Chapter23 Alpha Xaviens POV The rhythmic crash of waves on the shore was the first thing that pried me from unconsciousness .
A dull , relentless throb radiated through my skull , and every muscle in my body ached , as if Id been dragged through a war zone .
Youre awake , a soft voice murmured , pulling my attention from the pain .
F I blinked , struggling to focus , and saw a woman seated beside me .
Her features were gentle , edged with a tenderness that put me on uneasy footing .
She pressed a damp cloth to my forehead , her movements precise but oddly intimate .
1/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points Where … where am I ? I croaked , my voice ragged and foreign to my own ears .
Youre safe , she replied with a calming smile that didnt quite reach her eyes .
You washed up on the shore a few days ago .
My ⚫ family and I have been looking after you .
My instincts urged me to sit up , but an intense , blinding pain shot through my skull .
I winced , sinking back against the makeshift pillow beneath my head .
Dont force it , she urged , her hand pressing gently against my shoulder to keep me down .
You hit your head pretty badly .
You need rest .
What happened ? I rasped , fragments of scattered memories swirling through my mind like smoke tangible yet impossible to grasp .
2/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points Her brows dipped into a shade of concern .
You dont remember anything ? I shook my head cautiously , though the motion whipped dizziness through my skull .
Nothing .
Her hesitation was brief but telling , as if she were weighing her next words carefully .
My name is Daisy .
Im … your wife .
Her declaration was like a thunderclap , jolting me upright despite the pain that followed .
What ? The disbelief in my voice was unmistakable .
Youre my … wife ? I can feel that you arent my fate mate Yes , Were not fated mates , but we still love each other .
she said firmly , her voice soft 3/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points but edged with conviction .
We were on a honeymoon trip .
There was an accident , and … well , you dont remember me , do you ? I stared at her , unable to summon even the faintest flicker of familiarity .
No , I admitted , ⚫ my voice barely above a whisper .
She sighed , her expression hovering between patience and sadness .
The days that followed were a swirl of careful recovery and uneasy silence , all within the confines of the small island where Id been stranded .
Daisy was tireless in her care of me .
She refilled my water , brought me meals , and checked my bandages with a criminal precision .
Her presence should have been comforting , but something about it felt … off .
4/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points She claimed to be my wife , but no matter how hard I tried , no memory of her surfaced , no feeling of love for her .
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Instead , my nights were haunted by the specter of another woman someone I couldnt place but whose presence called to me like a ⚫ lighthouse in a storm .
Her voice lingered in my dreams , warm and familiar , but her features always blurred before I could fully see her face .
Each morning , I woke with my heart aching and her name on the edge of recollection , only for it to vanish before I could bring it to my lips .
Youre still trying to remember , arent you ? Daisy asked one evening as we sat by the fire , the crackling flames casting shadows across her face .
I nodded , unsure how to respond without 5/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points deepening the tension that hung between us like a taut wire .
Itll all come back in time , she assured me , her tone warm but somehow rehearsed .
I forced a smile , silently battling the gnawing undercurrent of suspicion .
But my misgivings solidified one night when I was jolted awake by the sound of softened voices leaking through the thin walls of the modest house .
Daisy was on the phone .
He doesnt remember anything , she said , her voice low but tinged with satisfaction .
Its working .
He thinks Im his wife .
My blood turned to ice .
6/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points What about the woman ? another voice crackled through the line , muffled but audible enough to make my stomach churn .
She wont find him , Daisy said sharply , the sweetness in her tone now absent .
Hes mine now .
My breaths came shallow and rapid as the weight of her words sank in .
She had been lying to me all along .
But why ? The next night , I acted .
I waited until the dark silence of the house grew steady and certain , signaling that everyone else was asleep .
Quietly , I slipped out and made my way toward the small yacht Id noticed docked at the edge of the island .
The controls were unfamiliar , and my hands 7/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points fumbled as I worked by the dim glow of the moon .
But desperation drove me forward .
I had to leave .
I didnt know where I was going or what lay ahead , but anything was better than staying under Daisys shadow .
The sea fought me as I navigated through the night waves crashing against the hull , black water lapping eerily against the side of the boat .
I pressed on , steering blindly toward the faint promise of freedom .
Hours passed , and just as fatigue threatened to overtake me , the silhouette of another island emerged on the horizon .
As I approached , a faint garble of sound caught my attention .
A radio signal .
I adjusted the dial hastily , and a breaking news segment crackled to life .
The search continues for Alpha King Xavien 8/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points Barnett , who has been missing since his yacht was found wrecked several weeks ago , the anchor announced .
I froze , my grip on the wheel tightening .
The screen flickered to a press conference .
A man who looked exactly like me stood at the podium , his gaze steady and somber as he addressed reporters .
Beside him stood two women .
My breath hitched .
One of the women … her eyes gleamed with unshed tears , their pain so raw and achingly familiar that it felt like a dagger through my chest .
Memories flooded back with a vengeance .
That was her the woman from my dreams , the voice that had called to me for days but 9/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points remained just out of reach .
I remembered now .
I had been following her , searching for something or someone- when my yacht struck something in the open sea , casting me overboard .
Docking at the island with what little strength I had left , I sought answers .
Locals guided me toward a sprawling estate , their faces alight with recognition when I described the woman who haunted my dreams .
When I reached the gates , my heart hammered so loudly I feared it would drown out the sound of the world around me .
Trembling , I rang the bell .
Seconds passed like hours until the door finally opened .
10/11 Chapter23 + 5 Points A strong scent of gardenias and vanilla filled the air .
Mate , I murmured softly .
And there she was .
Her gaze met mine , and for an agonizing moment , neither of us moved .
Her eyes , shimmering with disbelief , brimmed with tears that spilled freely down her cheeks .
Oh my God , she breathed , her hands trembling as she stepped closer .
Xavien … youre alive .
Before I could so much as whisper her name , she threw herself into my arms , clutching me as though the universe itself might try to take me away again .