Chapter 26 Well , that was a lie .
There was one she wouldnt mind seeing .
She did tell the King of all Wolves to come to her house tonight .
She was so happy about him becoming her model for her last book and she wanted to finish it as soon as she can .
She did have only two weeks left .
Who says she couldnt prepare her brother to become a warrior worthy of becoming a king and put the King of all Wolves under her thumb while she finishes her last book in the end of two weeks .
Margaret smiled at the challenge at hand , who said she wasnt a workaholic ? She would laugh at anyone who said she wasnt .
She put more on her plate then the average Alpha and Luna put together .
But then again , would you praise a workaholic or pity them .
Hey sis , Ross called out from the hallway .
Margaret took a sip of her coffee , pretending she wasnt in .
What do I tell the King ? You tell him Im not here , she yelled back taking another sip of her coffee before she realized what she just said .
The King , she whispered .
Margaret got up so fast , she dropped her chair and near ran out of the kitchen to the hallway before she stopped end , looking down the hallway , meeting the eyes of the King .
Your Highness , she gasped .
He really came .
He really did come like she had asked .
She didnt know if she should be happy or freak out at the fact that he really came .
How can she explain to her brother the reason for the Kings visit ? What can I do for you ? she asked glancing at her brother , hoping his Highness understood what she was applying .
I come to see you , he said .
He stood proudly at the door .
His chest raised , his hand behind his back , and his eyes solely on hers .
Was there a reason ? she asked trying to look annoyed like she would normally do for anyone .
The King glared at her and then Ross before looking back to her .
Ross , why dont you go out .
I believe the Luna made her famous desserts tonight .
I saw them in the Hall .
Ross glared at Margaret , puffing out his own chest out .
Even though he was ten times smaller than the King , he made Margaret very proud .
I think Ill stay , he growled now glaring at the King .
The boy had a death wish to challenge the King of all Wolves .
Ross ! she spoke more dominantly this time towards him , Go now .
I wont ask again .
Ross growled under his breath stubbornly .
So Margaret growled back , something she has never done before .
It shocked him .
It shocked her even more but she wasnt going to let him know that .
What did I say , Ross ? Im leaving , he shouted , turning his back to her and making his way to the door , Ill be back in an hour .
Stay with Lawrence tonight , she called out .
What ? Ross turned to his sister .
Say nothing to Lawrence about this .
If he asked , I kicked you out because you were too loud while I was working .
Do you know- I do .
Now do as youre told and I will explain everything in the morning .
Is he your mate .
No , she said coldly , this is about business .
Ross looked her in the eye , glaring at her for what seemed like forever to her .
I trust you , he said taking one more glance towards the King and then to Margaret before leaving .
Margaret felt like she could finally breath when Ross left the house .
She could feel her cheeks burn over the fact that her brother could have found out about her little project , that , and that he had asked her if the King was her mate .
Such a thought was so silly , it was sillier then Lawrence and her being mated .
My office is upstairs , Margaret announced making her way to the stairs .
Are you sure ? The kings voice was low and rough .
She could hear a hint of pleasure in those very few words but it was cover over with worry as well .
Are you afraid Ill bite , Your Highness , Margaret peeked over her shoulder , taking a good look at him .
Wide shoulders , small waist , muscles that perfectly showed through his clothes .
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It was just enough to tease a woman .
You sign outside says to beware of dogs , he raised one of his brows , should I be ? Margaret broke a smile and started climbing up the stairs , maybe , she replied .
21:37 After being rejected for the third time , I mated withly Childhood 17.6 % Chapter 26 She didnt have to look over her shoulder to find him following her to her office .
It had been a long time since she had broken out of her mask with someone other than Lawrence or Ross .
She even held back a laugh .
A real laugh .
Something she hasnt done in a long time .
I hope you dont mind the mess .
I didnt have time to clean up , she found herself saying before opening the door .
Andrew held his breath for a moment .
His little mate was still wearing her skin tight gown .
Her all brown locks of hair was now on one side of her shoulder , revealing her other white creamy shoulder .
So small and so sweet , his mouth watered .
For once he was afraid to be near her .
He didnt want to scare her but he wanted her so damn bad that his groan was throbbing in pain .
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