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ITS Too Late For Your Expired Regrets Novel

Chapter 39

Update: 2025-02-26 12:12:12 | 1 View
Chapter 39 Chapter 39 Thomass full name is Thomas Chad , and hes been a rising star in the skating circle these past two years .
When Eva and I arrived , he was leaning against the railing with his skating shoes on .
His training uniform was still unchanged .
He was thin , with long legs , and the sleeves of his shirt fluttered like a fairy in exile .
His face , especially , was like a crown made of jade , with a few strands of bangs falling down , revealing a handsome man .
I couldnt help but exclaim .
Seeing me , a shy smile appeared on Thomass face .
Miss Evelyn .
I pulled Eva back .
Say hello to uncle .
Uncle, youre so handsome , like a fairy .
After leaving the Reeds house , Eva was completely relaxed and spoke without any restraint .
Thomas blushed and laughed , presenting Eva with a small white bracelet as a gift .
Eva liked it so much that she immediately put it on her wrist and started examining it on her own .
Miss Evelyn , Ive heard about your situation … Its okay .
Seeing Eva walk away , Thomas looked at me with concern in his eyes .
I nonchalantly shook my head .
Its all over now , and thats really good .
Thomass gaze was still weighed down with worry .
He was extremely perceptive , and he naturally knew that I hadnt completely escaped from my previous marriage , so he didnt ask any further questions .
Miss Evelyn , why dont you perform figure skating ? Thomas suggested thoughtfully .
After all , a bad mood needed to be relieved .
Hearing that suggestion , I felt a bit of an itch in my heart .
Although my skating skills werent as good as Thomass , I had practiced seriously .
At first , I only practiced to impress Thomas , but later on , I genuinely fell in love with figure skating .
Chapter 39 Sure .
I thought , after all , there wasnt much else to do right then , and itd be fun .
But I want to bring Eva along .
Thomas naturally didnt object .
Upon hearing that Thomas and I would take her ice skating , Eva clapped her hands joyfully and started running around .
Thomas found skating shoes and training clothes for the two of us and then led us to the ice rink .
First , Thomas introduced Eva to the rink and taught her some simple moves while I began warming up .
Evas learning speed was surprisingly fast , and she was able to skate around the rink under Thomass guidance in a short time .
I followed along with graceful glides , holding Evas other hand , and the three of us skated together .
Suddenly , our little group of two tall figures and a smaller one on the ice looked so handsome , beautiful , and the child was just adorable .
It immediately drew a lot of attention and admiration from others .
At certain moments , wonderful music played from above in the venue .
Instinctively , I pushed Eva away with a spin , and Thomas skillfully caught her from the other side .
Eva laughed happily and wanted to do it again .
I lifted her up while Thomas leaned back behind me , politely protecting my waist , and we spun together .
Thomass skills were excellent , and I had no worries that Eva and I would fall .
In the midst of the passionate music , I danced freely , following my heart .
From a distance , people could see a tall , slender skater whose dance skills allowed every movement to be executed precisely in rhythm with the music while also exuding an air of sexiness .
At some point , Thomass gaze had become gentle .
He slightly folded his arms , allowing me to embrace Eva in my arms , and the curve of his lips clearly showed indulgence .

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Yo , such a happy family .
On the other end , Cathy and Lucas walked in , and Cathy exclaimed .
Lucas looked up and saw the three of us .
Since Eva and I were wearing helmets , he didnt recognize us at 23.18 Its Too Late for Your Expired Regrets ? 28.49 % Chapter 39 first .
Like Cathy , he also thought the scene was beautiful .
As the dance music ended , I took off my helmet and casually tossed my long hair .
That was amazing ! Upon recognizing me , Lucas was clearly taken aback ! Hed never known that I could skate so skillfully .
In his impression , aside from being cunning , I was dull and boring .
Eva also took off her helmet .
Mom , it was so much fun ! The little girl didnt notice Lucass presence because she was completely charmed by Thomas .
She held Thomass hand tightly and wouldnt let go .
Uncle Thomas , can I call you dad ? You can be Evas dad .
Shed heard Fredrica say that after her parents divorced , her mom would find a better uncle to be her dad .
Eva really liked Thomas a lot and thought it would be wonderful if he could become her dad .
Hearing that , Lucass face suddenly turned grim ! Though he didnt say anything , Cathy could still feel an icy chill in the air around her , and her heart skipped a beat .
Thomas , can you watch over Eva for a moment ? I need to use the restroom .
I didnt pay much attention to Evas words and entrusted her to Thomass care before stepping into the restroom .
As soon as I entered , the door behind me slammed shut .
I was startled , and when I turned around , I saw a dark face .
Lucas was standing behind me , his eyes filled with darkness .

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