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Sorry My Step-Uncle, I’m Not Your Backup Plan Novel

Chapter 7

Update: 2025-02-21 11:41:53 | 1 View
Chapter 7 Gabriellas POV Between research projects and classes , I barely had time to check social media , let alone news from home .
For months , I lived in the lab , surviving on coffee and takeout .
The academic vibe at my new university was exactly what I needed , and I clicked instantly with the other international students .
After years of making Kayden the center of my universe , it felt amazing to finally focus on my own goals .
My passion for research took me by surprise , and suddenly life had meaning beyond unrequited love .
I never went back for holidays .
My roommates would always try to get me to join their trips home , but I always had an excuse ready .
Id finally broken free , and I wasnt about to look back .
Id blocked Kaydens number , and he seemed fine letting me disappear .
The quiet life suited me .

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By now , he must be busy playing dad , too wrapped up in his perfect family to think about me .
Then came the text from an unknown number : Got divorced .
I blinked at my phone , thinking someone had the wrong Another bubble popped up : Charlottes gone .
Its over .
number .
My stomach lurched .
Kayden .
But how ? This time he had everything his dream girl , their baby .
What happened ? When I didnt respond , he called .
Gabby , listen its done .
Charlottes out of the picture .
Shes keeping the kid .
Im cutting all ties .
I get it now you ran because I married her .
But thats over .
Come back .
What do you say ? I massaged my temples , fighting a stress headache .
66.7 % Chapter 7 Look , Kayden , youve got this all wrong .
What I felt was just … family stuff .
Yeah , I was a messed up teenager who got confused about her feelings .
Thats on me .
Truth is , I was just a kid with abandonment issues who got too attached .
Im sorry for the drama I caused .
You wanted space , and I gave it to you .
So please, just stop .
Ill pay you back for everything once Im working .
The line went dead .
I thought that was it , that hed finally gotten the message .
Then my friend texted that shed spotted him at the airport , heading my way .

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