Chapter 6 Third Persons POV Kayden quickly backpedaled , not wanting to upset her after childbirth .
Why would I waste time thinking about that troublemaker ? I was just planning our sons welcome gift , he lied , even as thoughts of Gabriella pulled at him , making him consider jumping on the next flight to find her .
Charlottes face softened at his words .
Remember what you promised ? Five hundred grand for a girl , a million for a boy ? Time to pay up , honey .
Kayden froze , that early pregnancy promise suddenly hitting him .
Something twisted in his gut .
Hed already dropped a fortune on her these past two years .
Shed played it cute back then , saying all wealthy wives got push presents .
Hed casually agreed : Fine , five hundred for a girl , a million for a boy .
Now here she was , actually expecting the money minutes after giving birth .
He didnt mind the penthouses , sports cars , designer everything but cash was different .
Hed caught her more than once secretly wiring Ryan money huge amounts that conveniently disappeared .
Hed once found that realness refreshing , so different from his usual social circle .
Now it just left him cold .
Still , he transferred the million .
Shed given his family an heir , hadnt she ? Charlotte beamed .
Youre the best , babe ! Your son and I will love you forever ! Look , hes smiling at you ! Hes got your face ! Kayden smiled at his son , but the longer he looked , the less he recognized himself in those features .
Then the truth exploded in his face .
The moment hed transferred the money , shed sent it straight to Ryan .
But that bombshell was nothing compared to what came next .
She hadnt just cheated with Ryan theyd been together the whole time .
The baby wasnt even his .
55.6 % Chapter 6 Kayden let out a hollow laugh , steadying himself against his desk .
His dream woman had played him like a fiddle .
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All shed wanted was his money to bankroll her real life with Ryan and their kid .
She was worse than the gold diggers hed dodged over the years .
At least they hadnt pretended to be anything else .
The realization felt like his chest was caving in .
Then Gabriellas face flashed in his mind the way she used to look at him , with that pure , unguarded love hed been too stupid to appreciate .
He sank into his chair , running his hands through his hair .
What a fool hed been .
The one person whod loved him for himself , not his money or status , and hed driven her away .
Ill make this right , he whispered to his empty office .
But somewhere deep down , he knew it was already too late .
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