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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 32

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 32 Audreys love for him had become the weapon he used to hurt her .
Duncans eyes burned with unshed tears .
Everywhere he looked , he felt her presence , as if she were still there , smiling at him so bright , so full of joy .
The sight brought him to tears , but every time he reached out to hold her , his hands passed right through her .
After repeating this futile gesture over and over , Duncan finally understood the true meaning of being separated by life and death .
It was agony an unbearable pain that made him question why he was even still alive .
A grown man , Duncan lay sprawled on the floor , crying like a child .
He remembered their college days .
He had wanted to start his own business , and she had secretly taken on freelance writing jobs online , often staying up all night to earn money to fund his startup .
After they graduated , their entrepreneurial journey officially began .
While others worked regular hours from nine to five , they worked from five in the morning to nine at night , often burning the midnight oil .
She never once complained .

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She never said she was tired , never uttered a word of frustration .
Instead , she comforted him , always telling him to keep going Eventually , the company began to take off , and she took charge of the finances and logistics .
But then , a year ago , several suppliers started causing problems all at once , forcing him to seek new ones .
Funds were tight , and in the midst of this crisis , she suddenly left His whole world collapsed .
He fell into a deep , dark hole in his life .
So he hated her .
He resented her for leaving him at a time when he needed her the most , for not standing by him .
as she always had .
He had taken all her sacrifices for granted , never once considering that she was human too someone who could break down , age , feel pain , and even die one day .
Duncan sat in front of his computer , another sleepless night behind him .
He had lost track of how many times since Audreys death he had stayed awake like this , waiting for the dawn to break ..
Every second was agony , a constant torment , but he couldnt stop himself from thinking about her .
No matter how much he tried , he couldnt let go .
He lit a cigarette , and through the swirling smoke , his eyes glistened faintly with tears .
He smoked through an entire pack before finally , in a daze , he collapsed onto the desk and fell asleep .
He dreamed a long , vivid dream .
In it , he relived the moment they first met as children on the same school bus .
The bus was packed with kids , and she was squeezed into a corner , looking small and helpless .
He had been the one to approach her and offer his seat .
She had stared at him for a long time , unsure , until she realized he meant no harm .
Then she smiled at him.
There was another memory , too when their school organized a field trip .
A few classmates had planned a hike , but the winding trails caused them to lose their way .
The sky darkened , and several girls began to cry in fear , but Audrey stayed calm , following quietly beside him without a single complaint .
7/2 Chapter 32 # 25 BONUS She was the one who suggested they follow the North Star to find their way back .
Always composed , she was able to think clearly when it mattered most .
A woman like that was destined to elevate the man by her side .
It was then that he decided he would keep her with him for the rest of his life .
By the time they made it back to school , It was morning .
The police had been called , and the parents were overjoyed to see their children safe .
But Audrey stood alone forgotten in a corner , as if no one was there to welcome her back .
In that moment , Duncan realized her strength and calmness werent natural they had been forged through hardship .
In their freshman year , she worked part time jobs while studying , often sleeping just a few hours a night .
Yet she always greeted everyone with a smile .
A woman who lived such a difficult life , she faced it all with a smile .

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