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Shining with My Ex-husband’s Enemy Novel

Chapter 29

Update: 2025-02-24 22:33:53 | 1 View
Chapter 29 Mommy Is So Bad ! Youre my precious , my heart and soul .
Im doing this for your own good , not because Im intention : going against your mom .
Chester , you wont blame me , will you ? Chester had cried for so long that his eyes were still very red .
Although he was in Rebeccas arms , he was staring intently in Hannahs direction .
At that moment , Hannah was holding Ethans hand tightly .
He was hopping around , clearly very happy , as if he hadnt noticed the tension .
Chester clenched his fist , his eyes becoming even redder .
In the past , his mom would hold his hand like this and treat him so gently .
But now , she wouldnt even glance at him .
Mommy is so bad ! He was so upset he could barely stand it ! He didnt want this bad mom ! Ms.
Rebecca .
He didnt answer Rebecca , instead curling up in her arms like a hurt little puppy .
Rebeccas lips curled up slightly .
The group entered the monitoring room , and the security guard had already set up the footage for everyone to view .
He had also made a copy of todays footage , which was handed over to the police .

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The police nodded and signaled for the video to be played .
The video began with the activity on the shaking bridge .
Every person on the bridge was clearly visible .
Rebeccas heart was in her throat .
She looked at Christian with a feigned vulnerability .
But at that moment , Christian wasnt even looking at her .
Instead , he was staring at Hannah and Hudson .
Even though the surveillance footage was about to reveal the truth , Hannah still showed no signs of pante , quietly speaking to Hudson Christians emire body seemed coated in ice , his anger nmistakable in his gaze .
Rebecca cautiously tugged at his sireve , Only then did Christian shap out of it , turning to see li pitiable expression .
1721 Chapter 29 Mommy Is So Bad ! Finished He glanced back at Hannah for a moment , then gently wrapped his arm around Rebeccas shoulder .
Its okay , Im here .
Rebecca bit her lip , feeling a wave of intense fear , She couldnt shake the feeling that those words werent sincere .
It seemed more like he was deliberately challenging someone , She couldnt sit idly by .
She had to come up with a plan to make Christian love only her again ! The video finally reached the point before Chester fell into the water .
Hannah took two steps forward , staring intently at the screen .
During the shaking of the bridge , the last person suddenly lost their balance and fell forward .
This caused the crowd to push against each other .
At that moment , Christian and Rebecca were hugging , which caused Chester to lose his grip and fall straight down .
Hannah clenched her fists , her eyes full of cold determination .
Rebecca , looks like I wasnt wrong about you ! She handed her phone to the police .
This video shows me questioning her about the crime and shes already admitted to defaming me .
Rebecca shook her head .
No , I didnt … I wasnt stable at that moment , and you were right behind us .
I … Please come with us , the police said sternly after watching the video .
Rebeccas words stuck in her throat , and tears started to fall in frustration .
Suddenly , she looked down at Chester .
Chester , Fin sorry .
I only wanted to protect you , but I made a mistake .
I will be gone for a while .
Be good and stay with your dad .
Chester seemed to understand something from her words .
He suddenly rushed over and clung to the police officers leg I dont want Ms.
Rebecca to be taken away ! Ms.
Rebecca isnt a bad person , Mominy is the bad one ! Morny doesnt want me ! Hannah gendy closed her eyes .
Even now , she couldnt understand how she had raised Chester with so trich care , only for him to turn out this way , Momniy Ethan took her hand .
Mouny , youre amazingl You n Chapter 29 Mommy Is So Bad ! Hannah slowly opened her eyes , and when she saw Ethans adoring gave She suddenly realized something .
She shouldnt blame herself for everything .
72 % 1 Finished tears filled her eyes .
Once she had decided to move on , she needed to look forward , not stay trapped in the present .
Chesters crying grew louder , and it started to interfere with the polices work .
The police frowned and looked at Christian .
Ford , please take care of your child .
.Christian , irritated by the noise and frustrated by his earlier misunderstanding of Hannah , was visibly annoyed .
He was about to reach out and pull Chester back when he heard Rebeccas crying voice .
At first , I was too hasty .
After realizing I said the wrong thing , I wanted to apologize to Hannah .
But I didnt expect her to be so resolute .
Im not afraid of being detained … Chris , please dont interfere .
Itll affect your reputation .
Her words , both direct and indirect , subtly blamed Hannah for making a big deal out of things , putting Christian in a difficult position .
Christians pent up anger exploded instantly .
Hannah are you happy now ? Hannah nodded .
Yes , very .
She needs to pay the price for defaming me ! The veins on Christians forehead were throbbing .
Are you doing all this over a dog ? Are you still targeting Rebecca 58

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