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Sorry My Step-Uncle, I’m Not Your Backup Plan Novel

Chapter 4

Update: 2025-02-21 11:41:53 | 1 View
Chapter 4 Third Persons POV On his wedding day , Kayden lingered in his tuxedo , feeling strangely reluctant to join the procession .
Some inexplicable force pulled him toward Gabriellas room .
Finding it empty sent an unexpected jolt through him .
He pushed away his unease , convincing himself she must be at the venue helping with preparations .
Today was supposed to be perfect marrying the woman hed always wanted , with their baby on the way .
His dream life was falling into place .
Yet something felt off .
Then he saw Charlotte in her wedding dress , and everything else faded away .
She was stunning everything hed imagined during all those years of wanting her .
He wasnt alone in his appreciation .
Ryan , her lifelong friend , couldnt take his eyes off her .
But Kayden wasnt threatened by some broke pretty boy with smooth talk and nothing else to offer .
Making a point , he pulled Charlotte into a kiss right in front of Ryan before escorting her to their waiting car .
Throughout the ceremony , he kept noticing Gabriellas absence .
He told himself she was just avoiding the wedding , too heartbroken to watch him marry someone else .
The next day , he and Charlotte left for their honeymoon in Bali , Gabriellas absence already forgotten in their newlywed bliss .
Two weeks later , returning home , something felt different .
When the housekeeper mentioned Gabriella had left the country on his wedding day , memories of giving her money for a finding herself trip vaguely surfaced .
Shed be back in two weeks , he assumed .
Hed have to sit her down , tell her to get better at hiding her feelings .
Charlotte needed peace during her pregnancy , and he wouldnt let anyone especially not Gabriella upset his wife .
Two weeks passed .
Nothing .
Another two weeks .
Silence .

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Finally unsettled , he tried calling her his first attempt since shed left .
The number was disconnected .
The truth hit : she was really gone .
No goodbye , no forwarding address .
Just … vanished .
33.3 % * Chapter 4 It stung his ego .
How dare she cut him off so completely ? But then he rationalized- of course she had to leave .
He was married now , with a baby coming .
Whatever .
He had everything he wanted .
Gabriellas absence didnt matter .
Actually , he thought , trying to convince himself , it was better this way .
More peaceful .
But the empty silence in her wake felt anything but peaceful .

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