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The Twins And My Escape To Freedom Novel

Chapter 30

Update: 2025-02-28 22:06:43 | 1 View
100 Chapter 30 % Two years after our unforgettable honeymoon trip , we sat together once again in our cozy home in Brooklyn .
Sipping hot tea , we reminisced about life and all that we had been through over the past year .
Though the world outside had changed and we had faced many challenges since then , the memories of our Swiss honeymoon remained as vividly etched in our hearts as the photos that adomed our walls .
Gabriel and George had grown older , their boundless enthusiasm and joyful laughter filling every comer of our home .
Watching them run from room to room , their cheerful smiles greeting us at every turn , brought us endless happiness .
With the amval of our third child , Shara , our home felt even more alive .
Just beginning to speak , she often delighted us with her first funny words , making us all burst into laughter The framed pictures from our top us standing before Lake Zurich , crossing the Kapellbrücke bridge , and laughing in the snow still decorated our walls .
Every time we passed by them , we couldnt help but smile , recalling how we had walked hand in hand through the deep snow , sipped hot chocolate at a lakeside case , and explored the world with hearts full of happiness One particular photo stood out in my memory the four of us stepping together through a snowy landscape , our faces radiant with pure joy Nathan , sitting beside me , gazed at one of the photos with a solt , nostalgic smile .

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Well go back there someday .
he said hopefully , maybe when the kids are older I smiled , warmth filling my heart at his words .
Leaning my head on his shoulder , I looked at another photo .
Who knows , right ? But no matter what happens , our journey has been perfect .
And we have a story worth remembering The sound of laughter suddenly pulled us from our thoughts .
The twins were playing with Shara , chasing each other around the dining table .
Their laughter was lighthearted and free , as if the world belonged only to them .
Soon , they came closer , their eyes filled with curiosity as they examined the pictures on the wall Mom , where is this ? George asked , pointing to the photo of us posing on the Kapellbrücke bridge .
Its in Switzerland , sweetheart Nathan answered with a smile .
A beautiful place , covered in snow .
Youll love it when we go there someday Gabriel , the eldest , furrowed his brow When can we play in the snow again , Dad ? he asked , hope gleaming in his eyes .
Nathan and I exchanged a knowing glance , our smiles minoring each others Maybe someday , Nathan replied .
Well find a place where you can have all the snow you want .
Sometimes , they would ask when we could return to the mountains , eager to relive the magic of that snowy adventure .
We could only smile , knowing that one day, the journey might be theirs to take We hoped they would one day experience the sand them forever ! Though many adventures awaited us in the year higher , the wonder , and the memories that would stay with Already on the last page to come , that honeymoon in Switzerland had been the beginning of everything t wasnt just about visiting beautiful places it was about discovering each other , sharing happiness , and creating memories that would last a lifet
ime .
As I gazed out the window at our small backyard garden , I realized that , while there was no snow or towering mountains , the happiness we had felt back then was still here .
It lived in every step we took together , in every laugh we shared , and in every little moment that made up our family The beauty of Switzerland may have been in the past , but the joy we carried home was infinite and irreplaceable Our journey as a couple , as a family was only just beginning .
We couldnt wait to see where the next adventure would take us Because with Nathan and the kids , happiness wasnt just a place we visited it was the home we built together I turned to Nathan , meeting his gaze as he smiled at me I love you , I whispered .
I love you too , he murmured , taking my hand in his and holding it lightly No matter what the future held , we knew that our home would always be filled with love and happiness starting with that one unforgettable trip

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