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Daddy’s coming home for Christmas Novel

Chapter 9

Update: 2025-02-24 22:29:54 | 1 View
Chapter 9 Beth Th my God , Bethany , these dresses are perfectr rfect Holly Monroe twisted in the 3 way mirror to get a better look at the red velvet Christmas dress .
Her daughters had identical , miniature versions of hers , all of them trimmed in fair white for , with black sashes .
Take a picture , please ? She handed me her phone , and then she posed in front of Charkes fireplace with her three daughters : I took a few snaps and then handed her back the phone .
She grinned happily as she swiped through the pictures .
Theme are great ! Im going to post them on all my social media accounts .
Ill be sure to tell them that these are Bethany Segretta original I smiled shyly at her praise .
You know , my brother is getting married in February , and his fiancée still hasnt found a gown she likes .
Do you think you could make a custom wedding gown in that short a time ? My eyes flew to the calendar Thats a pretty short time frame , I said , I would have to see what kind of dress she has in mind , how complicated the design But , I drew in a deep breath , January is usually a slow month for me , I could probably do it Awesome , Ill text her right now to see if shed be interested her thumbs flew over her phone , and then she slipped it into her purse and pulled out her checkbook I sighed wi
th relief as she wrote the sum and scribbled her name on the bottom .
She tore out the paper and handed it to me .
I accepted it reverently , with two hands .
It was a small amount , just one order , but every little bit helped .
Thank you so much , Holly , I said , tucking the check into my account ledger .
1 really appreciate your business Of course , sweetheart Okay Jennifer , take the dress off , and help your sisters .
We dont want to spoil them before the party , right ? We are going to look so pretty She clapped her hands , and her oldest daughter , Jenny , started pushing the smaller girls into the bathroom to change out of their new dresses Holly turned around and pointed at her back , indicating that I should undo the zipper for her .
She didnt bother going into the bathroom , but stripped off the dress right there in my sewing workroom .
Of course , if I had a body like hers , I wouldnt be shy about getting naked either .
It was hard to believe shed delivered three babies .
She pulled her t shirt back over her head , and then pushed her arms into her sweater .
I saw on the news that Raphael is back , she said , like it was just an offhand comment .
I had a feeling shed been dying to bring up the subject since shed arrived .
Yes , he is , I said , taking the the dress she had removed and putting it back on the hanger .
I put the plastic cover over it and laid it on the back of the You two used to be quite the item back in high school , she went on , pulling her hair out of the collar of her sweater and giving me a conspiratorial I smiled back politely , but it was starting to hurt Well , you know ..
now That my cheeks That was a long time ago you and Gabe are divorced ..
She winked at me , It was clear what she was hinting at , I didnt have the heart to tell her that Raphael Segretto hated me .
Seven years h heart .
had done nothing to soften his The girls came out of the bathroom , and I smoothed out their dresses and put them back on hangers , and then handed the bundle to Holly .
Thanks again , and Merry Christmas .
Merry Christmas to you , too .
I walked Holly to the front door , and held it open while she ushered her brood of beautiful children back out to the minivan .
While she was pulling out , sleek black car was pulling in .
I saw Hollys mouth shape itself into a little round O as she recognized the driver .
Raphael was back My hands started to sweat .
I quickly glanced back down the hallway to make sure that Lucy was busy at her desk .
She was cutting out snowflakes from glstery paper to hang in the windows , scattering little bits of paper all over her worktable and the carpet , but at least she was occupied.
Nana Charlie was in the kitchen , flipping through a large print magazine .
Raphael parked in front of the garage , and struggled to get a large package out of the back seat .
I stood frozen in the door , hyper aware that I was letting the heat out and the cold in , and there was no money left in the account to buy another hundred gallons of heating fuel for the big house , He balanced the box and walked up the steps , and then stopped in front of the door , Um , hi He said , trying to hold the big , wrapped box to one alde Can come in ? Chapter 9 I stepped aside for him to enter .
Its your house , I muttered under my breath , its not like you have to ask .
He narrowed his gaze at me , those intense honey colored eyes , identical to Lucys .
1 was just trying to be polite Of course .
I waited until he had passed through the foyer , and then I shut the door .
The shiver that ran down my s spine had little to do with the chilled and everything to do with the sense of impending doom .
I hugged myself around the middle and stood , rooted in the doorway , while he took the box and placed it beside the Christmas tree .
It was too big to fit underneath .
He stood up and looked around .
Wheres Mom ? Shes in the kitchen I stood back as he passed me .
I watched silently as he greeted Charlie with a kiss on her cheek and then pulled up a chair next to her Hi , Mom .
How are you feeling today ? Seeing that this was a personal moment for them , I retreated to my sewing room in the back .
I picked up a pair of mens pants that I was supposed to be hemming , but my fingers felt too numb to roll the cuff .

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My eyes wouldnt even focus , and my chest was so tight it hurt to breathe .
I wasnt going to do that .
I was not going to have a panic attack in front of Raphael Segretto .
I would face this eviction like a dignified adult .
I would nod my head , and politely ask if he could give me time to pack our things .
Surely he needed a day at least , to find a replacement caregiver for Nana Charlie … I heard him moving down the hall , and braced myself for the inevitable , but instead of coming directly to my workroom , he stopped in the study .
I heard his deep mellow voice speaking to Lucy .
Hi Lucys greeting was not in the least bit warm or friendly .
e .
Im your uncle .
I didnt do a very good job of introducing myself the other day .
Im Raphael .
But you can call me Rafe .
Im Father , not uncle , but neither of them knew that .
My heart squeezed so painfully , I thought I might throw up .
Yeah , I know , Lucy said .
Her little voice was cold .
She had the famous Segretto temper , and a long memory .
She did not forget , nor did she forgive easily .
Tim Lucy , but I guess you know that , too .
1 figured he said .
I couldnt help myself .
I moved out of my workroom to stand in the shadows outside the study , where I could watch them , unseen .
He was squatting down next to her desk , balancing on the balls of his feet , and she was still focusing on her snowflakes , like the big man was not worth her attention 1 wanted to apologize for the way I behaved , he went on .
I havent been home in a long time , and I was really upset when I saw how your grandmother was .
Lucy tipped her head up at him .
You shouted .
Yes , I did .
And I shouldnt have done that You almost made my Mom cry , she accused .
I grimaced , I tried to hide my feelings from her , but she was too perceptive .
I shouldnt have done that , either .
Rafe said contritely .
Lucy nodded , and continued to snip little shapes with her scissors .
You arent going to make this easy for me , are you ? Her little brows knit together .
Why should I make it easy? Will you forgive me ? She laid her materials down carefully .
Maybe .
If you promise not to do it again Okay , I promise She pushed back her chair .
You shouldnt make promises that you arent going to keep ! Who says Im not going to keep them ? her fists on her hips and looked at him harshly .
You look like him .
But you are b bigger , and your eyes are gold My Daddy doesnt keep them .
She put he like mine Chapter 9 look alike doesnt mean we are going to act the same .
He stood up with a groan , We are brothers , so yeah , we look a lot alike .
But just because we lo like squatting had hurt his knees .
7 try to keep my promises .
Okay , if you say so .
She stuck out her tiny hand , like they were shaking on a deal .
And Raphael grasped it , enveloping it in his large one , and shook it solemnly .
Now that we are friends again , I brought you a present .
I stiffened , not liking the direction this conversation was going .
I had assumed the big box he had carried in was a gift for Charlie , not for my daughter A Christmas present ? Yeah .
He looked at me , like he had known all along I was there , watching them .
But if your mom says its okay , you can open it today ! I pressed my shaking hands into my sides .
Hed put me on the spot .
Lucy was looking at me with an eager , hopeful expression that was almost comically mirrored by the man .
There was so little I could give her .
How could I deny her a gift from someone else ? A gift from her father .
Yeah , sure , why not ? I tried to sound casual , but the words stuck in my throat and came out roughly Lucy jumped with excitement and tore off toward the living room , Raphael came out and put his hand on my arm .
It was just a casual gesture , one of those Italian things , the need to physically touch the person they were talking to .
It didnt mean anything .
But my body jolted at the contact , and liquid heat seemed to travel from his fingertips , up my arm Bethany , oven the way he said my name made my spine tingle .
We need to talk

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