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Karma’s coming, alphas novel

Chapter 12

Update: 2025-03-01 09:50:13 | 1 View
Chapter12 The image of the doctors lifeless body striking the ground clung to my mind like a shadow that refused to fade .
For days , it lingered , replaying in sharp , relentless detail the sickening thud , the way his body collapsed like a marionette with its strings cut .
Sleep was a luxury I couldnt afford , and when my body finally gave in to exhaustion , it was more from sheer collapse than true rest .
Through it all , Alpha Xavien stayed by my side .
He shadowed me with quiet concern , his watchful eyes betraying a worry he didnt even bother to mask .
You okay ? he asked one evening , his voice soft , his hand brushing against mine in a 1/9 Chame : 12 + 5 Points touch meant to steady .
I nodded , my tone deliberately firm .
Im fine.e.
And theres moway Im missing the auction n His brow creased , skepticism etched into to ⚫ every line off his expression , but I didnt pause long enough for him to voice an argument .
This auction is our best chance to dig deeper into what happened to the doctor , I said , leaning forward with conviction .
It has to have been Alpha Thomas .
He killed him to cover his tracks so there would be no one left to expose what he did to my mother .
If we dont prove it , hell walk free Alpha Xavien exhaled , a long , reluctant sigh as he leaned back in his chain .
Fire the conceded , though his concerm stiillcolored his tone .
But promise me youll take care of 22/9 Chapter12 + 5 Points yourself .
And the baby .
My hand reflexively went to my stomach , his words momentarily pulling me away from my anger .
I will , I murmured , quieter now .
A knock at the door broke the moment .
One of Alpha Xaviens staff stepped in , his eyes darting between the two of us .
Theres news , he said , the weight of his words palpable even before he spoke again .
Alpha Gilbert and Alpha Thomas theyre at each others throats .
Its public now .
Their feud is ripping The blue Moon Pack apart .
Let them destroy each other , I said , leaning back with a smirk that felt almost cathartic .
The more damage they do , the better .
Alpha Xaviens lips curved into a matching smile , though his was tinged with 3/9 Chaptepter12 + 5 Points calculatiation.Well let them fight , but we carr takeloupeyeyes off Alpha Thomas .
Hes thehe real threaeat .
The staffarnanebber hesitated , shifting on his is heels .
Theresels more , he added .
Audrey and Alpha Gilberertth their divorce is official .
My smile wideneded , the news hitting all the e right notes in my yimind .
Good .
Shes finally y reaping what shesesosown .
But the next bit of newssi didnt land as satisfying .
Without a witness , the judgdge says theres no probable cause for chargeses .
Theyre claiming the documents are forgede With no one to verify their authenticity … thereselsono case .
The rising anger inside me wasaimimmediate , my fists clenching as I forced downwa ar growl 4/4/9 Chapter12 + 5 Points of frustration .
Of course .
How convenient for them , I bit out .
Alpha Xavien , however , seemed almost unsurprised , his features calm but contemplative .
If the law isnt willing to play fair , he said slowly , then maybe its time we make sure it does .
I glanced at him , catching the edge in his voice , the subtext clear .
Youre suggesting we pay off the judge ? Why not ? he said , his tone chillingly casual , though his eyes burned with intent .
Alpha Thomas isnt afraid to play dirty .
Neither should we .
The idea planted itself in my mind , silent but stubborn , like a weed taking root in fertile soil .
I didnt respond , but the thought lingered , growing more tempting by the 5/9 Chapter12 + 5 Points second .
By the time the auction rolled around that evening , my focus had shifted .
The hall was a hive of activity , pulsing with the hum of conversation and the clinking of champagne glasses .
High profile investors , media , and socialites filled the room , their polished smiles hiding sharp intentions .
But when Alpha Xavien stepped in at my side , the atmosphere shifted atop its axis .
It was as if an unseen spotlight followed him , silencing the crowd with his presence .
Whispers started immediately .
Thats his Luna ? Shes a dead ringer for Camille Peters .
No way .
Luna Camilles six feet under .
6/9 Chapter12 + 5 Points I kept my head held high , my hand resting lightly on Alpha Xaviens arm .
The faint curve of my belly was hard to miss , and the moment it caught their attention , the gossip hit a fever pitch .
Theyre … expecting ? Is that why hes been so secretive lately ? The press wasted no time .

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Cameras surrounded us , flashes igniting like fireworks as questions flew in rapid fire succession .
Alpha Xavien , is this your Luna ? Luna Elena , people are saying youre Camille Peters .
Care to comment ? Are the rumors about your pregnancy true ? Alpha Xaviens grip on my hand tightened

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