Did you really think Id come here unprepared ? Lucy smiled through the tears streaming down her face .
Meeting Duncan had been the greatest blessing of her life , even if he didnt love her .
If she had to die now , she was ready as long as it didnt drag Duncan down with her .
A man like Duncan was worth dying for .
He was worth it .
Peters face twisted with rage .
You filthy woman , you dared to call the cops ? Dont you care about staying with Duncan ? Arent you afraid Ill tell him you used to sell yourself? Im not afraid .
Lucy wasnt scared anymore .
She had spent so long cowering , but now , there was nothing Peter could use against her .
-The man Peter had been groveling to , a man Lucy overheard being called Brian , scowled Peter , you told me this woman wouldnt call the police .
Now that she has , what are we supposed to do? We cant end up in jail over this .
Im sorry , Brian , Peter replied with a fawning tone , bowing and scraping .
But dont worry .
We still have her .

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Chapter 43 +25 BONUS As long as we have Lucy , Duncan wont dare do anything to us .
Brian sneered .
Durican Millingtou ? Isnt he the one whos obsessed with Audrey ? I heard he went gray overnight because of her .
What makes you think hed care about some whore ? I swear its true , Brian .
Last time , I asked for five hundred thousand from her , and Duncan didnt even blink before giving it to her .
He clearly cares about this woman , Peter insisted , casting a venomous glare at Lucy .
She had gotten him into real trouble this time .
Lucy , realizing she couldnt break free , stopped struggling She knew she had called the police , and they would arrive soon .
These men didnt have time to extort any more money from Duncan .
Brian weighed his options , then decided it was best to make a profit while he still could .
If Duncan truly cared about this woman , it was worth using her to squeeze out some money .

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