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Shining with My Ex-husband’s Enemy Novel

Chapter 21

Update: 2025-02-24 22:33:53 | 1 View
Shining with My Ex husbands Enenty Chapter 21 A Mothers Worth Fi Amélia frowned , looking at Hannah with disbelief .
Are you trying to say it was you ? Mrs.
Ford , dont vain .
Youre just a housewife with no income how could you possibly influence the companys foundation ? Even if you say it , I wouldnt believe it .
Hannahs expression darkened .
A full time wife may not earn a paycheck , but that doesnt mean her isnt valuable .
Do you know the salaries of professional nannies , tutors , home organizers , therapists , emotional support coaches , and chefs ? A full time wife does all of that for her family , yet her husband refuses to compensate her accordingly .
Thats not the wifes failure its the husbands incompetence .
Amelia , youre blaming the wrong person .
Instead of criticizing full time wives , why dont you hold incapable husbands accountable for their hypocrisy ? With that , she grabbed Ethans hand and turned to leave .
But after a few steps , she paused and glanced back .
Amelia , you were only able to leave the village because of financial aid .
You , of all people , should understand the power of women .
You can pretend not to understand the foundations purpose , but let give you a piece of advice dont limit your vision .
If you do , youll never grow beyond where you are now .
She held Ethans hand and walked down the hill .
A gentle breeze rolled in , and the setting sun stretched her shadow long against the ground .
Amelia stood there , trembling .
She didnt even understand why those few words had ignited a long forgotten fire in her heart .
Chester , still crying , asked , Madam Amelia , why didnt you stop my mom ? His voice wasnt loud , but it struck Amelia like thunder , When she was a child , her small mountain village had once bought a beautiful woman .
That woman had been beaten half to death , but she never gave in .
In the end , she had used sheer willpower to escape .
Amelia had admired her deeply .
In her heart , she had prayed for that woman to find a better future .
But her father , along with the village elders , had been furious .
Why didnt you catch her ? Find her ! If shes caught , kill her ! She cant be allowed to escape ! She had watched those mens twisted , vicious faces and had nightmares for weeks .
That was when she vowed to escape that village .
And now , that same monstrous demand echoed in Cheters voice .
She stared at him in shock .
Why should I stop her ? Whether she wants to separate or divorce , thats her choice .
Chester instartly became agitated , pounding on her ba 19:38 Mon , Feb 24 Chapter 21 A Mothers Worth 7361 Finished No ! Shes my mom ! Shes supposed to stay home and take care of me! Shes supposed to love only me ! I dont care I want my mom ! I want her back ! : His high pitched screams rang through the air .
Amelias temples throbbed from the noise .
Just then , Christians call came through .
Where did you take Chester ? Amelia glanced at Chester , who had finally stopped crying , and lowered her voice .
He was upset , so took him out for a walk .
Alright , bring him home soon .
Thanks for watching him Ill be back by nine .
Amelia hesitated for a moment before speaking .
Ford , on the 20th , theres an event for the foundation .
They need you to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony .
Thats a small matter .
Just go in my place .
But one of the attendees is Kelly the woman you once sponsored .
Her grip tightened around the phone .
Years ago , Kelly had written a letter to thank her benefactor , and he had even written back .
That was how she had learned that Christian was the one who had funded her education .
To this day , Kelly still kept in touch with her benefactor through email .
So when Amelia brought it up , she knew Christian , despite his reluctance , would at least acknowledge it .
Her heart clenched with unease .
If Hannah really was the true founder of this foundation , she wouldnt even know how to face herself anymore .
Christians silence felt endless , making her more and more nervous .
That day is Chesters kindergarten open house .
Ive already cleared my schedule .
He actually explained himself .
Amelia breathed a sigh of relief .
Christian was a family man , ambitious in his career , and personally involved in his childs education .
A man like that , who cared so much about his own child , would naturally be kind enough to help others .
Hannah must have been trying to provoke her with these words earlier .
She needed to expose Hannahs façade .
As if sensing that she was on the phone with Christian Chester finally stopped crying , Amelia bent down and picked him up .

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Chester lets endiame 19:38 Mon , Feb 24 G.
Chapter 21 A Mothers Worth After hearing Christians explanation , she even felt a little guilty toward Chester .
After all , he was just a five year old child .
How could I compare him to the cruel men from my old will Chester pouted .
Why didnt you tell dad what happened ? If dad says something , Mom will have to apologize to me ! Amelia was caught off guard .
Huh ? Finis Mom was talking back to you the whole time .
Doesnt that make you mad ? Shes always scolding me too its so annoying ! Just moments ago , he had been crying for his mom .
Now , he was complaining about her .
Amelia couldnt understand the logic of a childs mind .
After a moment , she said , Its fine .
She just has too much pride and doesnt want me to look down on her so she said those things , 58 19:38 Mon , Feb 24 Shining with My Ex husbands Enenty Chapter 22 A Bond Unbreakable

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