Chapter 8 Gabriellas POV I was just leaving the lab when Ryder Gomez , my labortory classmate , blocked my path .
Come on , Gabriella , why are you so cold ? Just give me one chance ! Other students gathered around , eager for drama .
I sighed , facing my persistent admirer .
Look , Ryder , like Ive told you a hundred times Im focused on my PhD right now .
Dating isnt on my radar .
Hed been trying for months , refusing to take no for an answer .
Ryder stepped closer , insisting I come to some party he was organizing .
Before I could shut him down for the hundredth time , a tall figure stepped between us .
She said no .
What part of that isnt getting through ? I knew that voice .
I knew that stance .
Kayden .
Even in a parallel life , Id recognize him anywhere .
Things escalated fast .
The guys started shoving each other , and I jumped in to break it up .
The last thing I needed was campus police getting involved .
Stop it ! I yelled at Kayden , pulling him back .
What is wrong with you ? Did you not get my message ? I rejected you too , remember ? So whats with this stalker behavior ? And this is between me and Ryder what gives you the right to play bodyguard ? Kayden deflated like a punctured balloon .
He looked at me with wounded eyes .
What gives me the right ? How about the fact that I love you ? I laughed bitterly , not wanting to make more of a scene .
I grabbed his arm and dragged him around the corner of the science building .
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77.8 Chapter 8 Thats when I really looked at him , His eyes were red rimmed , like hed been crying .
Six months had aged him years .
When he caught me staring , tears spilled down his cheeks .
He grabbed my hand , holding on when I tried to pull away .
Gabby , I finally found you .
Im not letting go again .
His voice cracked .
I know youre still mad , but I swear Ill do better .
All these years , I thought Charlotte was different this pure , genuine person compared to all those fake socialites .
But she was the biggest fake of all .
She played me for my money , and that baby … it wasnt even mine .
Charlotte never loved me .
She just wanted my bank account .
God , I was such an idiot thinking she actually cared .
She planned the whole thing needed some sucker to bankroll her real life with her boyfriend and their kid .
She completely betrayed me .
The revelation stunned me .
Charlotte had never really loved him ? Looking back at my past life , it felt like karma had finally caught up .