Chapter 25 Chapter 25 So you know , he grimly replied , What else do you know ? I have heard rumors , that Alpha Lawrence and Beta Margaret are very close .
Many of the residences believe that their Alpha will mate with her .
Andrew growled , And ? She doesnt return his feels , Andrew relaxed .
Thank you , Dolph .
Go back inside and enjoy your meal .
What about you , My Lord ? Ill find game , while Im on my run .
Go on .
Andrew wondered towards the outside of the village , enjoying the nights cool breeze as well as cursing himself for letting the young Alpha touch his little mate , let alone live .
Did his mate feel so disgusted by her Alphas touch that she left without fulling eating her meal ? Did he scary his little mate by the sound of his warning growl thinking that he would harm her ? He would never .
Well … Maybe he would punish her and place her over his knee ; smacking her lushes bottom while sending chills and thrills up and down her curvy body..
Oh , how he wanted that now .
He groaned at the thought of taking his mate , sending chills and thrills down his own body .
His groin swelled for the touch of her sweet silk folds .
His inner wolf howled for the touch of his mate .
Howled to hold her , coddle her , and embrace her in .
ways she never dreamed of .
His wolf wanted to gift his mate with food and jewels .
Or gift her of their first born and a long life of happiness .
Andrew couldnt think enough about his mate ; he needed to see her .
Talk to her .
Taste her .
He then soon found himself in front of a red house , the only red house in the village , with a sigh in the window that said , Warning Beware of the Dogs .
Chapter 25 Andrew cracked a smile as he let out a little chuckle , His mate was funny .
He liked that .
Margaret groan when she walked through the door .
She was finally home and all she wanted was coffee with a side of bacon and eggs .
She levitated into the kitchen , welcomed by her brother Ross .
It hasnt been an hour , he said rolling his eyes .
Whatever , She said rolling her eyes back .
Im hungry , she then announced taking a seat at their little round table for four , and I want coffee , she finished throwing her head back dramatically , leaning into her chair .
What would you do without me ? Ross sighed , making his way to the refrigerator and pulling out a carton of eggs .
Die of hunger , she whispered acting like the world was about to end .
Picking up her head , she smiled at her brother and watched him start cooking .
Margaret was proud of her brother .
He could cook , hunt , clean and had a heart of gold for a sister like her .
Even though she was going to leave him on the floor .
Luckily for him , he had opened his eyes to find Margaret already dressed and ready to leave the house .
So like the good sister she was , she helped her brother up from the floor and put him on the couch in the living room .
But there was a lot Margaret wanted to teach her brother .
Cleaning , cooking , and basic bathing , he could easily learn on his own .
He was an okay hunter but he was improving .
In the end , Ross didnt seem like he needed Margaret as much as she thinks he does .
The boy was independent , strong and smart .
He was becoming a man before her eyes and still , in her eyes she saw a little boy who needed to be taken care of .
Within ten minutes there was a cup of coffee sitting in front of her as well as a plate of scrambled eggs with a side of toast .
Thank you , she smiled from ear to ear .
Youre the best little brother in the world , Margaret said taking her fork and digging into her plate .
By the way , she said between eats , Im surprised you can even walk .
I should try harder .
Please dont , he frowned making his plate and taking a seat at the table .
Margaret laughed at her brother reposed nearly choking herself to death , Its not that bad .
What are you talking about , you dont even train , he muttered .
21:37 After being rejected for the third time .
I mated with ply the 16.9 % Chapter 25 Thats because Im God , she laughed , I dont need to waste time on training while I can be served grapes and spend the day watching theater .
Oh , yeah , sure , he rolled his eyes , taking his fork into his mouth .
Do you deny the great power of the Gods ? Margaret yelled pointing her fork at her brother while trying to keep a straight face .
Youre being serious , Ross frowned looking at his sister as if she was green .
I think you should see the doctor , he says trying not to smile .
Both Margaret and Ross looked at each other in silence before they started to burst into laughter .
A knock on the door silences them once more .
They both looked at each other than to the hallway where they had a straight view of the front door .
Margaret rolled her eye , Im not here .
Lair , Ross groaned getting up out of his seat .
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If its Lawrence , tell him no .
And if its someone else , Im not here , she didnt feel like seeing anyone .