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Shining with My Ex-husband’s Enemy Novel

Chapter 12

Update: 2025-02-24 22:33:53 | 1 View
Shining with My Ex husbands Enenty Chapter 12 A chance close to big boss 10874 % Finished Kelvin Johnson was a collector of trendy items and often bid on rare pieces for his collection .
So , he kept a close eye on auctions .
Actually , a friend of mine has one .
If you want it , I can have it sent over .
Christian let out a low Mm .
Kelvin then asked , So , are we going to the golf course or not ? Christian pushed aside the thoughts of Hannah that has crept into his mind and cleared his head .
Were going When Hannah arrived at the office , she went straight to a department meeting .
The design team had just landed a new project , a lounge design for a golf course .
This was an additional task tied to a Whitmore Group project .
Since she was still new at the company , a high profile project like this wasnt expected to fall on her .
So , as usual she returned to her desk to continue working on her designs .
But unexpectedly , her supervisor Audrey Walker , called out to her .
Hannah , pack up your things .
Youre coming with me to the site .
Hannah paused for a moment .
You mean the golf course ? Audrey nodded .
Thats right .
The boss is going too , be sharp .
For a second , Hannah thought she had misheard .
It wasnt until Audrey repeated herself that she snapped out of it .
Quickly , she gathered her things and followed her out ..
Their car followed Hudson to the golf course .
Once they arrived , Audrey led her directly to him .
Hudson glanced at her briefly , then checked his watch before speaking .
After twenty minutes , well inspect the site .
Hannah quickly noted it down and prepared to grab her equipment .
Whitmore , why didnt you bring a date ? Not far away , Tommy Brown walked over with his arm around a woman in a sporty mini skirt .
She wore no makeup , her high ponytail adding to her youthful energy .
Tommy dressed in sportswear , had a tall well built frame , his sharp handsome features added an air of refinement to his presence , Oh , wait my bad .
You did bring someone .
Tommy turned his gaze to Hannah , looking her up and down .
Strange , looks kind of familiar : Hannah quickly lowered her head , 1/3 19:37 Mon , Feb 24 DWG · Chapter 12 A chance close to big loss 一般 874 % 廠 Finished She thought of course I do 4 year ago , we were at the same charity gala .
But back then .
I have spent the entire night taking care of Chester , practically invisible to the crowd .
Whitmore , thats not fair , are you trying to avoid playing with me ? Your date didnt even bother to change ! Tommy deliberately darkened his expression looking as if he wouldnt discuss business unless they played golf properly .
Hudson frowned slightly and glanced at Hannah , silently asking for her input .
Hannah kept silent .
Before she could respond .
Audrey quickly grabbed her arm .
Thats my fault , taking up too much time , thats why Hannah didnt get a chance to change .
Tommy please dont mind it .
Ill take her to get changed right away .
You and Mr.
Whitmore go ahead .
and start .
With that she grabbed Hannah and pulled her away , not giving her a chance to speak .
Im warning you , this is a great opportunity .
Take the chance to find out what Mr.

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Tommy likes .
Hannah really didnt want to join the game .
Given her complicated situation , it could easily cause trouble .
Audrey , dont we need to inspect the site : Audrey shot her a look of frustration .
This is your chance to get close to the big boss , make sure you do well ! This years design department bonus depends on you ! Hannah speechless .
She wanted to refuse .
But then again , what was there to be afraid of.I was legally divorced .
working an honest job .
If I have nothing to hide .
I have nothing to fear ! The one who should be a shame was Christian ! OK , then Ill leave the site inspection to you .
She headed to the locker room , where a fresh set of sportswear had already been delivered , when she changed into it , she realized it was also a mini skirt se Her figure was well proportioned , and her long , fair legs were straight and slender , making it impossible to look away .
As she stepped out , the golf course manager Frank Smith happened to pass by .
His eyes widened instantly .
I cant believe theres such a stunner at my course ! He stepped forward , blocking Hannah path ..
New here ? You know how to play ? Hannah came from a well off background , so she had some experience with golf .
A lule Frank chuckled , stepping closer and smacking her on the hip with a loud slap before reaching for her waist .
Just a little ? No worries , I can teach you everything you need to know 2213 19:37 Mon , Feb 24 G.
Chapter 12 A chance close to big boss Finished Hannahs expression darkened as she stomped down liard on his polished leather shoes .
Frank howled in pain , immediately letting go as he hopped on one foot The moment she was free , Hannah wasted no time , she turned and ran .
But before she could get far , the nearly ran straight into Hudson .
Whitmore ? Why are you here ?? Hudson didnt answer .
Instead , he simply gestured for Her to stand behind him .
Then , he looked up his gaze turning ice cold as it locked onto Frank .
Frank froze for a moment before smacking his forehead and forcing Mr.
Whitmore , sorry I didnt know she was with you .
ut an awkward laugh .
Relying on his long standing collaboration with the Whitmore Group , he chuckled as he explained , I wouldnt dare touch her , dont worry ! Before you get tired of her , Im just taking a look ! Hudson slowly took off his coat and casually tossed it to Hannah .
Then , he flexed his wrist slightly .
Apologize to her ! 58

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