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Even After Her Death Novel

Chapter 47

Update: 2025-02-17 02:40:12 | 6 View
Chapter47ADeadlock +10FreeCoins Chapter47ADeadlock Lukehadtrulymadeuphismindtocuttieswithhercleananddecisive,everyworddrippingwithcoldness.

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Lookathimnow,howcertainhiswordsare,notleavingAnna asinglechance.
Buteventhoughitssuchasimplematter,Idbeencaughtupinthisstruggleforyears,constantlypulledbackandforth.Hedrathersee mehurtandupseteachtimeandevenblameme,accusingmeofbeingpettyandcalculating.
WhatexactlydoImeantohim? Annaprobablyfeltthesame.Nomatterhowshetreatedme,atleastshegenuinelycaredforLuke.Intheend,thiswasherfate.Howcansheacceptit? Wewerebothwomen,andIknewfullwellthatfromthestart,sheschemedstepbysteptoseparatemefromLuke,slowly takingmyplaceinhisheart.Fromtheverybeginning,shewantedtoreplaceme.
Luke,whatamItoyou? Lukespoke,eachwordsharpanddeliberate.Fromnowon,yourejustasister.Dontcometomeanymore.Itsinconvenient.IdontwantChloetoseeandfeelanymorehurt.
Chloe? Annascoffed.DoyouthinkChloewillevercomeback? Atightknotformedinmychest.Sheknewsomethingafterall.Butwouldshereallyexposeitinfrontof Luke? Lukeseyesabruptlyturnedtoher.Heasked,Whatdidyousay? Luke,Annacontinued,IknowyouvebeenlookingforChloe.Iwanttofindhertoo,justasmuchasyoudo.Butallsigns nowpointtoherbeingkidnappedandsoldabroad.
Annawipedhertearstreakedfaceand letoutacoldsmirk.Luke,yourenotachild.Youknowwhatascamcenter,right?Thewomentherearethemostpitiful,especiallytheprettyones.Chloeprobablyalreadybecameoneofthem,thescamoperations,themomentshesteppedontothat ship, Shutup!Lukesgazeturnedteyashefixedherwithacoldstare.Howdoyouknowallofthis? Ivehadpeoplelookintoit.Luke,doyouknowaboutthekindofdehumanizingtormentwomenendurethereforthemtobreaktheirspirit?Menwouldlineuptoviolatethosewomenuntiltheygave in.Doyouknowwhathappenst
othosewhorefusetocomply?Dontbenaive.Chloessobeautiful.Shesprobably BK972%售 +10FreeCoins Chapter47ADeadlock beenthroughitalready.
Shap! Lukeslappedherhardacrosstheface.Isaidshutup.Didntyouhearme? EvenifyoubringChloeback,shellneverbethesame Youvealreadylosther.Fromthemomentyoutouchedme,fromthedayChloewasviolated,therewasnogoingbackforyou.
Annalaughedhysterically.Ifpeoplefoundoutthatyourwifewassoldtothescamcenter,itwouldruinbothofthefamilies.WedallbedraggeddownbyherCanyoustillacceptsomeoneasfilthyasheras your wife? Getout!Getthehelloutofhere!Lukewasfurious ,hisvoicelowwithrage.
Annacoveredhercheekandsmileddevilishly.Luke,whyareyoubeingsonaive?Youwerehappywhenyouwereontopofthe,werentyou?Thetruthis,yourenotastiedtoChloeasyouthink.Carterisback,clearly heretocompetefortheinheritancewithyou.Atatimelikethis ,yourewastingtimeonthesematters?Howstupidcanyoube? Whatareyoutryingtosay ? Tmtellingyou,wecantmovepastthis,butwhatwecandoischangethefuture.YouvewrongedChloe,andthatsafact.Noamountofapologiescanundothat.IfChloesreallytrappedattheScamCenter,whetherornotshewasviolated,eveni
fyoubuyherback,theresnosuchthingasasealedsecret.Oncerumorsgetout,howdoyouthinkpeoplewillviewyou?Howwilltheyviewher? Lukehadstoppedtryingtodriveheraway.Instead, Annasteppedcloser,herhandpressingdownonhisshoulderassheleanedin.Luke,doyouknowthebiggestdifferencebetweenadultsandchildren?Adultshavetomakechoices.
IfChloedidntdie,hermindwouldbepermanentlystarred.Evenifshessaved,thepsychologicaltraumawillfollowherfortherestofherlife.Shecanneverbethesame.Thesmallestthing,theslightestchange,couldmakeherhaveamentalbreakdown.Evenifshedoesntkillherselfatthescamcenter,itslikelyshewouldwhenshecomesback.Inthisinformationage,noonecanescapethetruth.Haveyouthoughtabouttheconsequenceswhenthathappens? Itwontjustruinourfamilysreputation.Chloeisa victim,yes,butthepublicopiniontheyllplaceonherwillbreakher.Andyouwillbecom
ethelaughingstockWhatwilltheysayaboutyou?Thatyourwifeisntpure?Thatsheisawh*re?You- Enough!Lukesnapped,hisvoiceharshandfilledwithdisdain.
Heseemedtohave reallyseensuchasceneinhismind.Hisexpressionturneddarkwithdistress.
Ifyouchoosetodivorceher,peoplewillcallyouheartless.Oncethepublicopiniongainstraction,itlltarnishyourname,yourcompanysnameCarteriswatching,waitingforhismoment.DoyouthinkJeffreywillletthatslide? Lukesforeheadwascoveredinsweat.Annaleanedinevencloser,whisperingsoftlyinhis ear,Carteris 2/3 Chapter47ADeadlock.
Lukeshuddered.So,thisisadeadlock? +10FreeC Coins No.Thesolutionissimple.Youjuststop.After all,Chloesgone.Noonecantraceitbacktoyou.Ifsomethinghappenstoher,peoplewilljustsayshewas dumpedintheseatofeedthesharks.Noonewilleverknowshewasyourwife.Shelldisappearfromthis worldquietly,andno onewilleverblameyou.
LukestaredatAnnapiercingly,andheasked,So,you wantmetodonothing?Letmywifestayatthe ScamCenter? Annasmiled,nolongerpretendingtobeweak.Whatyouneedis a wifewhocanhelpyou,notonewithadirtypastandataintedhistory.Doyoureallywanttohandoveryourinheritancetosomeoneelse? Thatsimpossible!Lukeshotback.
*Carterreturnsatthistime,andChloevanishes?Maybeherdisappearancewas allpartofCartersplan.
Youmeantosayhesplottingagainstme,waitingformetofallintohistrap ? Chapter 48 He Will Make His Move Against Me At this point , I couldnt help but admire Anna deeply .
It was clear that Luke had intended to sever all ties with her , but with just a few carefully chosen words , she had steered him completely off course .
Lukes expression was serious , as though he was deeply contemplating this matter .
He wondered , No wonder Ive always thought he was overly concerned about Chloe .
Could it be that his goal from the very beginning was to target me ? Luke , think about it .
He never comes home , not even once a year .
Why did he suddenly start moving his overseas assets back to the country ? And now hes spending every day with Grandpa , drinking tea and playing chess .
Its obvious that he knows Grandpas health is deteriorating , and hes trying to gain favor in front of him .
And your situation with Chloe could be the reason Grandpa starts to dislike you .
Recently , Grandpas been dissatisfied with you , and there have been a few problems at the company .
If you leave the company now , and something goes wrong , wouldnt Uncle Carter have a perfect opportunity to attack ? Lukes expression clearly changed .
He asked , Would he really go that far ? Luke , people will do anything for money , and your family inheritance is such a big prize .
Anyone with a scheme wont let it slip by .
Who in this world truly sees money as worthless ? I suspect that Chloes disappearance might even have something to do with Carter .
If you let your emotions get the best of you , youll fall right into his trap .
Think about it : if youre caught going abroad to search for Chloe , regardless of whether you find her or not , youll be caught in a scandal .
The media will jump on it , and Jeffrey will be furious .
He might even strip you of your position as CEO .
Luke frowned deeply and asked , Are you saying I should just ignore Chloe ? Shes been my childhood sweetheart ; weve grown up together .
If shes really suffering abroad , how can I just abandon her ? Luke , Chloe needs to be saved , but you cant do it yourself .
You can find someone else to handle it .
Even if someone finds out , it wont trace back to you .
Lukes attitude toward Anna softened slightly .
Ill think about it .
You can leave now .
Alright .
Though Anna had left , it was clear that Luke had taken her words to heart .
He instructed his assistant to investigate Carters whereabouts .
The assistant , unsure of why Luke had suddenly become so concerned about Carter , immediately began his search .
Soon , the assistant returned with news .
Bolton , he not in the country .
Where is he then ? Hes abroad , and in the city where were about to land Lukes face suddenly changed .
Anna was right after all Mr.
Bolton , what do you mean by that ? Cancel my flight immediately .
Roy was puzzled .
How could Lukes mood change so suddenly ? Just a moment ago , he had been eager to leave , but after Annas visit , everything seemed to shift .
Bolton , youre not going to look for Mrs.
Bolton anymore ? What if shes abroad right now ? I couldnt be sure before , but now Im certain that this has something to do with Uncle Carter .
He must have set a trap for me abroad .
Chloe is just the excuse ; the real plan is to lure me there ! Roy was even more confused after hearing this explanation .
Bolton , I understand youre worried about Mrs.
Boltons disappearance ; but your current state is too unstable .
How does this all relate to Mr.
Carter ? I really dont understand .
You dont need to understand .
If it werent for Annas reminder , I almost fell for his trick .
Uncle Carter will definitely make his move against me to seize control of the Boltons inheritance !

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