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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 47

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 47 +25 BONUS In psychology , its often noted that people who experience extreme trauma may subconsciously block out their most painful memories , retaining only the happier ones .
However , certain triggers can bring those painful memories rushing back .
It seems that Duncan was experiencing this very phenomenon .
Josh patted Duncan on the shoulder .
Youre not well .
Ill arrange for a therapist to see you tomorrow .
Duncan still hadnt moved on from Audreys death .
He was stuck in that moment , and if this continued , it would destroy him .
Duncan rubbed his temples and waved Josh off .
No need ; m fine .
I want to go see Audrey , Josh wanted to insist , but Duncan had already turned and was heading out the door .
When Duncan arrived at the cemetery and saw that there were no flowers left at Audreys grave , he felt a deep sense of guilt .
He had failed in his responsibilities as her husband .
For months , he had forgotten her , leaving her to rest here all alone .

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The more he thought about it , the more he despised himself .
Audrey , how are you ? Did you miss me ? Are you happy without me by your side ? I bet youre probably doing just fine someone as beautiful and kind as you must have a lot of souls lining up to marry you .
But dont say yes , Audrey .
None of them are worthy of you .
Wait for me .
Ill come be with you soon .
The things we couldnt finish in this world , well complete together in the next .
This time , I believe everything you say .
Ill never doubt you again .
As Duncan spoke , he tasted something metallic in his mouth .
Blood .
But he didnt care .
His hand gently brushed across Audreys photo on the tombstone , and he smiled sadly .
Forgive me , Audrey .
Forgive me for forgetting you .
It wasnt what I wanted .
I know Ive been living a lie , refusing to wake up , because the world without you is too painful , too lonely .
Forgive me for not being as strong as you were .
Pressing a hand to his chest , Duncan felt an unbearable pain , as though he were dying .
Death sounded like a relief -it meant he could finally be with Audrey again .
He wouldnt have to suffer through this world anymore .
Closing his eyes , Duncan took a deep breath , and when he opened them again , he saw Audrey standing in front of him , smiling radiantly .
She was breathtakingly beautiful , like an ethereal being .
She reached out her hand toward him , and Duncan extended his hand to take hers .
But just as he was about t grasp it , she vanished .
His hand slowly fell back to his side , and tears began to spill from his eyes , falling silently onto the ground .
He closed his eyes forever .
to When Seamus , Josh , and Janet arrived , Duncans body had already grown cold .
He was kneeling before Audreys grave , as if seeking her forgiveness .
Seamus held Duncan in his arms , his heart aching as if it had been pierced by a thousand knives .
That woman hadnt been able to save his son after all Josh glanced at the cold gravestone and softly murmured , Audrey , now I understand what you and Duncan meant to each other .
How are you doing down there ? Duncan has come to join you .
Janet , unable to contain her grief , shouted at the grave , You won , Audrey ! You blame me , dont you ? Youre +25 BONUS Chapter 47 angry because I took the money and blamed it on you , so you took my son from me .
You won ! lost I lost my son , and now Im all alone .
Audrey , I hate you .
Its your faul ! I was so worried about Duncan , but I didnt dare see him .
Not even in his final moments could I say a word to him .
Janet pounded her fists against Andreys tombstone until her hands bled , but she seemed numb to the pain .
Thats enough ! Seamuss voice boomed .
This was Duncans choice .
Our son wasnt strong enough .
Janet stopped and then collapsed over Duncans body , sobbing uncontrollably .
My son , it was all my fault .
I shouldnt have gambled .
I shouldnt have blamed Audrey .
Please , wake up .
Hit me , yell at me … just please , wake up .
She tried to pull Duncan to his feet , but his lifeless body wouldnt budge .
Josh watched as Janet cried over Duncans body , then quietly stepped toward the gravestone .
He gently brushed his fingers over the two words etched into the stone : My Wife .
Audrey , you fought for so long , and it was worth it .
Duncan loved you just as much as you loved him .
He didnt live well without you .
Now hes here with you , and youll never be lonely again .
In life , you two couldnt be together , but now , you finally can be .
Are you happy , Audrey ? After Duncans death , Janets condition deteriorated .
She began speaking nonsense and would apologize to people at random .
Seamus , struggling to handle both Duncans funeral and his wifes care , was barely holding on .
Josh , not wanting to leave them in such a state , stayed behind to help .
Eventually , after much discussion , Duncan and Audrey were buried together .
With Duncans passing , the stock of his company , Quartet Enterprises , plummeted .
Seamus , resigned to fate , allowed the company to be bought out , but with one condition : the companys name had to remain unchanged .
That was his only request .
A year later , Josh returned to the gravesite , accompanied by a woman who bore an uncanny resemblance to Audrey .
Duncan , Audrey , youre finally together now .
Ive found someone too someone for me .
Weve all found our happiness .
Audrey , Duncan , I hope youre happy too .
Make up for all the regrets you had in life , a thousand times over .
Josh gently tugged on the womans hand .
Come , say something to them .
Let them know Im happy .
The woman nodded and placed the flowers by the grave .
Audrey , Josh told me about you .
He said you were the most beautiful woman in the world , and I can see why , even just from your picture .
Josh couldnt stop talking about you , to the point where I started to feel a little jealous .
You were lucky , Audrey you had two men who loved you deeply : Josh , who loved you selflessly , and Duncan , who was willing to follow you even in death .
You were truly blessed .
I hope you both will be happy forever .
Josh softly echoed her words from behind .
Yes , they will be .
Theyll be happy forever in the next world .
The End Continue Reading

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