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Sorry My Step-Uncle, I’m Not Your Backup Plan Novel

Chapter 5

Update: 2025-02-21 11:41:53 | 1 View
Chapter 5 Third Persons POV Months later , as Charlottes due date approached , Kayden became her constant shadow .
When labor started , he found himself trapped in the sterile hospital hallway , wearing a path in the floor with his pacing .
Feeling utterly useless , he could only wait and hope everything would be okay .
He wasnt the only one anxious , Ryan , Charlottes childhood friend , was there too .
Kaydens jaw tightened of course hed show up now .
Usually , Ryan wasnt even on his radar .
Sure , they had history , but Charlotte wasnt some small town girl impressed by charm and good looks .
Her lifestyle required serious money .
She had her own empire and was attracted to power .
Its why Kayden had waited to make his move until hed built his success .
Ryan might be her bestie , but shed never settle for some pretty face living paycheck to paycheck .
Kayden was secure enough to let Ryan hover around annoying as it was .
An hour later , the doors opened .
A nurse appeared with their son though the gender wasnt a surprise thanks to their private clinic .
While Kayden maintained his cool , Ryan was actually crying .
They wheeled Charlotte out , Kayden on her left , Ryan on her right .
Kayden wouldnt lower himself to compete with someone so irrelevant , but it stung when Charlottes first look went to Ryan .
His expression darkened , though he relaxed slightly when Ryan stayed behind .

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Jesus , Kayden muttered .
Youd think he was the baby daddy , getting all emotional like that .
Charlotte tensed .
Dont start .
Hes my oldest friend we grew up together .
Hes just happy for me .
Kayden dropped it .
She always used the same defense , and if he pushed , shed bring up Gabriella .
Gabriella .
Something twisted in his gut at the thought of her .
How long had it been ? Was she really done with him ? He drifted into memories until Charlottes sharp voice yanked him back .
She glared at him , tears of rage in her eyes.
Which slut are you daydreaming about now , Kayden ? Bet its that little bitch Gabriella , isnt it ? Sorry My Sten Uncle .
Im Not Your Backup Pla

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