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ITS Too Late For Your Expired Regrets Novel

Chapter 30

Update: 2025-02-26 12:12:12 | 1 View
Chapter 30 The parents shouted .
Look how gloomy his face is ! That love wrecker really crossed the line this time .
Everyone record this ! Shes about to get what she deserves ! The crowd buzzed with anticipation , waiting for Lucass next move .
Cathy was so sure of her position , certain Lucas would choose her .
However , Lucas pushed away her outstretched hand and stared intently at me and Eva .
Thats when Eva stepped forward , tugging Lucass sleeve .
Her innocent eyes looked up at him , confused .
Daddy , why is that boy calling you his daddy too ? Before Lucas could answer , Tyler shoved her hard .
Stop calling him that , you stupid brat ! I guess I didnt hurt you enough earlier .
Hes MY dad ! Ill kill you for trying to steal him ! Tyler raised his fist again .
Just then , Lucas grabbed Tyler and warned him through gritted teeth , Dont touch her ! Tyler lost his balance and crashed onto the pavement .
His elbow scraped raw against the concrete , drawing blood .
His screams pierced the air .
Casey rushed to his side and hugged her son .
In pain , she said , Lucas , how could you do this to Taylor ? He is a poor child .
His father has been absent since he was little .
You promised to treat him as if he were your own son … But Lucas ignored her .
He knelt beside Eva .
Sweetheart , are you hurt ? 21.5 % Chapter 30 Eva , who used to adore her father , shrank back in fear .
She buried herself in my arms , watching him like a wounded animal .
Lucass face crumpled at her reaction .
Just then , a black Mercedes and several police cruisers pulled up .
A man in an expensive suit hurried over , looking apologetic .
Ms.Evelyn , I apologize for the delay .
Traffic was awful .
The divorce papers are ready .
And I brought officers to handle the assault charges .
Seeing the lawyers deference , Cathy exploded .
You desperate bitch ! Hiring actors now ? The parents jumped in .
Just a golddigger pretending to be some CEO .
She actually thinks sleeping with Lucas makes her somebody ? Called the cops on herself how pathetic ! Once , I could endure everything for the sake of my love with Lucas .
But today , she has crossed my bottom line , which is laying hands on my child Eva .
I turned to the officers , my voice steady .

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These people assaulted me , vandalized my car , destroyed millions in artwork , and her son deliberately injured my daughter with a wire .
I want them charged .
No deals .
11 The once bold parents started to squirm .
But some still shouted .
Stand your ground ! Were protecting marriage here ! Right ! Were fighting for morality ! Everyone supports us ! The crowd cheered , boosting their fading courage .
The officer surveyed the damage , his expression darkening .
Assault , vandalism , and child abuse in broad daylight ? 07:03 Its Too Late for Your Expired Regrets 21.7 % Chapter 30 He started documenting evidence .
Cathy stood tall , not caring at all .
Officer , kids sometimes play roughly , and none of the damaged items were bought with her money .
The parents chimed in desperately .
Exactly ! It all belongs to Mr.
Reed ! What right does a mistress have to complain ? Shes just trying to scam money ! Cathy grabbed Lucass arm .
Honey , you wouldnt allow this woman to squander your money like this , would you ? Lucas yanked away like her touch burned .
Shes my wife , and no one can interfere with how she spends my money ! Cathy froze , staring at him in shock .
The crowd fell silent , confused .
Whats happening ? As everyone watched , Lucas walked slowly toward me .
Lucas sighed .
He bent down and reached out his hand to me , trying to pull me up .
Its not what you think , Evelyn .
I can explain … ♡ ( 0 )

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