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Alone Until the End of Time Novel

Chapter 12

Update: 2025-02-27 07:37:03 | 1 View
Chapter 12 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits No, I cant leave, Audrey insisted, her voice trembling.
I might go blind or even die before we reach the airport.
Josh, Im so close now.
Theyre getting married tomorrow, and Duncan promised to hear me out.
I still have a chance.
Josh ran his fingers through his hair, exasperated.
And then what? Will he call off the wedding? Leave Heather at the altar? Thats not the point, Audrey whispered, her voice barely audible.
I just cant bear him hating me.
I dont want to die with that burden.
He may not love me anymore, but I cant let him hate me.
Her devotion was unwavering, a love so deep shed sacrifice everything for it.
Audrey, please, Josh pleaded, his heart breaking.
Cant you think of yourself for once? Youre not made of stone.

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Youre flesh and blood, with feelings that matter.
Tears rolled down Audreys cheeks.
Just give me tonight.
After I explain, whether he forgives me or not, Ill go with you.
Duncan and Heather are perfect for each other.
I wont interfere after the wedding.
It was the biggest compromise she could offer.
The last thing she wanted was to hurt Josh.
As midnight approached, Audrey found herself outside Duncans penthouse, her hand hovering over the doorbell.
When he opened the door, she realized with a pang that his face was now just a blur to her failing eyes.
This would be the last time shed ever see him.
She stumbled towards him, nearly tripping over the coffee table.
Duncan watched impassively, making no move to help.
Well? he said coldly.
Isnt this what youve been waiting for? Audrey stood before him, wringing her hands.
Duncan, I never meant to leave you.
I was sick really sick.
I went abroad for treatment because I didnt want to burden you, especially with the company struggling.
And marrying Josh? Duncans voice was like ice.
It was for the visa, nothing more.
He was my doctor, my legal guardian… Save it, Duncan cut her off.
Do you expect me to believe this soap opera? Audreys voice broke.
You still dont trust me, do you? Duncan, I dont know about any video, but its not true.
I swear on my life, youre the only man Ive ever been with.
If Im lying, may God strike me dead.
She stared at him desperately, trying to memorize a face she could barely see.
All she had left was the coldness in his voice.
Duncan said nothing.
What was there to say? They sat in silence as the night bled into dawn.
When the maid brought in Duncans tuxedo, Audrey rose shakily.
She ran her fingers over the crisp fabric, lingering on the bow tie.
Youll look so handsome, she murmured, smiling through her tears.
If only I could see it, she thought.
If only it was me you were marrying.
But that dream is gone forever.
We were never meant to be.

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