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The Twins And My Escape To Freedom Novel

Chapter 2

Update: 2025-02-28 22:06:43 | 1 View
Chapter 2 I returned home late at night , shocked to see Edgar waiting for me on the porch .
at I had expected this , but part of me thought hed continue his nonsense and spend the night with Grace when he didnt find me a home S Why are you so late ? he asked , his expression anything but friendly .
I didnt answer .
Instead , I walked inside , removed my coat , and headed to the kitchen to prepare dinner .
Though honestly , I couldnt care less if my husband starved tonight .
Lets be real , couldnt he just order food with my money ? Edgar followed me , sighing audibly a few times as though trying to figure out how to get me to stop being mad at him .
Good at least he knew hed screwed up .
Not that it mattered much .
Just seeing his face was enough to ruin my mood again .
Sharon , are you still upset with me ? he asked .
I turned to face him , raising an eyebrow in disbelief .
Seriously ? Did he really need to ask ? Sharon , please dont act like a child .
You know Grace is my cousin .
Shes an orphan , and Im all she has % Oh , I know, Edgar Edgar smiled , clearly thinking Id let it go .
He walked over and hugged me from behind while I busied myself with dinner .
I let him have his little moment , pretending Id forgotten about everything that happened earlier Grace is hosting a welcome back party tomorrow at her house , Edgar said casually .
She invited you too , so you need to apologize to her .
% Why should I apologize ? Edgar let go of me and moved to stand beside me as I set the table .
Do you not realize how rude and disrespectful you were to her at the office ? You verbally attacked her .
Tm sorry .
I didnt realize shed feel that way , I said flatly Edgar snorted .
Whatever .
Just make sure you attend and apologize to her .
And one more thing dont cause any trouble at the party .
I know how your mind works , Sharon .
I hummed in response , letting him leave for the bedroom to freshen up .
Meanwhile , I ate dinner alone , a storm of emotions brewing inside me .
He didnt care about my physical or emotional state after his abuse and harsh words earlier .
Of course , why would he ? The man had made it clear he wanted my money , not my feelings .
The next day , we arrived at Graces house around noon ) The place was packed , despite Edgar once telling me Grace didnt have any family .
Well , maybe she had a lot of friends .
Sure , that made sense .
Edgar wrapped an arm around my waist , playing the perfect husband in front of the crowd .
He even kissed the top of my head when Grace came over to greet us || Welcome , Sharon ! she said cheerfully .
1 forced a smile .
She acted like nothing had happened , like she wasnt sneaking around with my husband just yesterday .
Grace suddenly grabbed my arm , forcing me to engage with her .
Sharon , I hope youre not still upset about yesterday , she said sweetly .
Upset ? Was she really asking that after shamelessly flaunting her affair with Edgar ? Disgusting Come on in ! Id love to introduce you to some of my friends .
You dont mind , right ? Edgar glanced at me , silently urging me to go along with Graces little show .
I sighed , gently prying her hand off my arm before .
walking inside like I owned the place .
Looking around the lavishly decorated house , I couldnt help but wonder was this house bought with my money too ? 3 Inside , the atmosphere was even livelier , filled with Graces friends and Edgars acquaintances .
I felt like a stranger in the middle of it all .
And oddly enough , Edgar hadnt invited his family people who , if Grace were really his cousin , would also be her family .
Grace led me to a group of her friends .
Hey , everyone ! Can I have your attention for a moment ? I want to introduce you to someone amazing my cousin in law , Sharon Wright .
Shes a famous designer ! Ive never seen her in the news or on social media .
Is she really famous ? one woman in a maroon dress said , her tone dripping with sarcasm.X Behind her , two other women whispered to each other smirking .
Something about this whole situation felt off .
Why do you think I care about your opinion ? I said , my voice calm but sharp .
I dont need your validation to be successful X I walked away , unwilling to waste my time on their petty comments .
But Grace wasnt done with me yet .
She followed me as I searched for the bathroom .
Sharon , wait ! she called , grabbing my arm again .
I sighed , pulling away from her grip .
Dont listen to them , she said .
Youre right they dont matter Oh , really ? I said , folding my arms You brought me into their nonsense in the first place , Grace .
I didnt mean to , she said , her voice soft and apologetic .
Im sorry … I guess youre still angry with me .
Good At least youre aware , Grace You shouldnt say things like that , Shared she replied , her tone suddenly sharper .
Her innocent facade cracked for a moment .
I didnt mean to hurt you , but I cant help how I feel , she said .
You know , Edgar Treats i Ain you confessing your sins to use , Grace ? ) We both know who the real problems is here , Sharon Wright so carefully .
How could I not fall I raised an eyebrow and let out a dry laugh .
She was pathetic , really beautiful , but tragically stupid : I dont care about your feelings or your affair Just leave me alone , Grace Huless you want to og like Edga Graces smirk retuned .
There it is .
The arogance of yours .

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Dont you see ? Thats why Edgar strayed from you Why woul te ? He never loved me to begin willi And youre absolutely disgusting Grace Sanon , % Shut your mouth ? Grace trapped , attempting to slap ine .
But I caught her wrist mid air and yanked it away , shoving her back with enough force to make her stiemble ) Grace cried out , falling to the floor drama just as Edgar appeared .
the hallway

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