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Chapter 18

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
1 ( 0 ) Chapter 18 Chapter 18 But thats how she wanted to die .
She wanted to die at the hands of another than to have people .
know about the cancer that lived inside her body .
After her shower , Margaret wrapped a towel around her body and walked across the hall towards her room .
Throwing her towel on the floor once she was in her room , by her dresser .
She threw a black tank top over her without putting her bra on and slipped into a black boyshorts panties .
Looking over her shoulder , she peered at the window .
She walked over to the window , glaring at the moon that appeared in the suns last light .
Two weeks , she frowned taking her eyes off the moon and down to her backyard .
In the shadow , Margaret saw a body of a male creep up to the house and makes its way to the back door .
Who the fuck- she said cutting herself off and making her way down the hall to the stairs .
Her bare feet tiptoed to towards the kitchen .
The kitchen door was slightly opened , with the kitchen light escaping into the narrow hallway .
Kicking the door opened , Margaret marched into the room , ready to kill who ever dared to enter her house without permission .
Before her , the mess hair intruder with leaves and grass in his brown locks was caught eating a banana from off the counter .
Ross , she growled .
Feeling her blood boil in fury .
Did I not tell you to stay inside the house ! Ross froze in his tracks with a piece of his banana that was seeping out from between his lips .
Well , she demanded , folding her arms over her chest .
Swallowing what was in his mouth , he coughed before speaking , I went to get some air .
Air ? Open a window .
But Margaret- he pleaded .
Ross , the Hunt is near .
You know that rogue sighting is an all time high during this period of the year .
What if a rogue or hunter saw you ? Margaret , I can handle myself .
And the hunters havent come in oucarea since … since what After bring rejected for the third time .
I mated with ply made 21:35 1189 Chapter 18 happened five years ago , he said , forcing out the rest of his sentence .
Margaret glared at him , That doesnt matter .
What I say goes , you hear me ? If I tell you to stay home , your ass stays at home .
Until you go through your training and become an adult , I wont have to order you around .
So , for now , you listen to ever goddess damn thing I tell you .
Do you understand ! she yelled , her voice boom off the walls .
You cant boss me around ! You dont even know what Im going through ! he yelled .
All you do is in your room , drink coffee , and do your Beta duties .
Do you even care about me ? he stay up frowned .
Of course I do , Margaret sighed letting her arms fall to her side .
Everything Im doing is for you .
Is it ? Is it really for me ? Or are you running away from something ? Margaret looked away from her brother , folding her arms over her chest once more .
Its time for bed , Ross .
We have a big day tomorrow , she whispered .
Margaret , he whimpered , what are you hiding from me ? Goodnight Ross , Margaret sighed .
Lock the door , she said leaving the room and walking back to her room .
Once in her room , she shut the door behind her and leaned against the wood .
She felt so weak .
Lifting her head up , she stared at the ceiling , holding her sobs back .
Im sorry , she whispered finally letting the tears escape .
Andrew sighed , leaning in his chair , he rested his head on his fist .
He glared at the double doors , waiting for the she wolf to return .
As the hours passed , the night was coming to an end , and few of Andrews people have already been escorted to their sleeping quarters .
Your Highness you should get your rest , Dolph subjected .
He stood behind Andrew , looking out into the crowd that was slowly disappearing as the night went on .
Your right , Andrew sighed once more , slightly disappointed .
He was almost looking forward to seeing the she wolfs return .
He wanted to hear her talk once more .
Her boldness towards him gave him a refreshing feeling .
He couldnt remember the last time a woman spoke to him the way she did .
Or the way she acted around him .
It was as if she didnt fear him at all .
She didnt ever react to his pheromones when he tried to subdue her .
She didnt even react to her own Alphas pheromones .
She was a very interesting she wolf in did .
Andrew lifted himself out of his chair and walked off the stage .
By the time he reached the bottom of 21:35 After being rejected for the third time , I mated with , Chapter 18 the small stairs , he was greeted by the Alpha Lawrence and his mother .
The ex lune , Addy , was a tall slim woman .
Her eyes were a light shade of brown .
Her dark brown hair hung just below her ear , and tucked behind her car , showing off her heart shaped face .
Alpha Lawrence was a spitting image of his mother .
Tall , slim , with brown hair and eyes .
But like many Alphas he was big boned and covered in muscle .
Is there something wrong , your Highness ? Abby smiled , cupping her hands together before bowing , in respect .
No , I would like to retire for the night , Andrew spoke firmly , standing tall .
♡ ( 0 ) ( 0 ) Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Of course .
Ill take you to the packhouse .
Is that were Ill find your Beta ? I would like to talk to her .
Andrew said without thinking .
Abby looked at her son , with a worried look .
Im sorry your Highness , but Beta Margaret does not stay in the packhouse .
She has her own home a little far from the packhouse .
Thats ridiculous .
The Beta is- I understand , she interrupted .
But Beta Margaret is a person who likes to be alone .
Shes not very sociable .
Then why have her as Beta then ? Because shes good at what she does , Lawrence said firmly with a growl .
And what would that be ? She has nucleated her duties as Beta by not returning as well as disrespected me multiple times .
Andrew pointed out .
Beta Margaret is not like any of us , shes different , and as for her duties , she never disappoints .
She is like a shadow , your highness .
Shes always there , never out of sight , Abby said with a smile .
Youll understand tomorrow .
Margaret was up all night finishing her work before sending it off to her editor .
She then took a shower and quickly got herself ready for the long day to come .
Dressed in skinny jeans and a baggy , dark blue shirt with a black tank top underneath , and finally put on her combat boots .
Tying her hair back into a high bun , she left her room and headed straight into the kitchen .
Morning , Ross muttered eating an apple by the island , blocking the view of the coffee pot .
Coffee ? Margaret asked .
Ross moved to the side revealing a half a pot of coffee .
Half a pot , she raised an eyebrow .
There will be coffee at the training hall .
There is no need to waste a full pot , he said taking another bit of his apple .
Right .
Good thinking , Margaret smiled at her little brother while she stalked the coffee pot .
Taking After Juripe rejected for the third time , I mated wil , nhyth 21:35 12 Chapter to a cup from off the shell , Margaret graced herself with a cup of joe .
Taking a sip of the joe , she smiled in bliss , Thats the good stuff .
Leaning her back against the counter , she took another sip of her coffee as she glanced up at her brother .
Their eyes meet but was quickly broken .
Margaret .
Ross turned his back to her .
Im sorry about last night .
I just Dont worry about it .
Ross turned around , looking her in the eye .
But I said dont worry about it .
Were both to blame .
What we went through five years ago- changed us .
But you need to know that I care about you and only want to keep you safe .
But I also need to remember your a growing boy .
Its only right I give you room so you can grow into the man our parents would want you to be .
What about you ? Ross , really ? I am a Beta .
I think mom and dad are happy .
Do you really think they would care about titles ? Margaret smiled into her cup of joe , Maybe , maybe not , but nonetheless Im successful .
You think you think mom and dad are proud of us ? Margaret looked at her brother , I think mom and dad would be proud of us no matter who we became .
Ross nodded his head in agreement .
Margaret stared at her brother , it was clear something was bothering him , so she asked , Are you alright ? Margaret , He said in a whisper , dont leave me too .
Margarets eyes grow wide at the unexpected comment .
Her heart swelled .

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For a split moment she wanted to tell her brother , her secret but she didnt have the heart to do that to him .
Putting her cup on the counter , she walked over to her brother and hugged him .
Ross was much taller than her , but when Margaret wrapped her arms around him , it was like he was the same child she held that day when they heard the news that their parents were gone , forever .
Everything will be alright , she whispered not promising anything .
Everything will be alright .
21:35 Aber þrug rejected for the third time , I mated ward Chapter 19 Andrew stood proudly in front of his and Alpha Lawrences pack .
With Dolph by his side , Andrew noticed that Beta Margaret was nowhere to be seen .
What a useless Beta , he thought .
As most of you know , Alpha Lawrence spoke loudly , beginning the speech without his Beta by his side .
The Hunt is just around the corner .
This is a very important time of the year .
That also means we have to be on high alert .
Rouges have already tried to attack us the other day before the King arrived .
Thankfully , Beta Margaret took care of the matter but we cannot always rely only on one person to take care of the rouges .
Thats why today you all will be training at the highest level until The Hunt .
Next week all ummated females will be taken somewhere safe until the day of The Hunt .
Everyone nodded their head in agreement .
Do you have anything to add , your highness , Lawrence asked Andrew , meeting his eye .
I think you made things very clear , but , I see one person who didnt hear your little speech , Andrew smiled then frowned .
Looking into the crowd , Andrew smelled something sweet , breathtaking and intoxicating .
How was it he didnt smell it before .
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