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Karma’s coming, alphas novel

Chapter 21

Update: 2025-03-01 09:50:13 | 1 View
Chapter21 My boyfriends name is Osbert .
The words sounded surreal .
The man standing before me was a carbon copy of Alpha Xavien the same chiseled jawline , the same piercing eyes , the same self assured posture .
Yet , he wasnt Alpha Xavien .
Who do you think youre fooling ? I snapped , fixing him with a glare sharp enough to cut steel .
He held my gaze , his expression calm , his voice measured and startlingly even .
Im not trying to fool anyone .
My name is Osbert .
I dont know who this Alpha Xavien is , but clearly , youve got the wrong guy .
Impossible , I spat , every nerve in my body 1/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points thrumming with tension .
My fists quivered at my sides .
He sighed deeply , slipping a hand into his back pocket .
A moment later , he pulled out a wallet , extracted an ID , and handed it to me .
I snatched the card , scanning it with .
trembling hands .
The name read : Osbert Fleming .
I stared at it , my heart pounding like a warning drum .
The picture was him the man before me .
The address on the card was foreign , far from here .
Tourist information confirmed it .
He was apparently traveling with the wide eyed woman who hovered near him , shifting nervously from foot to foot .
This has to be a joke , I muttered under my breath , shaking my head as adrenaline 2/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points coursed through me .
Youre hiding something .
Look , Osbert said , his tone soft but resolute .
I honestly dont know Xavien .
Im sorry for upsetting you , but I promise- ⚫ youve got the wrong person .
Miranda and I are just here on vacation .
Thats all .
The woman beside him , Miranda , nodded quickly .
Weve never been here before , she added in a rush , looking between us .
Her voice carried an edge of nervousness .
Maybe youre confusing us with someone else … I dont know why youre so upset , but I think its all just a misunderstanding .
I wanted to scream , to rip the truth out of him , but the pieces in my mind refused to fit together .
How could this man look exactly like Alpha Xavien and still claim not to know him ? 3/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points And then , with a quiet voice , Osbert said something that made the world tilt on its axis .
I grew up in an orphanage , he admitted , his rigid stance softening just slightly .
I dont know much about my family .
Maybe theres … something ? But if there is , I dont have the answers youre after .
My breath caught .
Something clicked .
Twins .
Xavien never mentioned a twin , I murmured to myself , the words barely audible , but the thought now relentlessly loud in my head .
I staggered back a step , grasping for composure .
Stay here , I said quickly , fumbling for my phone .
I need to call Xavien .
This has to be a mistake .
Hell explain everything .
4/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points Shakily , I dialed Alpha Xaviens number , every breath holding the weight of desperation .
The phone rang once .
Twice .
And then- voicemail .
No , I said aloud , dialing again , my thumb jabbing at the buttons harder this time .
Once more , it went to voicemail .
I lowered my phone , my frustration boiling over .
My eyes flicked back to Osbert and Miranda .
You need to wait , I said , my voice tight with restrained urgency .
When Xavien sees you , hell clear this up .
Somehow this all makes sense , I just … I need him here .
Osbert exchanged a glance with Miranda before letting out a resigned sigh .
Fine , he said .
But make it quick .
Weve got plans .
5/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points I hurried past them , heart hammering in chaos , dialing Alpha Xaviens number again and again as I left the building .
Pick up , I whispered furiously under my breath .
Please , pick up .
When I reached my car , his phone was still going straight to voicemail .
The unease festering in my chest deepened by the second .
Was he avoiding me ? Or was something wrong ? I drove home , gripping the steering wheel tightly , my mind racing with possibilities so dark I could hardly breathe .
The moment I pulled into the driveway, the pack workers rushed to greet me , their faces pale and strained with something unreadable .
6/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points Wheres Alpha Xavien ? I demanded before they could speak , stepping out of the car like a storm about to break .
There was a long pause , and then one of ⚫ the staff members hesitated .
He left a few hours ago , she said , her voice just above a whisper .
He went out with some men to follow a lead … on Audreys hideout .
Her words slammed into me like a freight train .
What ? I barely managed to choke out .
My voice trembled not with anger , but with pure , raw fear .
We thought he told you , another staff member interjected timidly .
He left in a rush .
None of us have heard from him since .
7/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points I clutched my chest , willing my heart to slow down , but the panic only spread faster .
Where exactly did he go ? What kind of lead ? They exchanged uneasy looks , their silence enough to confirm how little anyone knew .
Finally , one said hesitantly , Were not sure .
He didnt leave many details … My legs buckled , seeing my worst fears reflected in their worried faces .
Alpha Xavien was chasing after Audrey the woman who had been orchestrating attacks and sending threats .
And now … now he was missing .
I tried calling him again .
No answer .
The ringing seemed to mock me until it inevitably switched to voicemail .
8/10 Chapter21 +5 Points Damn it , I hissed , clutching the phone like it could somehow force him to respond .
Minutes turned to hours .
The staff bustled around , their attempts at reassurance thinly veiled behind their increasingly anxious ⚫ expressions .
I didnt sit down .
I couldnt .
I wore a track into the living room floor , pacing aimlessly , unable to still my frantic thoughts .
Finally , one of the staff members entered the room , his face pale as if hed seen a ghost .
Luna , he began hesitantly , weve just received word .
Alpha Xavien … hes missing A thunderous silence filled the room .
What do you mean , missing ? I demanded , my voice suddenly sharp , brittle .
9/10 Chapter21 + 5 Points He swallowed hard .
The men he went with … they havent reported back .
No ones been able to reach them .

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The air was instantly sucked from my lungs .
My knees nearly gave out as the weight of his words settled over me .
Panic consumed me , blackening every corner of my mind .
Losing Alpha Xavien- losing him like this was an unthinkable reality .
I clenched the phone in my trembling hand and hissed through gritted teeth , Find him .
I dont care what it takes just find him .

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