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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 2

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 2 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits Gentle, Duncan, Audrey whispered.
Gentle? How can that satisfy you? Duncan growled, one hand pinning Audrey against the vanity, the other gripping her hair.
Look at yourself.
Calling you an escort is too generous! Audrey gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her face a picture of allure tinged with despair.
She managed a bitter smile.
Once, Duncan would fret over the slightest frown on her face or the tiniest scratch on her skin.
Now, every word he spoke felt like a dagger in her heart.
But she had to accept it.
No matter how much it hurt, she had to stay.
She didnt want to leave with regrets.
She didnt want to spend her final days without a trace of him in her life.
After he finished, Duncan threw Audrey to the floor in disgust and left without a backward glance.
It felt like an eternity before the pain in Audreys body began to subside.
She struggled to her feet, her blurry vision catching sight of a large clump of hair on the floor.
Her frail body swayed unsteadily.
Her eyesight was failing rapidly.
Soon, all her organs would shut down.
It wouldnt be long now.
Maybe two months, maybe one.
Perhaps ten days, or death might come even sooner than tomorrow.
She ran her pale hands through her thinning hair.
Soon, it would all fall out.
Perhaps one day, seeing her own unsightly appearance, shed lose the courage to face him altogether.
Tearfully, she cleaned up the fallen hair and called her doctor, Dr.

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Josh Bennett.
Josh, I need to know how much time I have left.
After a long silence, he replied, Two to three months at most.
Audrey, come back.
Theres no place for you by his side anymore.
It wasnt the first time Josh had said this.
She didnt believe it; she didnt want to believe it.
She had loved Duncan for ten years, and he had loved her too.
But today, all she saw in his eyes was hatreda world-destroying hatred.
Audrey was human too, flesh and blood.
She longed for a shred of tenderness or pity from the man she loved before she died.
The next afternoon, a guest arrived at the penthouse.
No, not a guestthe future mistress of this home, Heather.
Heather wore a red Valentino dress that was both alluring and sexy.
Few men could resist her coquettish charm.
Heather was shocked speechless at the sight of Audrey.
Just last night, shed heard that Duncan had brought a woman back from the airport.
She never imagined it would be Audrey! How could she be back? Hello, Miss Leverton, Audrey greeted with a gentle, polite smile, though her heart sank.
Duncan had fallen for another woman.
Their decade-long relationship was now in the past.
But what could she say? She was the one who left a year ago.
Now Heather was his fiancée.
Even if Heather came to question or humiliate her, Audrey had no right to protest.
Would you like something to drink, Miss Leverton? Perhaps some sparkling water or iced tea? Audrey, I cant believe you have the audacity to come back, Heather spat, her face pale with anger.
She had gone to such lengths to fabricate evidence of Audrey eloping with another man, creating an opportunity for herself.
She never imagined Duncan would still be unable to forget Audrey, even hiding her away now.
No! She wouldnt give Audrey a chance to turn things around this time! After staring intently at Audrey for a moment, Heather regained her composure.
Just get me a glass of hot water.
Of course, Miss Leverton.
Please wait a moment, Audrey replied, her tone impeccably respectful.

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