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ITS Too Late For Your Expired Regrets Novel

Chapter 16

Update: 2025-02-24 22:40:06 | 1 View
Chapter 16 Chapter 16 Issac wiped blood from his mouth , watching Lucas hurry away while comforting Eva .
The radiotherapy departments closest , isnt it , Lucas ? Who in your family is sick ? The tall figure froze momentarily .
Lucas sneered , None of your business .
As an unbelievable thought formed in Issacs mind , the Deputy Director opened his door , surprised .
Issac , what happened ? Nothing serious , sir .
Issac wiped his bloody lip , outwardly calm while his hand trembled uncontrollably at his side .
Come back another time , the Deputy Director said apologetically .
Security just informed me the Director left .
Thats fine , Issac said quietly .
Could I ask another favor ? What is it ? Ill help if I can .
Help me find someone , Issacs eyes flickered strangely , his smile cold yet somehow both furious and joyful .

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Late twenties , recently admitted , female .
I have a name reference , though she might be using another .
Id like to see any medical records that match .
Her name is Evelyn Spencer .
Lucas felt troubled but continued comforting Eva until her sobs subsided .
Then he held her face seriously .
No more wandering off , understand ? What if someone took you ? I wanted to buy Mommy candy because the doctor gave her bitter medicine again , Evas lip trembled .
Im sorry , Uncle .
Please dont be mad ? Im not mad , Lucass heart melted .
He hugged her , stroking her head .
Uncle was just scared of losing you .
That would make me very sad .
I understand .
I wont run off again .
Lucas wiped Evas tears with a sigh .
Ill continue with the translation : 19:29 Its Too Late for Your Expired Regrets 11.1 % Chapter 16 He knew Issac was growing suspicious .
Like a shark that had caught the scent of blood , Issac would pursue any inconsistency until he uncovered the truth especially anything concerning Evelyn .
Over the past two weeks , Lucas had heard many rumors about Issac .
Though just rumors , they had grown to frighteningly extreme proportions .
Keeping Evelyn hidden would be difficult .
The doctor removed his mask and emerged from the consultation room .
The patients condition is stable .
Given that shes had cancer cells in her body for several years , we recommend proceeding with surgery as soon as possible .
Looking at the schedule , we could do it next week at the latest .
What does the family think ? Faced with the choice between Issac discovering Evelyn and her recovery , Lucas chose the latter without hesitation .
We agree sooner is better .
Please make the arrangements , Doctor .
Very well .
Lets proceed with the admission .
Eva had already run to Evelyns room and was hugging her .
Neither mentioned the near escape .
She pulled colorful candies from her pocket and gave them to Evelyn , eyes sparkling.
Mommy , these will make the medicine less bitter ! Thank you , sweetheart , Evelyn kissed her cheek , holding her close .
Baby , Mommys having surgery soon .
We might not see each other for a while .
Thats okay , Mommy , Im not scared .
Uncle says after this surgery , you can stay with me forever , Eva snuggled closer , smiling.
Dont be scared , Mommy .
Eva and Uncle are waiting for you ! Her words melted Evelyns heart .
Stroking her daughters soft hair , she smiled .
Alright , if Eva says so .
Evelyn felt she owed them both so much .
Once shed been fixated on death , blind to Lucass warm love .
Only Evas arrival had pulled her gaze from the abyss of death back to the world of the living .
Shed found her own light both in thoughtful , understanding Eva and in Lucas , who silently took care of everything .
They were her precious treasures .
Thinking of Issac now only brought calm .
How could she not understand her best friend ? Evelyn knew deeply that Sophia would never blame and hate her as the Hernandezs did .
Yet that crushing guilt had remained unresolved .
If death was meant to absolve her sins , then she had already been cleansed .
11.4 % Chapter 16 Like that day when Lucas pulled her from the freezing river , his desperate tears falling onto her ice cold heart .
Despite Evelyns weak will to live , Lucas had shouted : Even if you dont want to live , you must ! Your life isnt just yours anymore its mine too ! Youre not allowed to die ! Now half her soul belonged to Lucas .
Evelyn thought that even if Issac appeared before her now demanding her life for Sophias , she would no longer choose death .
Her surgery was scheduled for the weekend .
Lucas took Eva to stay with his cousin temporarily .
The little girl bravely made a fist : Mommy , Ill wait for you ! Yes , Eva , Evelyn kissed her cheek lovingly .
After the surgery , Mommy will take you to the amusement park .
Uncle has to come too ! Of course .
Evelyn waved as Lucas buckled Eva into the car .
Drive safely .
She wasnt as calm as she appeared .
She couldnt help feeling nervous .
The Evelyn from three years ago would never have imagined that current Evelyn would want so desperately to live .
She had Eva and Lucas .
Nothing could defeat her .
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