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Chapter 28

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
Chapter 28 Could that be right ? Margaret knew the look of a man who hungered for his female .
As a little girl , she used to be like all the others .
Daydreaming about the day she would meet her mate , how they would run off into the forest for their first hunt together , the day he would mark her to prove his undivided love for her , and together they would rule the world as she proved herself to be the most powerful she wolf known to their kind .
Okay , it wasnt completely like all the other she wolves dreamed of but Margaret also wished big .
When she turned ten she would go out and challenge the alphas son to a dual .
She would challenge a male her age if not a little older to show all others that she would make her dream a reality .
But all the adults laughed at her .
Said it was a childs dream .
She didnt believe them .
She didnt believe that a she wolf was just a woman who worked at home and raised the pups .
But after that night .
Margaret learned the truth .
That a dream was just a dream and that there was no happy ending .
Not for her , that is .
Margaret diverted to her computer , was it a mistake to invite him over ? Are you alright , the King whispered , siding chills down her spine .
Just thinking , she said walking away from him .
She turned to her desk and grabbed a notebook .
You may go now , she spoke coldly , taking a pen in her hand , and writing down the features of her new male character .
Thats it , he asked .
I thought we were taking it slow , Margaret turned her head towards him with a cold exception .
Or does his highness like to play with his new toys ? The King growled at her last comment .
He didnt like it and she didnt care .
Take them , play with them , and come back with the data I need .
Margaret knew her words were cold , but he was getting to close .
Just the look in his eyes made her pull back and she wasnt looking for a relationship that ended her on the floor on her hands and knees .
You didnt feel it , his words were dark and lustful .
Feel what , Margaret sighed as if she was already bored of the conversion , which she was about to After ing rejected for the third time I mated with 18.8 % Chapter 28 until he said .
Our mate bound .
She dropped everything on the ground , looking him straight in the eye , What did you say ? Our bound .
Were- Margaret couldnt hear him .
All she could hear was her heart pounding and squeezing in her chest .
She could already feel a lump form in her throat .
Get out , she muttered .
What ? Get out ! she yelled .
She grabbed the first thing she could get her hands on and throw it at him .
He dodged swiftly .
What the hell ! he yelled back .
Get the fuck out of my house ! Margaret took the next thing in her reach and throw it at him .
She didnt want to be near him .
She didnt want him to touch her .
This was a mistake .
A horrible mistake .
The King took a couple steps forward , slowly making his way towards her .
Whats wrong ? Arent you happy ? We finally found each other , he spoke slowly .
Happy ? she murmured , Happy ! No , its a fuckin nightmare ! Margaret grabbed the heaviest book she had and throw it at him , Get out ! Now ! This time he didnt dodge the item she throws at him .
He took it , taking a back .
With a grim look , he nodded his head , made his way to his shirt and left the room .
Margaret waited for the front door to close .
Once it did , she fell to the floor .
Her knees hit the floor hard , but it didnt hurt as much as her heart did .
Her throat swelled as she let out a silent cry .
Letting her tears stream down her cheeks .
21:38 After being rejected for the third time , I mated with my thudod 19.0 % Chapter 28 This couldnt be happening , she thought .
She was dying and yet she found her mate .
But that wasnt what hurt her or scared her .
It was the fact she didnt know .
She didnt feel their bound .

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Even when she touched him , she felt nothing .
Not only did she not feel their bound , she couldnt make him happy nor could she ever give him anything a normal she wolf could give to their mates .
A pup , an heir .
And the worst part of all this was that he was going to lose his mate faster then he could blink .
Im sorry .
Im sorry .
Im so sorry , she cried .
Andrew was pacing around the kitchen after his three hour run .
He was still furious about what happened between him and his little mate .
He couldnt even understand how or why she would call their mating , of all things a nightmare .
There were many times during his run around the village , he stopped to stare up at her window .
The first time he stopped behind her house to look up her window , she was still standing in the same spot with tears in her eyes .
The second time , she was cleaning up the room .
During his third and fourth run , she was pacing around her room while biting her nails .
During his fifth to ninth run , she was sitting in front of her computer .

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