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Chapter 15

Update: 2025-02-27 07:44:48 | 1 View
Chapter 15 Andrew glanced back at the many bodies on the ground , Was this your doing ? he asked .
She didnt answer but picked up the rouge , I have plans for you , she told the rouge who had just soiled himself out of pure fear as she gripped him up with one hand .
Who was this woman ? Woman ! You were asked a question ! Dolph growled .
She turned towards away from them and peered over her shoulder while dragging the rouge by his hair , Are you coming or waiting for your pack .
Either way , Im leaving with or without you , she announced turning away .
Who was this woman , indeed ? Andrew never meet a woman who took on rouge by herself let alone talk to an Alpha or King for that matter in such a manner .
Dolph growled , nearly ready to transform into his wolf and attack the she wolf .
Enough , wait here for the others .
But- Stay ! Andrew commanded .
Dolph bowed and stayed as Andrew followed the female .
Margaret glanced over her shoulder to find the so called King trailing behind her .
She could tell he was an Alpha but the King .
What would be the odds of running into the King ? It made her wonder if she was setting a trap for her pack or not .
She couldnt tell .
Before setting out for the rouge , she had a couple of Omega waiting for her , back to the borderline .
If they didnt react to him as they did for Lawrence .

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Then shell kill him .
It wouldnt be that hard .
Your back , an omega said .
Margaret didnt know his name other than he was around the same age as Ross .
You had us worried .
You should have let us aid you at least , he began , Alpha Lawrence would be pissed if- She throws the rouge at him , Take him away will you ? Treat his wounds too .
I want him alive and well in the morning .
Yes , he bowed .
Lifting his head , he peered over my shoulder and quivered .
Fear ran across the After being rejected for the third time .
I mated willnly 9.7 % Chapter 1s boys eyes .
As did the other .
Without another word , they all left running .
Odd .
They let you hunt rouges alone , the so called King growled .
A dark mist scent filled her nose and she almost shivered .
Almost .
This way , if you will .
she didnt have time for questions .
She was losing time .
She was going to be late .
She hated it late .
Did you not hear me woman ! he yelled .
I heard you .
she lazily said with a yawn .
The meeting hall is this way , she said .
The so called King placed a hand on her shoulder and turned Margaret around violently to face him .
Im your King and you will treat me as such .
Margaret glared at the male .
That only seemed to piss him off even more and she knew it .
She was bathed in rouges blood and need to be treated for her wounds .
With a disappointing sigh .
If youre looking for apologizes you looking at the wrong person .
Your Alpha doesnt affect me .
So if you would .
Im running out of time and patients with you .
Do we understand each other ? Margaret knew she was running on a thin line but she didnt care .
Ross home alone and she didnt have time to waste with this male .
was The so called King glared at her , Who are you ? .
No one , she glared back turning away and continuing on the path to the meeting hall .
Once at the door of the meeting hall .
Margaret opened the doors and entered .
Half the hall was filled with her pack and the other side empty for the Kings pack to sit .
Everyone gasped as Margaret entered .
She wasnt sure if the gasps were for her or the male behind .
her .
All that mattered is that she had disobeyed Lawrences orders to be washed up before the King showed up .
But there was no need now that the King has already seen her .
-What t the hell is this , Lawrence growled looking Margaret from head to toe .
I was able to handle the pest problem .
I have one in the pit for you to question in the morning .
Lawrence glared over her shoulder but she didnt dare look behind her , Oh and this is the King , she announced , We ran into each other , the rest of his pack will be here shortly .
Lawrence bowed to the male behind her , Sir , he said in a firm tone .
Lawrence made his way to Margaret as the King walk towards the stage to sit on his throne for the next two weeks .
Lawrence stood in from of her , peering over his shoulder , Well talk later , he growled .
After hejpe rejected for the third time .
Lisgted worĘ ph Chapter 15 It wasnt my fault , rolling her eyes .
The King sat in his chair and glared down at Lawrence as if he was nothing but dirt .
You must Lawrence Kelly , the Alpha of these plans .
Were is your Beta , Margaret Norton .
I dont see him by your side .
Margaret held a laugh as Lawrence hissed at her .
The King noticed her snicker and raised a brow , Whats so funny she wolf .
Lawrence stepped back as if to guard her but she stepped around him , giving the King a good look at her , Im Margaret Norton , the Beta , she grinned .
Andrew couldnt believe what he just heard .
The little she wolf before him , covered in blood , was the Beta .
The Beta was not a man as he had first thought but a little girl who had handled a small pack of rogues .
This little girl who looks like the grim reaper herself was the Beta ..
♡ ( 0 ) After being rejec

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