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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 6

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 6 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits Audrey, hes getting married.
The engagement ceremony is in three days.
How can you be together after that? Please listen to me come with me for treatment.
Ive contacted the best hospital.
I believe well finally find out whats wrong.
We can save you.
Please, just listen.
Josh placed his hands on Audreys shoulders.
She was so thin, looking as if a breeze could knock her over.
Audrey brushed his hands away.
Stop trying to deceive me, Josh.
We havent found the cause in a whole year why would we find it now? Im grateful for everything youve done this past year.
I know you did it all for my sake.
But returning to him was my choice.
Yes, hes getting engaged in three days.
Ill leave then, but not for treatment.
Ill find somewhere where no one knows me and quietly die.
Im tired, so very tired.
I cant take any more of this.
With that, she rushed out.
Josh crouched on the ground, defeated.
The woman he loved wouldnt stay, no matter how much he gave.
Her heart was completely filled with that man, leaving no room for him.
Audrey returned to the mansion, but the staff blocked her at the gate.
No matter how much she pleaded, they refused to let her in.
Looking at the indifferent staff, she was overcome with grief.
A year ago, she didnt tell him about her illness because she feared he couldnt handle it.
At the time, the company was struggling, and he didnt have the energy to spare.
She wasnt ready to leave this world so young, so when Josh, her doctor, suggested taking her to France for treatment, she agreed without hesitation.
Suddenly, a loud boom signaled the start of a downpour.
She dialed Duncans number.
Duncan, believe me, my marriage to him wasnt what you think.
Nothing happened between us.
Just four days ago, we finalized our divorce.
Divorced, huh? Audrey, Ill never take a divorced woman.
You chose this path; now bear the consequences yourself! Duncan, please believe me.
Its not what you think.
Let me in, and Ill give you a proper explanation.
She was on the verge of tears.
She owed him an explanation, but he never gave her a chance.
She had originally planned to spend her final days with the man she loved.
But now, not only could she not stay by his side, but he also saw her as a traitor.
A traitor! Audrey, I dont want to see you.
Not in this lifetime! Duncans voice echoed like a distant roar, terrifying and cold.
No! Duncan, please dont do this, dont… beep beep… She desperately pleaded, but was met with a dial tone as he hung up.
When she tried calling Duncan again, she heard, Sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service.
He had cut off their only connection.
Frantically, Audrey pounded on the iron gate, begging the staff, Open the door, please! I beg you… I need to explain to Duncan; I still owe him an explanation.

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Open the door! Open the door! The staff knew that Heather was the future mistress of this house, while the woman before them was just a shameless gold-digger trying to take her place.
So no matter how much Audrey begged, they refused to open the gate.
Audrey stared wide-eyed as the staff disappeared from her sight, her knees giving way as she collapsed to the ground.
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