9.4 % Chapter 14 Chapter 14 Like a lingering ghost , Issac haunted them .
When Eva was younger , Evelyn had been too weak to hold her for long .
During chemotherapy sessions , theyd be separated for months at a time , explaining Evas fears about another long absence after todays outing .
This was why Evelyn refused conservative treatment .
Though Eva spent more time with Lucas , she was surprisingly attached to Evelyn .
She couldnt bear seeing that look of longing on her daughters face anymore .
As a toddler , Eva would cry for her mother .
But as she grew , she understood : Mommy was sick and couldnt hug her long or take her out often .
She became remarkably considerate , never clinging to Evelyn in ways that might strain her .
Having such a child was exhausting but blessed .
Back then , Evelyn had lost all will to live .
Though grateful Lucas had saved her , she couldnt find a reason to continue .
Cancer devoured Lucass savings like a monster , and she attempted suicide multiple times , not wanting to burden anyone .
Then Lucas brought home a babbling toddler .
She was tiny , with cheeks soft as flower petals and the quietest whimper .
Her small hand gripped Evelyns finger as Evelyn looked questioningly at Lucas , both faces sharing the same confusion .
Shes my sisters child , Lucas had explained , his voice heavy .
Her father died in military service .
My sister … followed him .
Shes only eighteen months old .
Will you help me raise her ? Only then did Evelyn learn that Lucas had depleted his doctors savings on her treatments .
Her current care was funded by Evas parents military benefits and inheritance .
She held this orphaned child tightly , as if embracing her younger self , and wept .
After that day , Evelyn never considered suicide again .
Her life now included this small person , as important as Lucas , who needed her care .
This weighty responsibility became her anchor to life .
She loved Eva as deeply as Eva loved her .
for Your Expired Recrets 9.6 % Chapter 14 Inside their warm car sanctuary , Iva fell asleep , content with her mothers promise , ha Viveryn unwrapped her daughters scarf, she spoke softly , That was Issac by the lake , wasnt it ? Lucass hands tightened on the steering wheel .
He wanted to deny it but could only remain silent .
Evelyn found her answer in that silence , She smiled , her eyes gentle as spring willows .
Lucas , what are you afraid of ? L… Lucas stared at the road , Im not , I wont love him again , Evelyns voice was soft but resolute .
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Lucas , I wont make that mistake again .
Thats not what I meant .
Lucas cursed his awkwardness .
In the rearview mirror , he saw Evelyns faint smile , showing no trace of sadness or strain .
Lucas , youre so dense , her eyes sparkled .
Really , Though puzzled by the teasing , Lucas felt a flutter of warmth .
He had to admit hed worried about Evelyn falling for Issac again , feared her being hurt once more .
That scene from three years ago still haunted him .
Finding Evelyn unconscious in the water , hed acted with unprecedented clarity without her permission , hed faked her death and taken her south .
Now , seeing Issac again felt like revisiting a nightmare.
If he hadnt been holding Eva , he would have struck him .
Evelyn fell silent after her words , smiling softly as she stroked her sleeping daughters flushed cheek .
In three years , Lucas had never confessed his feelings .
Hed loved Evelyn for so long but lost his chance to Issac through hesitation .
Through countless moments of supporting her , Lucas told himself it was enough just to protect her , to see her happy .
Whether Evelyn loved him or not , being with her and Eva was his greatest blessing .
But now , hearing the gentle teasing in her voice , his heart raced with sudden understanding of what might come next .
I … he fumbled for words , stopping the car and opening the back door to reach for sleeping Eva .
Its Too Late for Your Ernired Regrets ) 9.9 % Chapter 14 Evelyn stopped him with a gesture .
Pale from illness , her dark eyes bright , she smiled .
Shh .
Well talk about it later .
Evelyn wasnt made of stone .
Lucass constant care over three years had slowly warmed her heart , frozen by Issacs cruelty .
But until her cancer was cured , she dared not make any promises .
Yet she couldnt keep Lucas in limbo forever .
After receiving good news about her treatment , Evelyn made a decision .
If she survived the surgery , she would try to entrust her scarred self completely to Lucas .
Love had bloomed so mysteriously .
Watching drowsy Eva , Evelyn gently patted her back .
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