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The Twins And My Escape To Freedom Novel

Chapter 6

Update: 2025-02-28 22:06:43 | 1 View
Chapter 6 Shattered , Yet Strong Lately , reality has been unkind to me , draining my stamina in ways I never thought possible .
Ive always prided myself on resilience .
yet the ordeal with Edgar has left me feeling hollow like a part of me has been stripped away .
I wont deny it his betrayal shattered my heart .
On the surface , I may seem strong , but deep inside , Im just a woman pretending to be okay And then , theres this pregnancy .
My body feels weaker than ever before .
But I dont blame them my babies .
No , not for a second .
If anything .
I blame myself for everything that has happened Dont worry , my babies .
You still have me , and I will love you with all that i an I caressed my stomach gently , whispering my silent promise , while watching my mother cook chicken soup in my kitchen .
For days , 1 had hesitated to let her visit my apartment after walking away from Edgar .
No one knew I had this place not even my mother which was why Edgar couldnt find me here.X I was shocked when you told me you were carrying twins , she said as she placed a steaming must not be easy , going through this alone .
bowl of soup pon the dining table .
I nodded : None of this was how I had imagined it would be I thought Id go through this pregnancy with Edgar by my side , that wed be just like any expecting couple eagerly awaiting the arrival of our children .
I had pictured the happiness on his face when he found out he was going to have not just one , but two heirs .
But that future no longer existed .
After his betrayal , I decided to keep this pregnancy a secret .
I refused to let him use our unborn children as an excuse to complicate the divorce .
Is Edgar still living in your penthouse ? my mother asked I nodded .
I suppose I was kind enough to let him have it .
Thats why I moved here .
Thats good .
She sighed .
He came to the house looking for you .
Have you seen him since the divorce ? my babies No.
He called a while ago , but thats about it.
Ive spent most of my time here , with My mother reached out and stroked my hair , the same comforting gesture she had done since I was a child .
You are a strong woman , Sharon .
You will get through this I nodded , warmth filling my heart as I looked at the woman in front of me .
Even after knowing what Edgar had done how he betrayed me despite everything I had given up for him she never blamed me .
I should go now , she said after a moment .
Your father is on his way back from his business trip , and I need to be home to elcome him .
Besides , I have a feeling Edgar might be watching me , hoping Ill lead him to you .
He knows I would visit you sooner or later .
She kissed my d my forehead softly before heading for the door Thank you for coming , Mom .
And for the soup , I said .
Ill come home once things settle down .
Take care of yourself and my grandbabies , alright ? And if you need anything , dont hesitate to call me I watched her leave , waving as she stepped into the elevator .
Just as the doors closed , I noticed a neighbor standing by his apartment door , staring at me with an unreadable expression A strange feeling crawled over me , the weight of his gaze making me uneasy .
Why was he looking at me like that ? I quickly stepped back inside , locking the door behind me .
I hope hes not a stalker , I muttered under my breath .
!! I collapsed onto my bed , pulling out the reports from my boutique .
Work had been piling up , but i still wasnt in the right state of mind to deal with it .
More than that , I was afraid afraid that my emotions would cloud my judgment , that my broken heart would spill into my work ! Healing from betrayal takes time .
And I needed time .

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The worst part was knowing how thoroughly Edgar had deceived me .
He had worn his mask so well that I never once suspected him .
How could I have been so blind ? So naive ? Im sorry , my loves , if I have to hate your father , I whispered , placing a hand on my slightly rounded belly .
I just hope you grow up with good hearts , despite everything .
That night , I slept surprisingly well .
I was grateful that my pregnancy had been relatively smooth just the usual morning sickness , but nothing unbearable Today , I had an appointment with my doctor .
It was time for another check up , and I was eager to see my babies again .
Wrapping myself in a thick coat and scarf , Heft my apartment and called for an Uber to take me to a hospital on the Manhattan e outskirts of The moment my name was called , I stepped into the consultation room , where I was greeted by Dr.
Liam the obstetrician recommended by my family doctor Dr.
Wright Hello , Ms.
Sharon .
How are you feeling ? Dr.
Liam smiled .
A little exhausted .
I admitted So , this is your first pregnancy ? Well , congratulations .
Lets start by checking your blood pressure .
So , this is your first pregnancy ? Well , congratulations .
Lets start by checking your blood pressure His assistant wrapped the cuff around my arm and took notes on my vitals .
Then , Dr.
Liam had me lie down as he began th ultrasound The moment the monitor flickered to life , my heart clenched .
There they were my babies .
Two tiny lives growing inside me Theyre doing wonderfully , Dr.
Liam said .
Both are healthy , growing right on track ) I blinked back tears .
Hearing their strong , steady heartbeats filled me with overwhelming emotion joy , relief , and a deep , aching guilt .
Seven years .
Seven years of marriage , waiting and praying for this moment .
And now , when it had finally come , I had to face it alone But maybe that was for the best .
Yeah .
Better for them to grow up without a father than to live in the toxic world he had created

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