Chapter 28 +78 BONUS Mom , have you forgotten ? Quartet Enterprises was built Audrey and me , together .
She put in more effort than anyone else .
When my business was failing , it was Audrey who begged people for help , drank with clients until she bled from her stomach , and yet , when she returned , all she did was comfort me and encourage me to keep going .
Its not that she wasnt worthy of me its me , Duncan Millington , who was never worthy of her ! Duncans voice grow louder , to the point where he couldnt even hear his own frembling tone .
Seamus took advantage of Duncans emotional state to snatch the pocketknife from his hand and throw it far away .
Duncan , this was your mothers mistake .
Im apologizing to Audrey on her behalf .
But Duncan wouldnt accept any apologies .
No amount of apologies would bring Audrey back .
It wouldnt bring their child back either .
Leave , Duncan said , closing his eyes , but tears forced their way through .
Son , Im your mother ! You cant abandon me because of Audrey ! Janet clung to Duncans arm , refusing to let go .
Seamus stood by , helplessly watching his son , realizing that the loss of this one woman had utterly broken him .
But he wasnt ready to give up .
With patience , he continued Duncan , didnt you say Quartet Enterprises was your and Audreys heart and soul ? Youre letting the company fall apart by neglecting it , especially after you crippled the Leverton family business .
Do you think Audrey would rest easy seeing you like this ? Duncans gaze darkened , and his voice was weak .
Audrey is gone .
What use are these worldly possessions to me ? All he had ever wanted was Audrey .
Seamuss frustration boiled over , and with gritted teeth , he threw a hard punch at Duncans face .
Duncan Millington , listen to me ! I gave you life , and you dont get to end it without my permission ! If Audrey could see you now , she wouldnt want to see you living like this half dead , wasting away .
Duncan , pull yourself together ! Think about the life Audrey lived .
Did she ever give up ? Did she ever just decide to die ? No ! She kept fighting , she fought to stay by your side .
You say you werent worthy of her ? Youre right youre not , because youre not half as strong or brave as she was ! Duncan collapsed onto the ground , blood trickling from the corner of his mouth .
His eyes never left Audreys photo on the tombstone .
He really wasnt as brave or strong as she was .
Josh had given him her medical records , and it had taken him so long to gather the courage to read them .
He couldnt sleep because every time he closed his eyes , all he could see was her lying in his arms , covered in blood , saying , Duncan , thank you .
Im so grateful I met you and loved you in this life .
I have no regrets .
How could he face a world without her , burdened by his guilt and longing ? Janet , heartbroken to see Duncan lying there , rushed over to help him up , but he refused to move .
Son , please dont do this .
Youre breaking my heart .
Im begging you .
It was my fault .
I shouldnt have taken the companys money and blamed it on Audrey .
Its all my fault , son .
Please , dont do this , Janet cried , unable to control herself as she hugged her son .
Duncan watched as his mother broke down , her words stirring a storm of emotions within him .
He simply stared at her as she wept .
Son , dont look at me like that .
Youre scaring me .
I know Im a terrible person .
I was wrong , Janet sobbed , slapping herself repeatedly in the face .
1/2 Duncan grabbed her hands .
Mom ! Stop ! 25 BORUS Son , youve forgiven me , havent you ? You forgive me , dont you ? Janet looked up at Duncan with desperate hope in her eyes .
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Chapter 20 Heather had orchestrated everything , planning it all so meticulously .
It was all her doing .
Everything that had happened to Audrey and him Heather had played the pivotal role in their downfall .
Duncans eyes narrowed , filled with a fury so intense it seemed ready to consume the world .
+25 BONUS +25 BONUS Chapter 29 Chapter 29