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Sorry My Step-Uncle, I’m Not Your Backup Plan Novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-02-21 11:41:53 | 1 View
Chapter 9 Gabriellas POV Kayden took a hesitant step toward me , his arms half raised before dropping back to his sides .
Remember how you used to follow me everywhere ? How you said youd stay by my side forever ? I was blind .
Too stupid to see what was right in front of me .
You were the only one who ever truly loved me .
I was just too caught up in our family situation to let myself see it .
But I get it now .
I love you too .
I want us to be together for real this time .
When he tried to embrace me , I shoved him away hard .
His eyes were desperate .
God , seeing you with another guy just now … it killed me .
Im terrified of losing you .
If I pushed you into someone elses arms , I couldnt live with myself .
Thank god you turned him down .
I know you still love me you cant just switch off feelings that deep .
Letting you go was the biggest mistake of my life .
I wont make that mistake again .
Come home with me , Gabby .
I promise Ill make everything right this time .

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He reached for me again .
I stepped back .
Seeing me maintain my distance , his shoulders slumped .
Are you done ? I asked quietly .
He looked up hopefully .
But my eyes were cold .
My voice flat .
Youll always be my guardian , Kayden .
Nothing more .
This thing youre imagining between us ? Its never happening .
I dont love you .
I never will again .
Youre harassing me now .
One more time and Im calling the cops .
1 This isnt your turf anymore .
You cant throw money at problems here .
Unless you want to get Mu Ston lincle Im Not Your Backup Plan 88.99 Chapter 9 arrested and deported , back off .
Before walking away , I turned back one last time .
I just want to live my life in peace .
Leave me alone .
I heard his broken sob behind me .
Is this really it ? If I leave now , I wont come back ! I kept walking , never looking back .
I knew Kayden .
His ego wouldnt let him come crawling back after this .
I had my research , my future ahead of me .
This time around , I was writing my own story .

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