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Chapter 34

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
( 0 ) Chapter 34 And you hit your mate ? he asked .
Margaret crossed her arms and stood proudly , He had it coming , that cocky bastard .
Milliken throw his head back letting out a hearty laugh .
Well most men are , dear , he said once he calmed down .
But you shouldnt be hitting your mate , if he is your mate .
He is not my mate , she growled .
I have no desire for a mate .
Besides even if he was my mate , I cant be with him , she whispered .
And why is that ? the doctor asked with his one brow raised .
You know why , she muttered .
No , I dont .
Margaret glared at Dr.
Milliken with daggers , Im dying , what kind of mate would I be if I told him Ill die in a few weeks .
I see nothing wrong with that , Dr.
Milliken stared down onto Margaret with gentle eyes .
At this moment the moon goddess has given you a gift to meet your other half , a time for to finally be happy .
What are you talking about , I am happy , Margaret laughed just to show him she was .
But are you really ? There was a long moment of silence between Margaret and Dr.
Milliken .
She didnt have any words for him .
Was she happy ? Yes , she was happy .
She has her brother , her writing , her books , and she couldnt forget her best friend coffee .
She was the Bate of her pack .
She even became the strongest female in her pack .
Not to mention she can now cross off beat the King of all Wolves off her bucket list .
She was happy or was she ? Margaret , you need your mate more than ever , Dr.
Milliken began , Dont let this gift go to waste .

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Its time you had some real fun for once , he smiled .
The doctor turned towards the door and opened it .
And Margaret , he said before letting himself out , try not to kill your mate .
He is our king after all , his smile grow from ear to ear before letting out another heartfelt laugh .
Chapter 34 Hes not my mate , she growled under her breath .
Margaret found herself sitting at her kitchen table , staring into her full cup of coffee that was now cold .
She rubbed her thumb gently over the lip of the cup .
wing repeat was There could be no way that , the man upstairs , was her mate .
She repeated over and over again that there was no way that she was mated to him .
If so , the Moon Goddess was punishing them for their sins .
mash while With a deep sigh , Margaret pitied the King .
She pitied him and her little brother .
Oh man , Ross groan , walking into the kitchen while resting a hand on his back .
Why did I have to chop that tree ? he whined .
Margaret didnt bother to look at her brother , Because his highness isnt up to do it himself and well be needing that wood for winter , she said lazily You could have helped , you know .
Youre the one who kicked him into the tree .
I should have kicked him harder , she glanced up at Ross with cold eyes .
Eyes that could kill and Ross knew that .
At least the boy was smart enough to know when to not talk back .
Margaret sighed once more when turning back to her cup.
What a mess .
How is the King ? Ross whispered .
Margaret closed her eyes , shaking her head from left to right , Its a shame .
He died , Ross spoke in disbelief .
He made his way towards Margaret to take a seat .
His face paled .
And once he sat down .
He lives , she said disappointedly into her cup .
By the moon , Margaret , Ross rom his seat , What is wrong with you .
He is your mate ! Hes not my mate , Margaret growled coffee cup .
glaring at her brother .
She tightened her grip around her rejected for the third time I mated witherava 23 : 1 % Chapter 34 By the moon , he is .
Even I feel the bond ! her brother yelled .
Why are you like this ? Is he not what you expended ? He paused for an amount , then whispered , Is it me ? If so just tell me .
You say all of this is for me but what about you .
Let it go , Ross , Margaret muttered .
No ! Tell me what it is your hiding ! We used to be so close , and then I- I killed- Margaret stood up so fast her chair fell to the floor with a loud bang .
Enough Ross , she ordered .
It was my fault that mom and dad are gone .
Enough ! Why are you punishing yourself for what I did ! I said enough ! Margaret yelled at the top of her lungs while taking her cup and throwing it across the room .
Her cup shattered into pieces on the floor , and a steam of black coffee run down the .
pale yellow colored walls .
Margaret , Her brother sighed .
For the first time , in a long time , Margaret saw pure fear in her brothers eyes .
Those same eyes he wore on that night five years ago .
Margaret diverted her eyes away from her brother to find her nails erected .
She glared at her nails , nails that belonged to her wolf , nails that she used to kill her prey .
Running her tongue over her teeth , she found them to have changed as well .
It took a moment for Margaret to realize that she shifted midway into her wolf in front of her brother .
( 0 ) ( 0 ) Chapter 35

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