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ITS Too Late For Your Expired Regrets Novel

Chapter 19

Update: 2025-02-24 22:40:06 | 1 View
Chapter 19 Chapter 19 Lunch was light but generous in portion , as Evelyn would need to fast for ten hours before tomorrows surgery .
She lay on the bed , uncomfortably full , when Lucas joined her .
What are you doing ? She stared at the ceiling , not bothering to turn .
Youre getting quite comfortable in my hospital bed .
Whats wrong with that ! Lucass composure crumbled instantly , his face flushing red .
Since discovering Evelyns feelings for him , hed grown bolder , but being called out made him sit up in embarrassment .
Lucas , Evelyns voice was gentle , after my successful surgery , Ill tell you a secret .
Okay .
Lucass cousin Emma took time off to bring Eva to the hospital on surgery day .
Though young , she got along well with Eva , whod already started calling her Sister Emma sweetly after less than a week Evelyn smiled as she took Eva from her arms .
Thank you , Emma .
I dont know what wed do without you looking after Eva .
Emmas mind was reeling .
Though illness had made Evelyn thinner , her features perfectly matched the woman in the treasured photograph on Issacs desk .
Confused , she stared at Evelyn , who frowned slightly .
Whats wrong , Emma ? Nothing … Emma shook her head nervously .
This wasnt the time to investigate Evelyn was about to have surgery .
As doctors took Evelyn for pre surgical checks , Emma texted Marcus .
Didnt you say Mr.
Hernandezs love died ? Still thinking about that ? Marcus replied quickly .
Ive learned more ! Apparently she committed suicide .
After that , Mr.
Hernandez started getting psychological counseling .
His mental state isnt great colleagues say hes always getting prescriptions from the psychiatric clinic … Emma felt a heaviness in her stomach .
Watching Evelyn being wheeled away , she picked up Eva and sighed .
19:30 Its Too Late for Your Expired Regrets 13.3 % Chapter 19 Eva , do you know where your daddy is ? she asked softly .
Daddy ? Eva tilted her head , thinking hard .
Isnt Uncle Lucas my daddy ? As a distant cousin of the Reed family , Emma wasnt clear about the relationship between Lucas , Evelyn , and Eva .
Her eyes welled with tears .
Poor Eva .
Would you like auntie to take you downstairs for candy ? Im not poor at all ! Eva pouted .
Lets buy candy for Mommy instead .
She says I have cavities , so I cant eat sweets .
Such a thoughtful child without a father , Emma thought .

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And seeing Mr.
Hernandezs state , there must have been a huge misunderstanding three years ago … Her imagination made her increasingly sad .
After telling Lucas she was taking Eva downstairs , she left the hospital .
Marcus , do you have Mr.
Hernandezs phone number ? Emma didnt know what conflicts existed between Issac and Evelyn , but she firmly believed that only communication could solve problems .
It was clear from every angle that Issac loved Evelyn .
Emma didnt want their love to end like this , especially since Issac had been such a good boss .
She wanted to help them , regardless of the outcome , at least to prevent regrets .
Issac had learned about Evelyns surgery from the Deputy Director .
He stood at the far end of the hospital corridor , watching Lucas hold Evelyns hand , speaking to her softly .
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