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Karma’s coming, alphas novel

Chapter 20

Update: 2025-03-01 09:50:13 | 1 View
Chapter20 Alpha Xavien didnt come after me when I walked away , but his texts didnt stop .
Camille , are you okay ? Im sorry .
Please talk to me .
I love you .
Let me prove it wasnt me .
There was no anger in his words , no accusations , only quiet desperation steeped in regret and concern .
I didnt respond .
I couldnt .
A part of me yearned to believe him , longed to grasp at the hope his words offered , but the memory of him kissing another woman clung to me like a dark cloud , replaying 1/12 Chapter 20 + 5 Points relentlessly in my mind .
I couldnt allow myself to falter not again .
So , I silenced my phone and disappeared .
For days , I holed up in a hotel , hiding from the world outside .
The curtains remained ⚫ drawn , the television sat muted , and I did my best to convince myself that the world no longer existed .
But the world didnt grant me the same courtesy .
Relentless headlines chased me , hunting me down even in the quiet of my self made cocoon .
Camille Peters Betrayed Again ? Is it the destined Luna , or the destined castaway ? 2/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points Is Camille the Problem ? Why Does Every Alpha Keep Leaving Her ? I stared blankly at the flashing screen , the sting of each word searing into my chest .
They werent reporting they were dissecting ⚫ me , poking at my failures , stripping me down to a caricature of pity .
I wasnt a person to them anymore .
I was a headline .
My thumb hovered over the power button , ready to claim a moment of silence , when suddenly Alpha Xavien appeared on the screen .
He was standing behind a podium at a press conference , the dark circles beneath his eyes proof of sleepless nights .
Guilt twisted inside me even as my heart warred with the betrayal still fresh in my mind .
I loved him -but if he had cheated again , love wasnt enough .
3/12 Chapter20 +5 Points I want to make this clear , he said firmly , his voice threaded with quiet resolve .
The video circulating of me is fake .
I did not cheat on my wife .
I have never been unfaithful to her , and I never will be .
The conviction in his voice was a sound I hadnt heard in days , and it cut through me .

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I wanted to believe him so badly but the past had left scars , and trust didnt come easy anymore .
I love Camille , he continued , each word steady .
She is my mate , and Ill do whatever it takes to protect her and clear my name .
Ive also issued a reward for any information regarding Audrey Hopkinss whereabouts .
This ends now .
His words hung in the air as my chest constricted .
4/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points I turned the television off and sank back onto the hotel bed .
It felt like I was stuck in an endless loop , the same nightmare playing on repeat .
Alpha Gilbert had betrayed me .
Alpha Thomas had failed me .
And now , this .
Was it me ? Was I cursed to bleed trust until I had none left to give ? Tears welled up , sliding freely down my cheeks as I pressed my hands to my face .
I had forgiven Alpha Gilbert .
I had forgiven Alpha Thomas .
But forgiveness lessened nothing not the ache in my heart or the gnawing doubt that whispered cruel truths in the still of the night .
And then there was Audrey .
5/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points She was the last puzzle piece , the jagged fragment piercing everything she touched .
If I ever wanted peace if I ever wanted to break free I had to confront her .
As if fate had been waiting , my phone buzzed on the nightstand .
I hesitated , glancing at the caller ID .
My stomach sank , and my heart skipped a beat .
Alpha Gilbert .
Against my better judgment , I answered .
Hello ? Camille .
His voice was soft , laced with something unsettling was it guilt ? Shame ? I stayed silent , torn between hanging up and hearing him out .
Ive been looking into Audrey , he said after 6/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points a moment .
Shes still out there , Camille .
I think I know where she might be hiding .
His words jolted me awake .
Suspicion crept into my tone .
Why are you helping me ? I asked , skeptical .
He sighed , and the deep exhale carried years of regret .
Because I owe you .
For everything .
I broke your trust your heart- and I cant change the past , but maybe I can help you move forward .
I swallowed hard , the emotions tangling inside of me a chaotic mess .
Thank you , I murmured .
Alpha Gilbert rattled off a list of potential locations places where Audrey could be hiding .
Each name sent icy chills down my spine as I carefully wrote them down .
7/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points .
Good luck , Camille , he said quietly before the line went dead .
I didnt waste another second .
I grabbed my bag , throwing on a coat and sunglasses before stepping into the empty hallway .
The hotel felt eerily quiet , my hurried footsteps the only sound as I made my way toward the elevator .
But just as I turned a corner , I bumped into someone , the sudden collision leaving me breathless .
Sorry , I muttered , stepping back .
My gaze lifted , and my heart dropped .
Alpha Xavien .
What are you doing here ? I demanded , frustration sharpening my voice like a blade .
8/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points The man blinked , confusion etched across his face .
Im sorry , do I know you ? What ? I snapped , disbelief tightening like a vice .
Really , Xavien ? Youre going to play ⚫ this game now ? Pretend you dont know me ? I think youve mistaken me for someone else , he said , his tone polite yet firm , as if trying to reason with a stranger .
His voice , his face , even the way he carried himself it was Alpha Xavien .
But the words didnt make sense .
Youre lying , I hissed , my fists clenching at my sides .
Look , lady , he said carefully , taking a step back , Im sorry if youre upset , but I dont 9/12 Chapter 20 + 5 Points know you .
Before I could respond , another figure walked up to him a woman .
Her movement was fluid , practiced , like shed walked into countless scenes like this and always known ⚫ her lines .
It was her .
The woman from the video .
She slid her arm through his like she belonged there .
Her eyes narrowed slightly as she glanced between us .
Is everything okay ? she asked , her voice sugary sweet .
Rage boiled inside me .
You , I spat , my body trembling as I took a step forward .
Every ounce of fury Id suppressed erupted all at once , boiling over 10/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points without warning .
Whats your problem ? the woman snapped , feigning confusion with an air of defiance .
I lunged at her , unable to stop myself .
She ⚫ let out a shriek , struggling to back away , but before I could reach her , Alpha Xavien -or whoever he was stepped between us , grabbing my arms firmly but without malice .
Stop ! he ordered , his voice loud enough to cut through the chaos .
His grip steadied me without crossing into aggression , but I pulled against him , glaring through furious tears .
Youre going to act like you dont know me ? I shouted , my frustration spilling out in shaky breaths .
Xavien , the woman said sharply , cutting me off .
Why does she keep calling you that ? 11/12 Chapter20 + 5 Points Turning to me , her expression shifted , a mix of irritation and genuine confusion .
My boyfriends name is Osbert .
Her words hit like a freight train .
I froze , the fight draining from my body as the air was stolen from my lungs .
What ? 12/12

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