After being rejected for the third time .
I mated with 8.9 % Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Margaret .
Ross sighed in defeat .
Peering over her , Ross , you worry too much .
You said that already , he whined .
Margaret held back a smile as she finished putting her shoes on , Lock the door while Im gone and dont open it for anyone , okay ? You worry too much ? he mocked with a side smile .
Lock the door , she repeated with a more serious tone .
Rolling his brown eyes , I heard you .
Good , Ill be home in an hour at most .
Okay , she heard him sigh as she shut the door behind her .
Oh my moon , Margaret , Lawrence sighed in relief , your here .
Lawrence , Margaret glanced around the large meet hall .
Everything seemed to have been in place .
All the tables were set for the meet tonight .
The food and drinks were made and displayed in one corner of the hall .
The past Alpha and Luna were seated on the other side of the room , closest to the main table on the stage where the King was to be seated with his Beta and best warriors .
Do we have any problems for tonight ? She asked raising a brow .
Well , he hesitated , rubbing the nape of his neck .
Margaret glared at as if to say get on with it .
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The King will be here soon but theres trouble on the west border .
I have to go- Raising her hand to stop him , Ill go , its your duty to be here to greet the King .
Besides , she smiled softly , I need the little workout .
21:31 After ring rejected for the third time , I impted wolf , Chapter 14 Not realizing that he was holding his breath , he whispered her name in a sigh .
Margaret- I know , Ill be careful , she didnt want to hear him say she shouldnt go .
Slapping the side of his shoulder .
Ill be back soon .
Margaret ! Lawrence yelled quickly taking her wrist .
She peered over her shoulder , waiting for him to say more .
But he didnt , his eyes traveled to the floor and then back up to her .
What are you .
wearing ? You look like a bum , he frowned .
She smiled , You just noticed .
pause , Youre not going to lecture me too , are you ? she frowned .
He didnt answer right away , When you return from the west border , I want you in a clean gown .
Your King will be here tonight and you will not be seen looking like a bum .
Is that a threat I hear , Lawrence ? We may be friends but dont forget Im still your Alpha .
Margaret wanted to laugh at him but she didnt .
She knew he was serious and in times like these .
He always made sure she knew between the two .
Of course , she bowed , If you will excuse me .
Margaret refused to look him in the eye as he loosens his grip on her wrist .
Taking the opportunity to take her hand back , she brought her arms to her side and stroked out of the meeting hall .
Andrew took a deep breath and smelled the air .
They were close .
He could smell a roasted duck , most likely slow cooking over a campfire .
The sent had him nearly drool with delight .
But there was something else in the air .
Yes , another smell and it smelled like trouble .
Rouge Peering over his shoulder , Dolph could sense them too .
With a sharp nod , Andrew raced ahead with Dolph close by his side as the others stayed behind .
Andrew didnt need his men getting in his way .
He could solve this fast by the time their pack came and deliver the dead bodies to the this Alpha Lawrence .
How in responsible of him to have such firth come near his pack .
The Hunt was less than two weeks away , and the last thing they needed was a pack of rouges roaming around stealing she wolves .
Do you smell that ? Dolph said in Andrews mind .
Blood .
Andrew growled .
And a lot of it .
It smelled as if there was a bloodbath going on .
It was when the painful cries of wolves only proved Andrews fear .
21:31 Alter þring rejected for the third time , I mated with ph Chapter 14 Over there ! Dolph yelled .
Just a few feet away in front of them , was indeed a bloodbath .
What the hell .
Dolph had said for Andrew .
Ten lifeless bodies laid on the ground .
The forest floor was -drowning in red blood .
In the many dead bodies , there was only one that moved .
I knew I didnt kill all of you , a female voice sang .
In the distance , a small woman walked out from a tree and stalked towards the whimpering rouge .
Dolph was ready to attack the woman but Andrew stopped him , putting his hand up , he watched the woman before him .
The woman was cover from head to toe in blood .
Her baggy shirt and sweatpants were shredded , only revealing her creamy color stomach , thigh , and right knee .
Please , I was only doing as I told , he cried putting his hands up to protect himself .
Funny , so am I , She smiled tilting her .
No ! Please ! He screamed ..
Thats enough , Andrew growled under his breath .
The woman growled under her breath and turned her head toward him .
Her eyes were a bright gray and gold .
Who the hell are you ? she hissed making Dolph ready for attack .
Your King , He said trying to get a hold of temper before he jumped on her himself .
King ? Andrew watched her body relaxed .
He waited for her to bow but she didnt .
Go ahead up , Alpha Lawrence is waiting for your arrival , she peered behind him , It seems you left your pack behind .
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