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Chapter 27

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
Chapter 27 If he thought he was suffering now , he felt like he was going to die the moment she opened that office door .
The room was filled with her sent , villain , coffee , and woodsy .
She spent a lot of time in this room and no one else .
He could smell a little of her brother but no other man had touched this room .
Did that mean his mate was still pure ? Just for him .
Goddess I need help , he thought .
The moment the room was revealed , he gasped .
It wasnt that of a mess but it wasnt an office, it was a bedroom .
Her closet was wide open , bras hanging on the knob of the closet door .
A wet towel , on the floor , as if she stood there and let the towel make a pool around her feet and walked away from it , leaving it there as if it never was .
Her desk was by the closet , filled with papers and books .
An oak bookshelf stood beside the desk , covered to the rim .
She had so many books that there were stacks of them all around the room .
Your room ? Yea , well I hardly use it as such, she said walking into the room .
Have a seat , she commanded .
Andrew felt his wolf paw in the back of his skull to be let out .
He didnt like her commanding him .
He wanted her on her knee and giving herself to him .
He wanted to give her pups .
His pups .
Andrew held his wolf in place , trying to find a place to sit he couldnt bring himself to sit anywhere .
Her scent was everywhere and all he wanted to do was rub his nose on everything .
He wanted to rub his own body on everything she owned so every man in the world knew she was his .
He wanted the world to know that she was his , he was hers and his wolf agreed .
They are here … somewhere , she muttered .
Andrew turned his head to find her bent down , ass in the air , in the closet .
Goddess , help him .
He licked his lips , biting his bottom lip .
Here it is , she cheerfully said pulling out a brown box that said Open and I Kill You ! I have to say , she smiled , Im so happy I can be able to get rid of this .
I was afraid Ross would find it .
She walked the box passed him and placed it on the bed .
She then began to open the box and stepped away .
Take a look .
Theres nothing that can bite .
Well , I dont think so .
21:37 After being rejected for the third time , I mated with my thid 18.1 % Chapter 27 Andrew did as she asked and he found enough inside to make him believe that if he wasnt innocent be would be blushing .
Handcuffs , butt plugs , whips , vibrators , dildos and more .
He was out of breath just looking at all of it .
There are magazines on bondage in there , she began to say .
She was even about to reach into the box to grab it but Andrew stopped her .
Thats alright , he tried to say .
Was it a little too much ? Maybe I shouldnt have brought it out , she frowned .
No- no its okay .
Then lets take it slow then .
Can you take off your shirt ? What ? his voice cracked .

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I just want to see your body .
I never had a model for a story and since this will be my last book I want to make sure its a masterpiece .
Why youre last ? He asked .
Just a career change .
Something new to do , she frowned .
Something in Andrew told him his little mate was lying to him .
Those eyes of shes said it all .
Margaret held her breath as the King slowly took off his shirt .
Slowly relieved his upper torso , Margaret founded her eyes tracing the lines that shaped his hard chest .
When he got to the last button , he let his hands drop to his side , letting her see the V line that rested just above his pants .
May I touch , she breathed taking a step closer to him , looking him in the eyes.
He nodded without saying a word .
Taking her one hand , she brushed her cold fingertips against the skin of his chest making him hiss .
She glanced up meeting his eyes in a heated gaze .
She then took her attention back to his chest , lightly taking her fingers and have them trail down the middle of his packs .
His body stiffen .
21:38 After being rejected for the third time , I mated with ply Childhood 18.3 % Chapter 27 He was so warm compared to her .
Hot almost .
She liked it .
His warmth was nice to her , made her calm , even soothed her in a way .
Taking a step closer , she brushed both her hands under his shirt from his stomach and tracing up his torso .
Her thumbs brushing pass his hard dark nipples .
Her hands found themselves on his shoulders and to his shoulder blades , removing his shirt .
Beautiful , she thought , looking up to meet his gaze once more .
Margaret held her breath .
The look in the Kings eyes were the eyes of a man in lust .
She knew this because her father had the same look when he looked towards her mother .
And it was a look many mated men gave to their females .
The Kings eyes were low in a heated gaze .
His brown eyes turned golden , revealing that his wolf was slowly creeping out , ready to make a hunt .
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