Chapter 10 Author:Yuu_FruityFruits All women dream of wearing a beautiful wedding dress and marrying the man they love, but for her, this had become an impossible dream.
As she hesitated, Heather had already brought the wedding dress before her.
Just as she took the dress, Audrey suddenly cried out Ah! and dropped it as if shed been electrocuted.
Something had just pricked her.
There was something wrong with this dress.
Hearing the noise, Heather looked at Audrey with confusion.
Whats wrong? Theres something in this dress… She was about to say there was something hidden in the dress.
But the store assistant didnt give her a chance to speak, picking up the dress and thrusting it back into her arms.
Miss Lyons, this dress was designed by a top French designer.
There cant be anything wrong with it.
Please, just go try it on.
But this… Before Audrey could say more, she was pushed into the fitting room by the assistant.
As the door closed, she caught a glimpse of a sharp glint in Heathers eyes.
So it was intentional.
Finally, she put on the wedding dress Heather had carefully prepared for her.
There were several places where she had been pricked and was bleeding, but she didnt even frown.
Is this alright, Miss Leverton? Audrey spread her hands, smiling at Heather as if nothing was wrong.
Heather smiled insincerely and said, It looks good, but the neckline is a bit high.
Pull it down a little more.
As Heather finished speaking, the store assistant stepped forward to help.
To prevent the assistant from causing more mischief, Audrey quickly stopped her.
No need, Ill do it myself.
Just as she pulled the dress down, there was a ripping sound, and then the dress slid to the floor.
It was too late to stop it.
Ah… Duncan looked over at the sound.
His eyes grew colder, freezing over completely before he walked over.
Heather feigned surprise, while the store assistant looked at Audrey with contempt.
Miss Lyons, what is this… Audrey crouched on the ground, using the dress to cover herself.
With reddened eyes, she asked, This was intentional too, wasnt it? Audrey, youre the one who did this on purpose.
You clearly wanted to sabotage my wedding to Duncan, so you deliberately tore the dress to seduce him.
Heather looked aggrieved, but inside she was triumphant.
Audrey was about to explain when Duncans icy voice came through: Audrey, the facts are right in front of us.
Are you still trying to argue? I didnt.
He really believed it.
When had they lost all trust between them? Even temporarily.
Audrey, even if you stripped naked right now, I wouldnt have the slightest interest in you.
You disgust me! With that, Duncan walked away without looking back.
As Duncans figure grew more distant, Audreys mind kept replaying his words: Audrey, even if you stripped naked right now, I wouldnt have the slightest interest in you.
You disgust me! Disgust… It felt like her heart had a gaping hole, with cold wind whistling through.
Her already bleeding heart shattered instantly, beyond repair, never to be whole again.
Around her, she could hear the store assistants mocking voices: This woman is so shameless, trying to seduce the groom in front of the bride-to-be.
Millingtons words just now were so satisfying.
She deserves it.
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Women like her should end up like this.
Audrey didnt know how she managed to leave the bridal shop.
She felt the air around her growing thinner, she could hardly breathe.
The scenery before her eyes became increasingly blurry until she could see nothing at all, and she collapsed on the street.
When Josh found Audrey, he wanted nothing more than to strangle Duncan with his own hands.