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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 13

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 13 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits Duncan took a long drag from his cigarette, his mind in turmoil.
Had he really misjudged her? Or was this just another of her elaborate lies? Let me help you get ready, Audreys voice was soft, but it did nothing to ease the knot in his stomach.
He felt like he was losing something precious, though he couldnt quite put his finger on what.
He crushed out his cigarette and stood, his eyes meeting hers.
Is this really what you want? Yes, Duncan.
I love you.
Meeting you, loving youits been the greatest joy of my life.
Youre getting married today, and even though Im not the bride, I want your happiness more than anything.
Your joy matters more than my own.
From now on, you wont be alone.
Life will get harder; youll be tired sometimes, but thats part of the journey too.
Tears streamed down Audreys face.
Watching her cry, Duncan remembered a promise hed once made: Audrey, dont ever cry again.
Youre beautiful when you cry, but each tear is like a falling star.
I want you always smiling, always happy.
Gently, Audrey helped Duncan into his tuxedo.
Promise me youll be happy, Duncan.
Cherish Heather.
Build a family.
Live an amazing life together.
Duncan had never seen this side of Audrey.
It made his heart ache.
Shouldnt she be begging him not to marry someone else? Why was she blessing their union? Was this an act, or did she truly believe hed change his mind? Do you think Id fall for your tricks again? he snapped.
That only works once.
You betrayed me.
Ill never trust you again! Get out! No, Duncan, please! He turned to leave, but Audrey rushed forward, wrapping her arms around him from behind.
He could feel the softness of her body, the pounding of her heart.
He pried her hands away, but she clung to him desperately.
Let me hold you one last time, she pleaded, her face pressed against his back.
Just once more.
Duncans icy facade cracked for a moment.
This woman, despite everything, still knew how to tug at his heartstrings.
For a fleeting second, he wondered if there was more to the story… A knock at the door jolted him back to reality.
Sir, theyre waiting.
The ceremonys about to start.
Audrey reluctantly let go, wiping her tears.
Go, she whispered.
Remember what I saidbe happy.
Happier than anyone.
Duncan hesitated for a moment before walking out without looking back.
Only when his footsteps faded did Audrey collapse in sobs.
Im so sorry, baby, she whispered, hands pressed against her stomach.
I couldnt keep your father.
I cant be selfish… I dont know how much time I have left.

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Its my fault.
Im sorry I cant bring you safely into this world.
As Audrey walked down the hallway, surrounded by festive decorations, her heart sank.
She dialed Joshs number.
I told him everything.
Im ready to go.
While waiting for his response, she heard a familiar voice from around the corner.
That voice

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