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Chapter 20

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
( 0 ) Chapter 20 Chapter 20 From the crowd a boy , in his mid teens , ran straight down the middle of the crowd , making his way to the front .
Andrew watched the boy .
The smell was coming from him .
No , thought Andrew .
It couldnt have been , there was no way that boy was his mate .
Andrew took a deep breath , no the doy was not his mate but he smelled like Andrews mate .
The boy smelled of pine trees , which was not a rare scent among their kind .
It was quite common .
But that lovely smell of Andrews mate was all over him .
Andrew made a fist with both his hands and kept them to his side .
He couldnt believe that his mate , would not save herself for him but give herself to a pup like him .
He wanted to kill the boy .
Ross , Andrew looked at the Alpha beside him , then looked at the boy .
Was Ross not the name Beta Margaret had said last night .
Where is your sister ? Alpha Lawrence asked .
Behind you , the boy replied .
It took Andrew a few seconds for him to realize someone had snuck up on him .
Turning around , Andrew found Beta Margaret picking her ear with her pinky finger , lazily .
I have to say , either you suck , or Im just getting that good at sneaking up on people .
How ? Dolph whispered .
How indeed , Andrew wanted to say .
Tilting her head , Margaret smiled , Missed me .
For a moment Andrew wanted to say yes .
She was stunning without all that blood on her skin .
And her scent , she smelled like vanilla , coffee and woodsy .
It was just the perfect blend for him that he just wanted to roll himself in it forever .
Margaret , your late , Alpha Lawrence scolded .
Ross and I had a brother / sister moment this morning .
Cut us a little break will you , She looked out 13.24 Chapter 20 into the crowd .
So this is what I have to work with .
I sure youre capable , Alpha Lawrence said in a teasing manner .
Very , Beta Margaret replied with a smile .
She stepped forward , placed her hands behind her back .
and stood like a soldier that just got out of military camp .
Welcome to Black Water , Beta Margaret began in a strong dominate voice .
Im Beta Margaret .
I sure Alpha Lawrence has given you the short speech .
Andrews pack whispered to each other .
Andrew nor Margaret was surprised that his pack started talking .
She never did go back to the meeting last night to introduce herself .
The Hunt has been in our tradition since the beginning .
Its the time of year that all twelve packs come together to find their life mates .
Some are fortunate to find their mates , others are not .
So dont feel down when you dont find him or her .
There is always next year .
All unmated females who have already found their mates please head straight to the main pack house , where our Luna may take you to a safe location before the Hunt begins .
You are more likely to be in heat earlier than those who havent meet their mates and we dont want you to à track the rouges .
If you dont like what Im saying , too bad .
No one is allowed to mate until the Hunt begins .
Those who brake the rules will have to deal with me .
Do we understand each other ? One male from Andrews pack spoke up , And what is a little woman like you going to do about it we do mate with our mate before the Hunt ? Andrew knew this males type , cocky .
Margaret smiled at the boy like he was just the Christmas gift she was waiting to open .
Is that a volunteer I hear ? Margaret sang .
The Black Water pack members started laughing .
Well then Mr.
Volunteer , shall I show you want I do to those who dont listen to me .
Alpha Lawrence stepped behind Beta Margaret and muttered , Dont kill him , Margaret .
Andrew couldnt tell if she was even listening when she stepped forward saying , Form a circle everyone .
Today youre all going to witness the day this male will lose to a girl .
A thick circle quickly formed the small training hall leaving Beta Margaret and the male wolf in the middle of it .
Andrew , Dolph , and Alpha Lawrence walked into the circle to get a good view of the fight that was about to begin .
Are you ready ? Beta Margaret yelled at the male wolf .
There are no rules to this fight .
So use any means necessary to take me down , if not- she paused for a moment too long before sending shivers down everyones back , you will die .
Margaret could hear Lawrence growl from the distance .
Clearly , he didnt hear her bluff about 21:35 After being rejected for the third time , I mated with Chapter 20 killing the other male .
It wasnt like she was going to kill him .
Or would she ? Are you ready to die ? Margaret called out .
The male before her crouched low like he was about to tackle her .
His feet were wide apart and his arms out open .
Margaret didnt know if she should laugh or tell the male to stop fulling around .
Instead , Margaret stood her ground and watched his movements .

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What was he thinking ? Was he trying to full her with that ridiculous pose ? Or did he not know how to fight but that would be ludicrous , all wolves knew how to fight but he looked like he wanted to give her a big bear hug .
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